Additional Information on the influence of the moon on personal and family relationships.

Science has long proven that there is a fairly tight relationship between the state of the moon and the physical characteristics of people on our planet. This main satellite of the Earth has an impact on many areas of human life.

There are three main factors of the influence of the Moon, which determine what kind of energy prevails in this moment in our world, to what behavior, well-being, emotional mood it inclines us. This is the ordinal number of the lunar day, the phase of the moon and the sign of the zodiac in which the moon is located.

The nature of the lunar day to a very large extent determines our behavior. depends on the phase of the moon energy state organism, the degree of its vitality and activity. The sign of the Zodiac determines the emotional mood and inclination to a particular type of activity.

Everyone knows that there is a close relationship between the behavior of the Moon and various physical processes on Earth. This satellite of our planet exerts its influence on many aspects of human life. One such area, according to astrologers, is personal relationships between members of opposite sexes. And therefore, astrologers strongly recommend that we take into account the lunar rhythms when building romantic relationship so that our aspirations do not contradict, but harmonize with lunar influence on human biorhythms.

Let's try to combine our behavior with the biorhythms of the lunar calendar. So, in the lunar month, it is customary to separate four phases: the new moon, the phase of the growing moon, the full moon and the phase of the waning moon. During the new moon period, astrologers do not recommend making any important decisions and making certain plans in your personal life, but the full moon is just the time of the peak of romantic feelings.

However, be careful, the full moon affects too much emotional personalities, increases anxiety and nervousness, quarrels and scandals are possible. The phase of the growing moon is favorable for any new beginnings, and the phase of the waning moon is a time when activity is reduced and new relationships will be difficult to develop.

The moon naturally influences our emotions. With the change of the sign of the Zodiac, in which the Moon is located, our emotions change. Every month we go through the whole ever-changing set of cosmic rhythms and energies. When we are in unison with them, everything is fine with us, everything is successful, transactions go according to plan, loans are easily issued, etc. When we do not fit in, everything does not go so smoothly.
If you want to be successful when starting a business or building a new relationship, be sure to check the lunar calendar.


Have you ever dreamed by moonlight? I think yes. And about what? About love, friendship, happiness? Most likely, and about the first, and about the second, and about the third. Well, I hope your dreams have come true or are coming true. If not, then maybe the Moon is to blame for not responding to your wishes? Believe me, this assumption has the right to exist.

Imagine that you have come to an appointment with an official. What will depend on happy outcome affairs? From his mood, circumstances that are successful or not very good, etc. The same can be said about the Moon. There are days when her energy acts most positively in resolving heart problems. Your happiness is real, just strive for it, being in harmony with the universe.

So, all the wishes made on the 1st lunar day will certainly come true, it is only important to formulate them accurately and strive with all your heart towards the intended goal. It is better if you know in advance what needs to be thought out, because sometimes lunar day last only a few minutes.

Some may find it unromantic to plan dreams like everyday activities. Perhaps so, only when they are fulfilled, you are unlikely to regret it. Therefore, it’s better to think about: what kind of person would you like to see next to you, what is the most important thing for you now, what would you like to get rid of. What attracts you in the chosen one: intelligence, practicality, reliability? Maybe beauty and charm?

The main thing to remember is that when we choose favorable lunar days for a romantic relationship, thoughts should be "just about love. Imagine yourself next to your chosen one, your general happiness, sincerity and reciprocity. I will immediately warn against mercantile intentions. Of course, you can imagine yourself next to a famous and rich person, but, firstly, realistically assess your capabilities and, secondly, imagine how many such requests the Moon "receives" from those who want to take the "golden place"? So it's better to think about the closest, most beloved and unique person for whom you You don't have to fight hundreds of opponents.

Sit comfortably, turn off everything that interferes with concentration (telephone, TV, etc.). Relax and enjoy the fullness of sensations. Just do not try to go too far in your dreams - do not waste energy in vain, so that instead of happiness, disappointment does not come to you. Many simply drown in their fantasies, and subsequently loneliness and pipe dreams become their companions.

