Did you know that May 29 is Chemist's Day? Which of us in childhood did not dream of creating peculiar magic, amazing chemical experiments? It's time to turn your dreams into reality! Read on and we will tell you how to have fun Chemist Day 2017, as well as what chemistry experiments for kids are easy to do at home.

home volcano

If you are no longer attracted, then ... Want to see a volcanic eruption? Try making it at home! To arrange a chemical experiment "volcano" you will need soda, vinegar, food coloring, a plastic glass, a glass warm water.

Pour 2-3 tablespoons of table soda into a plastic cup, add ¼ cup of warm water and a little food coloring, preferably red. Then add ¼ of vinegar and watch the "eruption" of the volcano.

Rose and ammonia

A very interesting and original chemical experiment with plants can be viewed on a video from YouTube:

self-inflating balloon

Do you want to conduct safe chemistry experiments for children? Then you will definitely like the balloon experiment. Prepare in advance: a plastic bottle, baking soda, balloon and vinegar.

Pour 1 teaspoon of baking soda inside the ball. Pour ½ cup of vinegar into the bottle, then put the ball on the neck of the bottle and make sure that the soda gets into the vinegar. As a result of the stormy chemical reaction, which is accompanied by active release carbon dioxide, the balloon will begin to inflate.

pharaoh snake

For the experiment you will need: calcium gluconate tablets, dry fuel, matches or gas-burner. See the YouTube video for the steps:

color magic

Do you want to surprise a child? Rather, conduct chemical experiments with color! You will need the following available ingredients: starch, iodine, a transparent container.

Mix white starch and brown iodine in a container. As a result, you will get an amazing mixture of blue.

We grow a snake

The most interesting home chemistry experiments can be done using available ingredients. To create a snake, you will need: a plate, river sand, powdered sugar, ethyl alcohol, a lighter or burner, baking soda.

Pour a sand slide onto a plate and soak it with alcohol. In the top of the slide, make a recess where you carefully add powdered sugar and soda. Now we set fire to the sand hill and observe. After a couple of minutes, a dark wriggling ribbon will begin to grow from the top of the hill, which resembles a snake.

How to conduct chemical experiments with an explosion, see the following video from Youtube:

Remember the MOST IMPORTANT rule during chemical experiments - never lick a spoon ... :). And now seriously...

1. Homemade phone
Take 2 plastic cups (or empty and clean tins without cover). Make a thick cake out of plasticine a little larger than the bottom and place a glass on it. With a sharp knife make a hole in the bottom. Do the same with the second glass.

Pull one end of the thread (its length should be about 5 meters) through the hole in the bottom and tie a knot.

Repeat the experiment with the second glass. Voila, the phone is ready!

For it to work, you need to pull the thread and not touch other objects (including fingers). By putting the cup to your ear, the baby will be able to hear what you are saying on the other end of the wire, even if you whisper or talk from different rooms. The cups act as a microphone and speaker in this experiment, and the thread serves as telephone wire. The sound of your voice travels along a stretched string in the form of longitudinal sound waves.

2. Magic avocado
The essence of the experiment: Stick 4 skewers into the fleshy part of the avocado and place this almost alien structure over a transparent container of water - the sticks will serve as a support for the fruit so that it stays half above the water. Put the container in a secluded place, add water every day and watch what happens. After a while, stems will begin to grow from the bottom of the fruit directly into the water.

3. Unusual flowers
Buy a bunch of white carnations/roses.

The essence of the experiment: Place each carnation in a transparent vase, after making a cut on the stem. Then add food coloring to each bowl. different color- be patient and very soon white flowers will turn into unusual shades.

What do we do conclusion? A flower, like any plant, drink water, which goes along the stem throughout the flower through special tubes.

4. Colored bubbles
For this experiment, we will need a plastic bottle, sunflower oil, water, food coloring (paints for Easter eggs).

The essence of the experiment: Fill the bottle with water and sunflower oil in equal proportions, leaving a third of the bottle empty. Add some food coloring and close the lid tightly.

