To create a truly festive mood, you need balloons. Ask any person what the holiday is associated with, and he, one way or another, will say about balloons. Both adults and children really love them, so a holiday without such decorations ... Not the most fun.

Even if there are pyrotechnics and various achievements of the entertainment industry. And if the balls fly, then it is generally akin to magic. So creating an unforgettable holiday with cool decorations is pretty easy. Moreover, now many companies offer such a convenient service as delivery of balloons.

To date, there are many varieties of balloons - latex, round, long, in the form of hearts or other shapes. There are foil ones: from small to huge, from simply round to complex shapes. There are balls in the form of cartoon characters, animals, letters and numbers. Matte, transparent, mother-of-pearl, shiny, stars, flowers, animals, cars... Anything. And yes, all this can fly - the main thing is that the balloon is inflated with the right gas.

From our article you will learn what they inflate Balloons, what gas they need to be inflated so that they fly and how you can inflate balloons at home.

What gas is used to inflate balloons?

The most common - ordinary air. What could be easier than blowing up a balloon? Nothing, especially if there is a pump. A couple of seconds and bright decoration ready for the holiday. It is with air that balloons are inflated, from which flowers, garlands and all those decorations that are fixed on walls, stairs, windows are made.

What other gas is used to inflate balloons? Carbon dioxide. This is a way for those who love chemical experiments or simply do not want to bother with the usual inflation.

To obtain carbon dioxide, it is enough to combine ordinary vinegar, 9% and soda. For one item you need 150 ml of vinegar and a tablespoon of soda. The powder is poured into a ball, after which its tail is pulled over a bottle of vinegar, the ball is shaken so that the soda spills into the bottle. A violent reaction - and now the ball is filled.

How are balloons inflated to make them fly?

Hydrogen was once used. But they quickly abandoned it, because in combination with oxygen it forms an explosive gas. Piroshow is, of course, interesting, but only if it is manageable. And the explosion of a balloon cannot be called controlled.

Therefore, helium was used instead of hydrogen. It fits perfectly - much lighter than air, completely inert and safe, quite affordable. Ideal gas for flying crafts. In addition, it is safe for health - helium is even included in mixtures for scuba divers. And interesting by-effect his inhalation, funny voice, even amuses. In addition, helium has no smell or taste. And if the decoration bursts, nothing terrible will happen.

How to inflate balloons instead of helium at home?

In principle, helium is not so unavailable that it cannot be bought for the home. But if you don't want to buy a balloon, then there is only one option for a flying balloon: hydrogen. Yes, it is somewhat dangerous, but it is the only gas that is lighter than air, and it can be obtained using improvised means. And it is obtained in the following way:
  • Pour 150 ml of warm water into the bottle;
  • Pieces of ordinary foil are also thrown there;
  • After that, add 3 tablespoons of caustic (caustic soda, sewer cleaner);
  • A balloon is immediately put on the bottle.
What's happening? Caustic is a strong alkali, and alkalis react with metals. During the reaction, hydrogen is released, which fills the balloon put on the bottle.

Attention! Hydrogen is potentially dangerous, as are experiments with caustics. This gas cannot be inhaled. You also need to keep such balls away from fire, including candles on a birthday cake, sparklers, etc. Therefore, if you want to decorate the holiday with flying balloons, you should not take risks. After all, the risk here is not only that the holiday will go bad ...

Much better is to go to a store where you can choose the right balloons, and they will be delivered to you already inflated. Everything becomes much easier, and not so expensive. And you don’t need to think about how to inflate balloons at home, what to use instead of helium, and so on.

The material was prepared by

Balloons are a beautiful and amazing decoration of any celebration, it is always a holiday in the air of which childhood and carefree moments of joy are in the air. Light, bright balls attract attention, delight not only the eye, but also the soul, both in a child and in an adult. Today, balls have a wide variety of shapes, sizes, color scheme, there are with drawings, inscriptions, decorations, this makes them even more beautiful and original.

You can decorate the hall with balloons for any festive event, such decoration will always be relevant, in demand and universal, because they are suitable for any interior, and even more so for any significant celebration.