So, the 1st lunar day has come. You confidently share your innermost thoughts with the Moon. Then just let go of the dreams, let them be free. After all, people who live an obsession cannot lead a full life. Be careful not to be captured by your own illusions.


Astrologers suggest doing meditation with fire on the 1st lunar day. Sit down at the table. Place a lit candle in front of you, preferably a wax one. Concentrate on the flame and imagine yourself inside it. Fire destroys all dirt. Remember the insults, misses, mistakes. Mentally say: “Yes, it was, I understood everything correctly, I don’t need this anymore. Give the burdens of the soul to the fire. Put in it your old ideas about life, shackling attitudes and thoughts. Feel light and free. Your soul is open to happy change.

On the 2nd day, trust your intuition. However, do not go to extremes: a person rarely finds happiness as if by magic. Each new day brings something special, over time you can improve, comprehend the new, discover the previously unknown in yourself. You are getting better - your happiness is getting closer. No one knows how long it will take: a month or a year. However, every day you are getting closer to your happiness.


Consider the period of the Moon's stay in certain signs of the Zodiac. For example, it is easiest to find mutual language when the Moon is in Gemini and Leo. Therefore, use these days to the maximum: try to be in public and communicate more.

In general, the entire first phase of the moon is designed to focus on the desired and develop a plan to achieve goals. The main thing during this period is not to rush into action. Everything has its time.

I will especially note the 6-lunar day. On this day, intuition is sharpened, in objects you can see a special sign, and in events - an indication or advice. Take a closer look, perhaps something special will prompt you to think about your beloved and further relations with him. It is this day that will help you make a final decision and gradually move from thoughts to action.

For mental "love preparation" do not miss one moment. Even if you decide that a person was created for you, this does not mean at all that it is so. Sometimes the Universe itself prevents future relationships. Later we realize that, on the contrary, she saved us from disappointments and troubles. Our grandmothers are not so wrong, saying: “It’s not destiny, it means ...”.

If you don’t succeed before the fourth phase of the moon, although you are firmly convinced that you are going towards fate, then postpone your attempts until the next lunar month (it is believed that the last quarter has an unfavorable effect on everything related to love relationship). The ancient Greeks called this period "a chipped stone, where the words of love will dissolve in the cracks."

I would like to congratulate those whose efforts have been crowned with success. You have found your love, now is the time to seize happiness. Pay special attention to the 17th lunar day: it is he who is considered the most favorable to start Serious relationships and also for marriage.

The moon helps, but does not create. You yourself hold the bird of happiness in your hands, and it is up to you to decide what to do with it: let it go free if it dreams of heaven, warm it to your heart if it dreams of warmth, or kill it without calculating your strength or not appreciating the treasure, which fell into your hands.

As Honoré de Balzac said, "everything comes in time to those who know how to wait." One more thing: if you do not learn to love and understand yourself, to live in harmony with yourself, you will never be able to be happy with anyone. Only those who give will receive. Only those who know how to be grateful will be able to give with an open mind and heart. Live in harmony, enjoy every moment - and, as one said famous astrologer, "The moon will become for you a reliable compass in the sea of ​​life, it will teach you how to navigate in any fog and will invariably lead you to the islands of happiness and love."

Human life is not without loss. Of course, this also applies to love. Then you will find your happiness again, and the previous relationship will seem imperfect. The moon will also play an important role in this.

It is not in vain that they say that the best cure for love is another love. However, first of all, it is necessary to get rid of the old burden, to gain freedom in thoughts and action. Imagine that you were going to drink tea, but it was already cold. You want a strong, hot drink. What will you do? Pour out the old one, wash the cup and make a fresh one, fragrant tea. Same thing with love...

True love is always mutual. It is difficult for many to assimilate the truth: after all, so many wonderful books, so many films are dedicated to the unfortunate, unrequited, but such romantic love. If you think that such a relationship is suitable - well, love unrequitedly. However, it is better to sublimate them into something worthwhile than to suffer and turn your emotions into a self-destructive force. It's not love, it's sickness.

If you are unable to free yourself, try to use the healing power of lunar days - wait for the 8th lunar day. It is believed that this day is best suited for inner liberation, repentance, deliverance from sins. Prayer and holy water will help here, which can be taken in the temple or purchased at the church shop. Prayer should go from the bottom of the heart, with repentance. The prayer book is easy to get today. At the same time, sincere prayer from the heart is better than memorized.

When you wake up, take a shower, feel how the jets of water cleanse your body and wash away all the dirt, resentment and negative emotions. Wash your face with holy water and drink a few sips. Read the prayer. Try not to eat a lot of food on this day, and even more so do not take alcohol.

In the middle of the lunar day, you can start the cleansing procedure. Left alone in a calm environment (turn off the phone and TV), take a sheet of paper, pencils or multi-colored pens and turn into a creative person. It is necessary to draw ... your unhappy love. Do it how it goes. Maybe it’s easier for you to throw out emotions in poetry or prose? Or you draw a heart and then tear a piece of paper. If you are by nature very calm person why not write an ordinary letter to a former lover? You must completely free yourself from oppressive thoughts, calm down and feel free, as they say, with newly acquired wings.


If emotions or memories flooded over you, then do not hold them back: cry, laugh, grieve. Release them, release them from you.

When you feel like an absolutely free person, without a single thought or emotion, look at the paper, at what you have done, and burn this sheet. You are ready for a new, happy and successful life.

"Penitence" days should be spent, not only when something happens. Try to get rid of negative energy as often as possible. The best for this are the 3rd, 7th, 8th, 16th, 18th, 25th and 29th lunar days.

Lunar cosmetology

You probably won't be surprised to learn of a new realm that is heavily influenced by the cycles of the moon. Now we will talk about lunar cosmetology.

Since ancient times, the moon has acted as the patroness of healers. It's no secret that medicinal herbs all healers collect only at certain times, depending on the lunar cycles. Each medicinal plant takes on special medicinal properties on the corresponding lunar days.

On the other hand, the Moon has a special influence on various cosmetic procedures, including those related to skin and hair care. It is very important to take this into account when carrying out procedures, because this way you can get best result and always look great.

Herbs are selected depending on the position of the moon at the time of the birth of a person, as well as the lunar day on which cosmetics are made. What you need to know if you decide to cook for yourself healing decoctions or fees for baths and lotions.

Rules for making cosmetics at home

For optimal results, select the period of the waxing moon, when it will pass through moon sign The zodiac under which you were born. On this day, your energy manifests itself especially strongly, which the Moon contributes to a large extent, which means that cosmetics will give you all the best and healing.

Basic rules for the preparation of home cosmetics (for example, cream and ice).

1. Pre-prepare melt water.

2. Determine your lunar zodiac sign.

3. Prepare the medicinal herbs you will need.

4. Prepare the base. Baby moisturizing milk is best suited for these purposes (ideally for newborns). It should have the consistency of thick sour cream (if you have dry skin) or thinner (if your skin is oily or combination). A two-hundred-gram bottle is usually enough for a period of 3 to 6 months, depending on the time of year and the intensity of use.

5. On the day of the growing moon, when it will pass through your lunar zodiac sign, prepare a decoction.

6. In advance, select a ceramic or glass container for 200-300 ml for the cream.

7. Combine the components of the cream in a bowl, for example, in a half-liter jar: 1/3 moisturizing milk, 2/3 decoction, if required by prescription - aloe or Kalanchoe juices, vitamins A and E (in liquid form). Put the cream in the refrigerator - it should be stored at a temperature of +3 gr. WITH.

Dilute the remaining broth with melt water, pour into ice bags and freeze.

How to use the cream correctly:

  • take the jar out of the refrigerator;
  • shake its contents thoroughly;
  • the foam formed from shaking will be the cream that you apply to your face.

What to do about cellulite?

Diets, pregnancy, stress, menopause, other stages in life not only leave a mark on the memory, but also have visible consequences for the silhouette. The problem of the so-called cellulite continues to be relevant. For some reason it is believed that Orange peel”is an exclusively female problem. Alas, this is deeply misleading.