To date, light balloons filled with helium have gained particular popularity. But in order to fill them with this substance, one must have special equipment, which not everyone has. What to do in this case, how to make helium for balloons at home?

Ways to create helium yourself

How can you get helium at home, you ask. The answer is simple, make a little effort and then you can get a whole bunch of balloons.

There are a few simple ways which will help to quickly fill them with air.

  1. Soda and vinegar. A simple option with which you can quickly get a helium substance created at home on your own.

For this you need to take:

  • table vinegar;
  • simple soda, which is used in the kitchen;
  • spoon
  • empty two liter bottle.

To make the ball light, you need to fill half the bottle with vinegar. Pour soda into it with a spoon, carefully put the bottle on the neck. The balloon will start to fill up, but it will not fly, because the reaction of soda and vinegar gives carbon dioxide, and it is heavier than air, however, this does not prevent it from being beautiful, light and airy.

  1. Hydrogen projectile. Another method that can quickly inflate balloons at home is using aluminum and lye.

For this you need to have:

  • a small flask;
  • measuring spoon;
  • foil or aluminum;
  • alkali (sodium hydroxide, caustic soda and caustic soda are suitable);
  • warm water.

So, to fill the jewelry with helium substance own production at home, you need to fill half the flask with water. Cut the foil into small pieces and place in a bowl. Add 3 tablespoons of alkali, put the ball itself on the neck of the flask, and shake well so that the foil begins to interact with the alkali. When aluminum and alkali interact, air will begin to flow into the ball. When the foil dissolves in the liquid, it must be carefully removed so that it does not begin to deflate and tie.

  1. Helium balloon. The third option, how to quickly inflate a balloon with helium at home, is
    using a simple balloon, inside of which there is a helium substance. A ball is put on the cylinder tube, while it is important that there is tightness. Next, you need to smoothly turn the cylinder valve, make sure that it does not fly off the tube. As inflated, carefully remove and tie. This method of inflating balloons is the easiest, the main thing is to find a balloon.

Thus, at home, you can easily and quickly fill balloons with air using improvised means that will replace helium.

You will need

  • - cylinder with compressed helium (volume 10 liters or 40 liters);
  • - 12" latex balloons;
  • - braid for tying inflated balloons - decorative polypropylene tape 5 mm wide;
  • - scissors for cutting tape.


Install the helium gas cylinder correctly and safely. When inflating balloons with helium, the balloon must be installed in a way that prevents it from falling, tipping over and any movement. Large cylinders (40 l) are placed in a standing position. Small cylinders (10 l) can be placed horizontally, provided they are securely fixed on a table or on the floor.

We prepare the tape. For tying helium balloons, as a rule, pieces of ribbon 1.5 m long are used. The right amount cut the ends of the braid (according to the number of balloons) with scissors. For children's holidays, the ends of the braid are made longer: 2.0-2.5 m - so that children can get them. The main thing is that all ends of the braid have the same length.

We take a safe position relative to the balloon. The person inflating the balloons with helium should be behind the balloon and on the side opposite to the direction of the gas jet coming out of the balloon. In the event that the inflated balloon bursts, this position is as safe as possible for a person.

Putting the ball on the cylinder valve. The neck of the ball is stretched with fingers and pulled over the threaded part of the cylinder valve.

Ball inflation. The valve flywheel rotates smoothly in the direction opposite to the clockwise rotation - it opens, and the gas begins to flow into the ball. At the same time, with the fingers of the other hand, the neck of the ball is pressed against the threaded part of the valve. After the balloon is fully inflated, the valve rotates in reverse side- closes.

Balloon size control. The latex balloon consists of a balloon and a neck. The balloon is for inflating and the neck is for tying. Therefore, after the balloon is fully inflated, inflation of the balloon should be stopped. A sign that the balloon is fully inflated is when the neck of the balloon begins to inflate. If you do not stop inflation, then the neck of the ball will begin to inflate, in other words: "a leg will begin to grow at the ball." It is unacceptable.