Cellulite is characterized by a local disturbance in the metabolism of adipose tissue, based on pathological changes which are hormonal, vascular, alimentary factors and hypodynamia.

You can deal with the problem in different ways: do special exercises, massage, etc. All this will bear fruit. However, let's try to turn to the Moon for help. First of all, you need to determine the optimal period for starting the "anti-cellulite fight". According to the lunar calendar, the young moon is best suited, that is, the first two quarters from the 1st to the 14th lunar day. On the first lunar day, make detailed plan: what will be the diet, what additional vitamins and medicinal herbs you will take, consider self-massage and body wraps.


First of all, the diet must be balanced. Eliminate fatty, high-calorie foods. This is especially true for fatty meat, mayonnaise, fried potatoes, floury and sweet. Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet, especially in raw form.

The best period for a diet or cleansing the body of toxins is after the 15th lunar day.


Make sure you get the right amount of vitamins and minerals for your body. Vitamin E is very useful (in the form of an oil solution). If you are a supporter of natural products, then remember that the largest number vitamin E is found in sprouted grains, oil from wheat germ, spelled or flax, as well as in corn, watercress, milk, cream, barley and wholemeal bread.

Massage and self-massage

Use self-massage techniques every day in the shower, combining it with body wraps (no more than 2-3 times a week). If possible, visit a massage therapist. best period for this - the second and third lunar quarters, especially when the Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius.

Don't forget about important condition: procedures are performed only in good mood, without self-compulsion. In this case, you will be successful.

The secret to lush and thick hair

Perhaps hair reacts most strongly to the lunar cycles. Not without reason, in folk cosmetology, most of the signs are connected precisely with the influence of the moon on the hair: “Cut your hair on the outside (full moon) so that the hair is full”, “They don’t cut their hair on the waning moon, but weave braids”, etc.

Consider every lunar day in order to know when it is better to visit a hairdresser, and when you should not rush.

1st lunar day.

It is believed that cutting hair on this day shortens life.

2nd lunar day.

A haircut can lead to quarrels and litigation.

3rd lunar day.

A haircut will lead to material waste and poor health.

4th lunar day.

A haircut on this day is associated with a feeling of discomfort and longing caused by the fear of losing loved ones. Exacerbations of diseases of the throat or oral cavity are possible.

5th lunar day.

A haircut can help improve the material condition and general well-being.

6th lunar day.

On this day, it is better to avoid cutting hair. You can catch a cold.

7th lunar day.

A day when cutting hair can lead to conflicts and quarrels with close associates or management. Possible different kind exacerbation of health.

8th lunar day.

The perfect day for a haircut. It promises good health and a comfortable life until old age.

9th lunar day.

Diseases and all kinds of problems overtake a person who has a haircut on this day.

10th lunar day.

It is better to refrain from visiting a hairdresser.

11th lunar day.

Haircut develops the sharpness of the senses, increases the insight of the mind.

12th lunar day.

It is better to postpone the haircut for a more favorable period, since misfortunes are attracted on this day, the likelihood of injury increases, up to death.

13th lunar day.

I Good time for a haircut. On this day, you will not only acquire a beautiful appearance, but also attract good luck and happiness into your life.

14th lunar day.

Improvement in all spheres of life: from position in society to material well-being.

15th lunar day.

An unfavorable day for visiting a hairdresser. A haircut is fraught with negative consequences in almost all areas (from a deterioration in the general condition of the body to a disorder of mental processes).

16th lunar day.

By cutting your hair on this day, you incur misfortunes from personal mistakes and accidents that follow. In addition, it becomes much more difficult to keep passions and negative habits under control.

17th lunar day.

A haircut creates all sorts of obstacles in business and leads to poor health (from an increase in the likelihood of injury to mental disorders). According to Eastern beliefs, the most harmful spirits are attracted when cutting hair on this day.

18th lunar day.

A haircut on this day increases the likelihood of theft or robbery, which can lead not only to loss of property, but also to deterioration in health.

19th lunar day.

It is better to postpone business and find time to visit a hairdresser, as a haircut on this day prolongs life.

20th lunar day.

A haircut at this time changes the attitude towards life for the worse. Even a convinced optimist will begin to perceive everything negatively, up to the emergence of disgust for life in general and the environment in particular.

21st lunar day.

External and internal beauty, as well as well-being and a good position, will accompany those who have their hair cut on this day.

22nd lunar day.

On the one hand, a haircut on this day contributes to acquisitions, and on the other hand, it can lead to weight gain.

23rd lunar day.

A haircut will bring a healthy complexion and improve well-being.

24th lunar day.

A very bad day for a haircut. It threatens with deterioration of health, especially if there are chronic or hidden diseases.

25th lunar day.

On this day, an increase in intraocular pressure or exacerbation of other eye diseases is possible. There is a high likelihood of barley or inflammation.

26th lunar day.

Positive day. It does not bring fatal changes, but a haircut or styling will turn out to be surprisingly beautiful, which will improve your mood.

27th lunar day.

Auspicious day for haircut.

28th lunar day.

The appearance after visiting the hairdresser will serve you well in attracting and charming the right people.

29th-30th lunar days.

It is better to postpone the haircut for a more favorable period for this. The periods of the passage of the Moon through the Zodiac circle also have an effect on the hair.

Moon in Aries.

An unfavorable period for a haircut, leading to a weakened immune system, which increases the likelihood of various kinds of diseases.

Moon in Taurus.

The perfect time to visit the salon. When cutting during this period, the hair grows well, strengthens, acquires resistance to external influences, and splits less.

Moon in Gemini.

Time is favorable for voluminous, airy hairstyles. Hair growth after a haircut is quite fast, but their quality and structure remain unchanged.

Moon in Cancer.

After a haircut during this period, the hair ceases to obey, it is difficult to style it, regardless of the quantity and quality of the fixator used. From a haircut while the moon is in the constellation of Cancer, you should refrain.

Moon in Leo.

A visit to the hairdresser at this time will make your hair thick, lush and silky. If you want to change the rhythm and content of your life, then a haircut during the lunar Leo period is the first step on the ladder to achieve this goal.

Moon in Virgo.

One of auspicious days to visit the salon. During this period, the structure improves and hair growth accelerates. Perming or coloring work out as well as possible.

Moon in Libra.

Volume and fixation are easily achievable on this day. In addition, the haircut has the effect of increasing growth and improving the structure of the hair. They will become lush and thick.

Moon in Scorpio.

controversial period. A haircut will lead to changes in personal life, but there is no way to predict in which direction. If you don't want to risk it, put off going to the hairdresser.

Moon in Sagittarius.

Cutting your hair while the Moon is in Sagittarius can bring your career to new horizons, improve relationships with colleagues and partners in business circles.

Moon in Capricorn.

Good time to visit the salon. General state hair will improve. Moon in Aquarius.

Aquarius has quite Negative influence on hair. Increases the likelihood of hair loss and baldness.

Moon in Pisces.

Better to forget about visiting the hairdresser. Haircut leads to the appearance of dandruff, which will not be easy to eliminate. Even washing your head and hair should be as rare as possible.

Removal of excess hair

Modern beauty standards demand that a woman's skin be clean, soft, smooth and free of excess hair. Or rather, without them at all. Well, standards are standards. But for some, removing body hair has become a problem. Hair grows back quickly, even worse if ingrown hairs appear, the skin around which becomes inflamed.

What can the lunar calendar advise in this situation?

So, the most favorable time for depilation is the last quarter of the Moon, when it is in the sign of Capricorn. It is possible to carry out hair removal during the period of the waning moon in other signs of the zodiac, but in no case in Leo, Virgo, Aries or Taurus.

If you follow these guidelines, your hair will grow back more slowly, and it is possible that you will avoid the problem of ingrown hairs. This will happen because the skin during the waning moon is relaxed and the hairs are removed along with the root, and the growing ones do not change the direction of growth.