Tying an inflated balloon. inflated balloon removed from the cylinder by rolling the neck off the valve. You can not just pull the neck off the valve, as this can damage the material of the ball. The process of tying the neck of the ball simultaneously with the braid is shown in detail in the video.

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It is recommended to inflate helium balloons directly at the place of their use. During their transportation or transportation, the balls necessarily receive damage, which either leads to the fact that the balls burst, or to the fact that their life time is reduced.

Helpful advice

To save helium, it is recommended to inflate all balloons with air before inflating them with helium. This will identify defective balloons and save up to 15% helium. Balloons can be inflated with air hand pump or electric compressor.
To increase the life of helium balloons, it is recommended to pre-treat them with Hi-Float. This will increase the life time from 6-8 hours to 2-3 weeks.


  • Is it possible to inflate a balloon with helium at home

Norman Lockyer is the scientist who discovered helium. After all, it was he who in 1868, studying the emitted light of atoms in the prominences of the Sun, noticed a number of unknown spectral lines. Numerous attempts to obtain such lines in the laboratory were unsuccessful, from which Lockyer concluded that he had discovered a new element, which he called helium, from the Greek. helios - Sun. Helium was first isolated on Earth in 1895 by William Ramsay from the radioactive mineral cleveite.


Half of everything is located in earth's crust, especially in the granite shell. So, if you need helium, go to the mine, closer to the granite layers, take steam with you and pump it out of the free accumulation of natural gases, or from the gases of uranium springs. The way to get helium is impossible, even if you buy special equipment, necessary elements, catalysts and special, you still will not succeed. Not a single school textbook and manual tells how to get helium on your own. For this, there are special processing plants and its production.

To helium from helium-containing gases. Helium can be separated from other gases by the deepest cooling method, given that all other gases liquefy faster than helium, because. it has the lowest liquification temperature of -269 ° C. So, take a cylinder of natural gas and a pulsation apparatus ( special chamber for cooling and gas). Now fill the half-closed containers one by one with the gas supplied from the nozzles. By heating the gas, the resulting heat passes into cooling, releasing the formed gas from the closed ones into the cooling medium, and so on again and again until the gas cools to a certain temperature, and until all other gases are removed from the chambers and only helium remains.

Liquid helium can be made in the same way. It is obtained at critical temperature equal to 5.2 K. It is worth noting that liquid helium is the only liquid that will not freeze at normal temperatures, that is, it will not solidify at the lowest temperature, but when the pressure changes, for example, at 25 atmospheres, it can change its state of aggregation .

Helium- an inert monatomic gas that has no color, taste or smell. One of the most abundant elements in the universe, second only to hydrogen. Helium mined from natural gas low-temperature separation process - the so-called fractional distillation.


The nucleus of a helium atom consists of two protons and (usually) two neutrons, with two around it. A helium atom is smaller than a larger atom with one proton and an electron, since great strength the helium nucleus pulls the electrons closer. Although it is easier to assume that the electrons revolve around the nucleus in a circular way, forming "", the place of the most probable location of the electrons. Helium isotopes containing 2 protons and 2 electrons can contain 1 to 4 neutrons.

First, cooling is performed by throttling, which takes place in several stages. During this process, the helium is stripped of carbon dioxide and other hydrocarbons. The result is a mixture of helium, hydrogen and neon. The resulting mixture is called "raw" helium. The helium content in the mixture ranges from 70 to 90%.

Further, the final purification of helium is achieved by cooling the remaining mixture with nitrogen boiling under vacuum and subsequent adsorption of the available impurities on active carbon in adsorbers, which are also cooled with nitrogen. Usually, helium is obtained in two types: technical purity (helium content 99.80%), and high purity (helium content 99.985%).


Do not try to get helium at home. Helium production requires special industrial equipment and strict control of the receiving process.

Helpful advice

Helium is a colorless, non-flammable, odorless gas. It is used in meteorological balloons, in welding, in "artificial air" mixtures for deep-sea divers, in the manufacture of semiconductors, in the manufacture of lasers, and is also used in metallurgy and other industries.