There is an opinion that it is better to abandon chemicals, as they adversely affect the skin. Well, there is a reason for this, but modern drugs are gentle and do not have such a detrimental effect as the means of the past generation. I would recommend avoiding depilatory creams for pregnant women, especially during the first trimester.

Nose hair removal (a major concern for many) is best done when the Moon is in Pisces.

Skin care

Skin care is a true art. Even with the modern abundance of cosmetics, many pay attention to how differently the skin reacts at certain points. The moon played its part here too. The fact is that with the waning moon, the body is more readily freed from everything unnecessary, harmful, and therefore the skin is ready to part with dead cells, it better perceives various creams and masks.

The most serious procedure that can be done at home is peeling. Literally translated from in English this word means "cleansing", "scraping". In cosmetology, this is the name given to the procedure for removing dead skin particles artificially. The effect is obvious:

the skin becomes soft and silky, and for quite a long time you can enjoy the purity, freshness of your face and body. If peeling is carried out at the wrong time, the result will be just the opposite: the skin will turn red, become more rigid and itching may appear. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right lunar days for peeling. So:

  • the most favorable time is with the waning moon, except for the days when it is in the signs of Cancer and Pisces;
  • permissible - with a young Moon, as well as with a waning in the signs of Cancer and Pisces;
  • an unfavorable time - with a young moon in the days of Cancer and Pisces.

The peeling procedure can be carried out no more than once a week, depending on the type of skin and the cosmetics used.

Nail care

Secret successful care behind the body and skin lies in regularity - this is clear to everyone. If at the same time you take into account the influence of the position of the moon, you will always look attractive. It is well known that two things make a woman untidy: hair and nails.

You already know what is good time for manipulations with the skin - the Moon in the sign of Capricorn. The same sign is also responsible for the beauty of the nails (perhaps because the nails are the stratum corneum of the skin). In addition, oddly enough, Friday after sunset is considered especially favorable for nail care.

Sometimes there is such a problem as ingrown nails. It is best to get rid of it with a young moon. If you do this during the waning moon, then later the situation will repeat itself and you will again be forced to subject yourself to an unpleasant, and even rather painful procedure. There is one exception: the complete removal of the nail is best done during the waning moon (but not under the sign of Pisces).

  • The most favorable time is on Friday after sunset with the Moon in any sign, and especially in Capricorn.
  • Permissible time - with the Moon in the sign of Capricorn.
  • An unfavorable time is with the Moon in the signs of Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, and also on Saturday with the Moon in any sign.

If you follow the suggested recommendations, then the nails will always be well-groomed, hard and durable. Do not forget that the beauty and health of nails are also affected by factors such as the level of calcium in the body, the frequency of use of acetone-containing nail products, etc.

Astrologers claim that there is a direct connection between love relationships and the behavior of the Moon. And that, taking into account some features of the state of our closest Earthly "neighbor", it is possible to build many life processes, including romantic relationships.

Surely many have heard about the lunar calendar, with which you can combine human behavior and satellite biorhythms. There is such a thing as a lunar month, which is divided into four phases - new moon, waxing moon, full moon and waning moon.

During the new moon, it is not recommended to take important decisions and making plans for personal life. For positive moments, the period of the full moon is just responsible, romantic feelings in this phase reach their peak. But you have to be very careful emotional people, the full moon can increase their anxiety and upset their nerves, which can result in resentment and scandals.

The growing moon is favorable for starting everything new, so if you are planning an acquaintance, then this phase is the most successful for a long and promising relationship. But the waning moon will not affect relationships in the best way, according to astrologers, the acquaintance that has begun in the waning phase will develop heavily, and various obstacles await the relationship.

The list of favorable and bad days lunar calendar for the development of harmonious relationships.

The 1st lunar day is considered fateful, all thoughts are material, how you imagine your future loved one, so it will happen.

The 2nd lunar day is best used to develop your own intuition, on this day inner voice most correctly suggests the one who is destined for us by fate. Take a closer look at people on this day, and listen to your feelings.

The 6th lunar day is decisive for those who already have a relationship. It is on this day that you can understand whether you have a future or not. Observe the behavior of the partner, he will behave as he will act in the future.

The 11th lunar day is the brightest in relationships, on this day the energy of partners overflows, this is the sexiest day. So get ready for explosive emotions.

The 17th lunar day allows you to weigh everything and make the most serious decision. This is the most favorable day for marriage, and if the wedding is still far away, then this is the time for the transition of relations to a new, more serious level.

The 21st lunar day gives a great chance to those who have been dreaming about the person they like for a long time, the activity shown on this day will be “approved” by the Moon and will lead to close relationships.

But in the lunar calendar there are also days on which one must beware of doing significant actions for the future - dating, making decisions. It will not bring anything good, only disappointment and suffering. This is the 9th, 13th, 15th, 19th, 23rd and 26th day of the lunar calendar.

The satellite of the Earth is powerful enough not only to control the ebb and flow of the oceans. The moon is the real mistress of a person's emotional life! Each day of the lunar cycle in a certain way affects our state, provokes the disclosure of certain qualities of character, sets the general emotional background. So, some days we are so tense that we tend to stir up conflicts on empty place, while other lunar days contribute to the establishment of understanding in a couple.

Moon calendar relationships and love contains many useful tips for every lunar day. You can’t fit all of them in one post, so I wrote separately about and. And now let's talk about everything else 🙂

Lunar calendar of relationships and love - unfavorable days

To begin with, let's highlight two difficult, unpleasant and stressful days in which you should remain calm and avoid empty quarrels with your loved one. It is better to postpone the “debriefing” until tomorrow, when you can soberly assess the situation. Such periods fall on 9 and 29 lunar days. If you have long realized that relationships oppress you and nothing helps, 19 lunar day It's time to end the relationship or file for divorce.

What is the lunar day today? Lunar Calendar 2018 >>

Lunar calendar of relationships and love - auspicious days

Now for the good! If you wish to transfer the relationship to new level- from an acquaintance and an invitation to go somewhere to a decision to live together and marriage proposals - suitable for such bold actions 2, 5, 15, 21, 27 lunar days. To start any joint projects - creative, working, wellness - choose 21, 24 lunar days.

From time to time it is good to have an honest conversation about the shortcomings and analyze your behavior in a relationship. It is best to do this in 4 and 18 lunar days. And for the joint passing of tests, trainings, going to a family psychologist, choose 25 or 26 lunar days.

Find out what dates these lunar days fall on in 2018 in the Lunar Relationship Calendar >>

Best for getting to know your partner's family 10 lunar day, to go to a fun party - 17 , and for nostalgia and shooting your love story - 20 . If you dream of taking a bath together with your loved one, it is best to schedule it on 16 lunar days, while in 22 lunar day will go well hearty romantic dinner. And if you have something to apologize to your loved one, 8 lunar day is the time to do it.

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Acquaintance, like any beginning, carries information about the nature of the continuation, its long-term or short-term duration. In astrology, the beginning determines what the development will be. How to find out what fate has prepared for us when a new acquaintance happens in our life? If you remember the day and hour of this meeting, an experienced astrologer will tell youwhat are the prospects for this meeting.But something you can try to determine yourself. This does not require complex calculations and knowledge, but you need calendar , showing the phases of the moon . Of course, such an analysis can in no way replace the interpretation of the dating horoscope, which takes into account many factors, but it can indicate a trend, a general character.

In the lunar calendar, you need to find the day of acquaintance and see what phase of the moon it happened in. As you know, the lunar month begins with a new moon, then comes the first quarter, the full moon and the last quarter. The moon shines by the reflected light of the sun, and the moon phases and the cycle of the moon are born from its relationship with the sun, - these two luminaries symbolize the ratiofemale and masculine in nature. In a personal horoscope, they show how a person perceives masculine and female characters in his life, these two principles are consistent in himor are in conflict. In the current lunar month, the phases of the moonsymbolize the meeting of two people of the opposite sex, the stages of development of relations. Most often, conflicts with the opposite sex occur in the first phase of the moon, when ideas are adjusted to reality, and on the full moon, when contradictions reach a peak and require resolution.