Home conditions. As it turned out, not only possible, but also without much effort and cost. So, what is needed for this.

DIY helium balloons: what you need

You will certainly have vinegar and soda in your kitchen, and even more so there is a bottle and a glass. Among the kitchen utensils, you can find a funnel, and in the refrigerator on one of the shelves, most likely, there will be a lemon, if not, buy everything that is missing. In addition, you will need electrical tape. It is desirable that it is not too wide or too narrow. One of the main ingredients is water. For the balloons themselves, you still have to leave the house and visit the store.

So, for the manufacture of helium balloons, which will soon become a source of Have a good mood your loved ones, you need to have the following components:
- baking soda- 5 tablespoons;
- juice of half a lemon;
- vinegar - 3 tablespoons;
- Balloons;
- electrical tape;
- 1 glass of water;
- 1 small bottle;
- 1 funnel.

Making a helium balloon: sequence of actions

In order for everything to work out, follow all the steps and take your time. What should be done:

Pour a glass of water into a small bottle using a funnel. Add 1 teaspoon of soda. In any convenient container (bowl, deep plate, small saucepan), mix lemon juice with 3 tablespoons of vinegar.

Carefully pour this mixture into the bottled water through a funnel. Then pour soda into the balloon itself. This can also be done with a funnel, after washing and wiping it. 3 tablespoons of soda will go to the first ball, in the future you can add a little less. Quickly pull the ball over the neck of the bottle, so that it does not soda, then secure it tightly with electrical tape.

Ready! Now, when baking soda interacts with vinegar, gas is released, and as a result, the helium balloon is inflated. Last moment- tie up the balloon and remove it from the neck of the bottle.

This method is great for hard-to-inflate balloons, and also as a simple chemical experience for young experimenters.


  • gel balls at home
  • Video on how to make helium for balloons at home

A party is always great. Decorate your holiday with bright balloons that will fly. Don't worry if you don't have the money or time for helium. At home, you can easily inflate balloons with baking soda and vinegar.

For children, this will be a visual aid the simplest chemical experiment. And it doesn't take much physical effort.

But if we are talking not about one copy, but about ten, twenty or more balls - you must admit, pleasant entertainment will become torment ...

Everything is simple. At the core of magic ordinary chemical reaction when combining acid and sodium bicarbonate. This releases carbon dioxide, which instead of helium helps the balloon to fly. Everything happens instantly, the result will please you in a few seconds.

It is important to observe correct proportions- the final result depends on it.

  1. IN plastic bottle you need to pour 100 ml of vinegar. We insert a funnel into the neck, pour 1 tablespoon of soda into it.
  2. The reaction has just begun. At this time, we put a rubber product on the neck of the bottle. Under the influence of carbon dioxide and the release of heat, our balloon begins to swell.
  3. Don't miss the moment when to remove it from the bottle and tie with thread. Try to run up - it is able to fly under the ceiling!

Here's how to inflate a balloon with slaked soda. The method is not expensive, exciting and simple. These are pluses.

These are, if you list, cons.

The above method does not always work. Then there is another recipe.

A safer option is to pour warm (!) Water into the ball itself, put it on the bottle, turn it over so that the water pours out and the chemical process begins. The product will be filled with hydrogen and fly.

Some use "MOLE" for this purpose:

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How to inflate a balloon with helium at home

Balloons are a beautiful and amazing decoration of any celebration, it is always a holiday in the air of which childhood and carefree moments of joy are in the air. Light, bright balls attract attention, delight not only the eye, but also the soul, both in a child and in an adult. Today, balloons have the most diverse shapes, sizes, colors, they are with drawings, inscriptions, decorations, which makes them even more beautiful and original.

You can decorate the hall with balloons for any festive event, such decoration will always be relevant, in demand and universal, because they are suitable for any interior, and even more so for any significant celebration.

To date, light balloons filled with helium have gained particular popularity. But in order to fill them with this substance, one must have special equipment, which not everyone has. What to do in this case, how to make helium for balloons at home?