Acquaintance on the new moon

The time of the new moon is - this is the day before it and the day after - only about three days. Firstly, any new moon always lays down a microcycle (for a month) with its critical points, which coincide with the phases of the moon. Therefore, it is likely that acquaintance on the day of the new moon will continue for a month - it does not matter whether it is mental contact or completely real meetings. And secondly, be careful... If the acquaintance happened before the new moon, a day or two before the onset of the exact phase, there is reason to believe that such an acquaintance will not have a serious continuation and prospects for development. In essence, acquaintance before the new moon is the beginning of the end. An exception can only be if the new moon is an eclipse of the Sun - solar eclipses occur only on the new moon. The acquaintance that took place in solar eclipse or before an eclipse, it can be long-term, but most likely it will bring a lot of problems and sorrows.

If we are talking about the usual new moon and the acquaintance took place immediately after it, then there are more chances for continuation than when meeting before the new moon, but in ancient times it was believed that dark forces. WITHModern astrology believes that the subconscious in a person is most included in the new moon, during this period there are hidden factors, the true meaning of which will be shown only by time. So beware of immediately trusting your new acquaintances on the new moon in everything. Nothing is meaningful details may seem very exciting, and the meeting is promising. You may not leave the feeling of unusualness and novelty of what is happening. But do not rush to draw conclusions. Your relationship must be tested for strength. During this lunar month, especially pay attention to the critical points of the full moon and quarters of the moon, see how the relationship will develop. These days can be very revealing, especially the full moon, when previously hidden tendencies become obvious facts and reach our consciousness.

Acquaintance in the first phase of the moon

After the new moon, two days after it, the period of the first lunar phase begins, which lasts until the first quarter. At this time, acquaintances with people young or younger in age may be more successful and favorable. Further relationships can be built on the type of "senior - junior", and one of you will have to take a leading position. However, do not "sit on the neck" of your partner - whims and unjustified desires can quickly lead to a break. You can safely start any business together - the Moon will favor your projects.

Acquaintance in the second phase of the moon

Second lunar phase lasts from the first quarter to the full moon. She patronizes relationships "on an equal footing" and acquaintance with peers, and also promotes making acquaintances with middle-aged people. This is a phase of fairly stable relationships. Sometimes misunderstandings may arise due to some external problems, but such situations are usually transient, and the acquaintances of this phase are long andoften end up in marriage.

Acquaintance on a full moon

Although on a full moon we may find what we have been looking for, uh that period brings bright, but unstable acquaintances, often they turn out to be not what was originally intended. In some cases, the relationship between two people seems to be opposed public opinion and they have to challenge the world around them, and not everyone can stand it. Take a closer look at a new acquaintance - most likely, you are very different people. Between you there can be both a strong attraction and mutual repulsion. Try not to go into open conflicts because of the opposition of your "I-positions". And although your emotions will be very stormy, and passions can run high, it is very likely that one day there will be a quarrel, and if one of you fails to take the partner’s side (or find a compromise solution to the conflict), the relationship is likely to break off . In the best case, you will not be bored together.

Acquaintance in the third phase of the moon

After the full moon, the third phase begins, which ends with the last quarter. It is characterized by mature feelings and relationships. You can already at the moment of meeting quite accurately imagine what you want from this person. Unlike the new moon and full moon, when the most unusual situations are possible, dating in this phase proceeds calmly and tends to be long-term. Therefore, try to arrange small holidays for each other more often and present pleasant surprises so that your communication is not too insipid.

Acquaintance in the fourth phase of the moon

The last, fourth lunar phase lasts about a week and ends with the next new moon. At this time, it is easier to get acquainted with people older than you in age and authoritative in your eyes. Don't be surprised if you get the feeling that you've known each other for a thousand years. But, unfortunately, this phase is also not conducive to long-term contacts, and after a month or two you can leave. So don't waste your time - try to learn something good from your partner. Why did you meet anyway?

Used materials:

2. D. Pessin "Lunar eclipses"