Ways to create helium yourself

How can you get helium at home, you ask. The answer is simple, make a little effort and then you can get a whole bunch of balloons.

There are several simple ways to help you quickly fill them with air.

  1. Soda and vinegar. A simple option with which you can quickly get a helium substance created at home on your own.

For this you need to take:

  • table vinegar;
  • simple soda, which is used in the kitchen;
  • spoon
  • empty two liter bottle.

To make the ball light, you need to fill half the bottle with vinegar. Pour soda into it with a spoon, carefully put the bottle on the neck. The balloon will start to fill up, but it will not fly, because the reaction of soda and vinegar gives carbon dioxide, and it is heavier than air, however, this does not prevent it from being beautiful, light and airy.

  1. Hydrogen projectile. Another method that can quickly inflate balloons at home is using aluminum and lye.

For this you need to have:

  • a small flask;
  • measuring spoon;
  • foil or aluminum;
  • alkali (sodium hydroxide, caustic soda and caustic soda are suitable);
  • warm water.

So, in order to fill the jewelry with a helium substance of your own production at home, you need to fill half the flask with water. Cut the foil into small pieces and place in a bowl. Add 3 tablespoons of alkali, put the ball itself on the neck of the flask, and shake well so that the foil begins to interact with the alkali. When aluminum and alkali interact, air will begin to flow into the ball. When the foil dissolves in the liquid, it must be carefully removed so that it does not begin to deflate and tie.

  1. Helium balloon. The third option, how to quickly inflate a balloon with helium at home, is

using a simple balloon, inside of which there is a helium substance. A ball is put on the cylinder tube, while it is important that there is tightness. Next, you need to smoothly turn the cylinder valve, make sure that it does not fly off the tube. As inflated, carefully remove and tie. This method of inflating balloons is the easiest, the main thing is to find a balloon.

Thus, at home, you can easily and quickly fill balloons with air using improvised means that will replace helium.

They will be just as beautiful and light, decorate any room and create a holiday atmosphere.

How to make a gel balloon at home? How to make glowing balloons?

Even ordinary inflatable multi-colored balls immediately create a sense of celebration. And if they also fly or glow, if they are huge or unusual shape? What can I say, even adults can briefly return to a carefree childhood. Many parents are happy to experiment and make gel balls with their own hands together with their children.

Round and oval, in the form of hearts and various animals, foil or latex - all these are varieties of inflatable toys. What to choose so that the festive mood from such a cheerful design is preserved for the entire duration of the celebration, what should you pay attention to? Is it possible and how to make a gel ball at home?

Of course, the quality of latex products, which are called "balloons", matters. Gel, hydrogen or other volatile fillers last longer inside a colored elastic shell if it is made by well-known manufacturers. These include Italian, Belgian, American and other proven companies of manufacturing countries.

It is important to consider that:

  • latex balloons with helium keep on the fly from 8 to 10 hours;
  • foil products can fly for several weeks.

The features of the molecular structure of helium are such that its particles quite easily penetrate the elastic shell of the ball. In order to extend the "life" of latex inflatable toys, they are treated from the inside with a specially produced substance - liquid plastic compound. Drying after a few hours, the substance forms the thinnest film inside the inflatable toy. Measures taken in this way increase the flight time of the balls several times. The composition is non-toxic, harmless to health and is washed off with water.

Those who like to do everything themselves

How to make a gel balloon at home? For fun, you can use several fairly simple methods and get a similar result: take ordinary balls and fill them with volatile gas. To do this, you can use hydrogen or take a special balloon for gel balls.

If you need to prepare and inflate a small number of colored bubbles, then you can use the following "innovative" ideas:

  • use react blue vitriol with table salt;
  • get gas from the combination of soda with acetic acid.

When is it supposed to make jewelry from a large number elements, it is better to use a balloon for gel balls.

Absolutely unusual luminous balls can be obtained by inserting mini-LEDs inside each before filling them with helium or gas. Powered by small batteries, they can please the eye as long as they fly near the ceiling. Most often, luminous elements from key chains, small flashlights, pens or other similar toys are used for this. After the balloons are blown away, the flashlights are removed and the batteries are disconnected. These elements can be used repeatedly in preparation for another holiday or party. It turns out a completely unusual effect of fireflies flying under the ceiling.

Method one: acid and soda

How to make a gel balloon at home? You need to act as follows:

  • mix a glass of water with 1 tablespoon of baking soda and pour everything into a bottle;
  • 3 more tablespoons of soda are placed inside the ball;
  • in a shallow cup, combine the juice of half a lemon with three tablespoons of vinegar;
  • carefully, being careful, pour the vinegar mixture into a bottle of water through a funnel;
  • quickly pull the prepared ball over the bottle neck and secure with electrical tape or a strong rubber band.

The gas released during the violent interaction of these substances will quickly inflate the balloon. You should remove the bubble from the bottle and tie it tightly with a thread. In order not to let the gas out of the bottle in vain, you should prepare all the balls in advance. In each of them (except the first) you need to pour 2 tablespoons of soda and put next to it.

Method two: salt and copper sulfate

How to make a gel balloon at home? This option requires a good preliminary preparation. You will definitely need the following materials and items:

  • a little copper sulfate;
  • ordinary edible salt;
  • water;
  • liter plastic eggplant;
  • a piece of thick aluminum wire;
  • hose;
  • disposable syringe.

IN plastic cover For the bottle you need to make two holes. One end of the prepared hose is inserted into one, and a syringe with an aluminum rod attached to it is inserted into the other (small) one. The wire should be used to stir the mixture inside the bottle. Balls will be placed and fixed on the second end of the hose. IN plastic container put a little blue vitriol, salt and water. After complete dissolution of all substances, the bottle is tightly twisted with a lid. The aluminum rod should be immersed in the blue water.

The reaction that has begun proceeds with a strong increase in temperature and usually causes a strong heating of the container, so it is better to place the eggplant in a basin or bowl of water. The released gas will inflate colorful balloons very quickly, raising the spirits of the participants in the action.

Of course, not everyone can afford helium balloons, as they are more expensive than simple balloons. And not everywhere you can buy them. For example, villagers would have to visit the city for them. You have probably wondered if it is possible to make helium balloons in. As it turned out, not only possible, but also without much effort and cost. So, what is needed for this.

DIY helium balloons: what you need

You will certainly have vinegar and soda in your kitchen, and even more so there is a bottle and a glass. Among the kitchen utensils, you can find a funnel, and in the refrigerator on one of the shelves, most likely, there will be a lemon, if not, buy everything that is missing. In addition, you will need electrical tape. It is desirable that it is not too wide or too narrow. One of the main ingredients is water. For the balloons themselves, you still have to leave the house and visit the store.

So, for the manufacture of helium balloons, which will soon become a source of good mood for your loved ones, you need to have the following components:
- baking soda - 5 tablespoons;
- juice of half a lemon;
- vinegar - 3 tablespoons;
- Balloons;
- electrical tape;
- 1 glass of water;
- 1 small bottle;
- 1 funnel.

Making a helium balloon: sequence of actions

In order for everything to work out, follow all the steps and take your time. What should be done:

Pour a glass of water into a small bottle using a funnel. Add 1 teaspoon of soda. In any convenient container (bowl, deep plate, small saucepan), mix lemon juice with 3 tablespoons of vinegar.

Carefully pour this mixture into the bottled water through a funnel. Then pour soda into the balloon itself. This can also be done with a funnel, after washing and wiping it. 3 tablespoons of soda will go to the first ball, in the future you can add a little less. Quickly pull the ball over the neck of the bottle, so that it does not soda, then secure it tightly with electrical tape.

Ready! Now, when baking soda interacts with vinegar, gas is released, and as a result, the helium balloon is inflated. The last moment - bandage the ball and remove it from the neck of the bottle.

This method is great for hard-to-inflate balloons, and also as an easy chemistry experiment for young experimenters.