You will be surprised to see that the liquids do not mix - the water stays at the bottom and becomes colored, while the oil rises to the top because its structure is less heavy and dense. Now try shaking our magic bottle - in a few seconds everything will return to normal. And now the final trick - we remove it in freezer and before us is another trick: oil and water have changed places!

5. Dancing grape
For this experiment, we need a glass of sparkling water and a grape.

The essence of the experiment: Throw a berry into the water and watch what happens next. Grapes are slightly heavier than water, so they will sink to the bottom first. But gas bubbles will immediately form on it. Soon there will be so many of them that the grape will pop up. But on the surface, the bubbles will burst and the gas will escape. The berry will again sink to the bottom and again be covered with gas bubbles, and again emerge. This will continue several times.

6 . Sieve - non-spill
Let's do a simple experiment. Take a sieve and grease it with oil. Then shake, pour water into the sieve so that it flows over inside sieves. And, lo and behold, the sieve will be filled!

Conclusion: Why doesn't water flow out? It is held by a surface film, it was formed due to the fact that the cells that were supposed to let the water through did not get wet. If you run your finger along the bottom and break the film, the water will start to flow out.

7. Salt for creativity
We need a cup hot water, salt, thick black paper and a brush.

The essence of the experiment: Add a couple of teaspoons of salt to a cup of hot water and mix the solution with a brush until all the salt is dissolved. Continue adding salt, stirring constantly until crystals form at the bottom of the cup. Paint a picture using the salt solution as paint. Leave the masterpiece overnight in a warm and dry place. When the paper dries, the pattern will appear. The salt molecules did not evaporate and formed crystals, the pattern of which we see.

8. Magic ball
Take plastic bottle and a balloon.

The essence of the experiment: Put it on the neck and place the bottle in hot water- the ball is inflated. This happened because warm air, consisting of molecules, expanded, pressure increased and the balloon inflated.

9. Volcano at home
We will need baking soda, vinegar and a container for experience.

The essence of the experiment: Place a tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl and pour in some vinegar. Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is alkaline, while vinegar is acidic. When they are together, they form the sodium salt of acetic acid. At the same time, carbon dioxide and water will be released and you will get a real volcano - the action will impress any kid!

10. Spinning Disc
The materials you will need are the simplest: glue, a plastic bottle cap with a spout, a CD and a balloon.

The essence of the experiment: Glue the bottle cap to the CD so that the center of the hole in the cap aligns with the center of the hole in the CD. Let the glue dry, then proceed to the next step: inflate the balloon, twist its “neck” so that the air does not escape and pull the balloon onto the spout of the lid. Place the disk on a flat table and release the ball. The design will "float" on the table. Invisible air bag acts as a lubricant and reduces friction between the disc and the table.

11. The magic of scarlet flowers
For the experiment, you should cut out a flower with long petals from paper, then use a pencil to twist the petal to the center - make curls. Now dip your flowers into a container of water (basin, soup bowl). Flowers come to life before your eyes and begin to bloom.

What do we do conclusion? The paper gets wet and becomes heavier.

12. Cloud in the bank.

You will need a 3-liter jar, a lid, hot water, ice.

The essence of the experiment: Pour hot water into a three-liter jar (level - 3-4 cm), cover the top of the jar with a lid / baking sheet, put pieces of ice on it.

The warm air inside the jar will begin to cool, condense, and rise up as a cloud. Yes, this is how clouds form.

Why is it raining? Drops in the form of heated steam rise up, they get cold there, they reach for each other, become heavy, large and ... return to their homeland again.

13. Can foil dance?

The essence of the experiment: Cut a piece of foil into thin strips. Then take a comb and comb your hair, then bring the comb close to the strips - and they will begin to move.

Conclusion: Particles fly in the air - electric charges that cannot live without each other, they are attracted to each other, although they are different in character, like “+” and “-”.

14. Where did the smell go?

You will need: a jar with a lid, corn sticks, perfume.

The essence of the experiment: Take a jar, put a little perfume on the bottom, put corn sticks on top and close with a tight lid. After 10 minutes, open the jar and smell it. Where has the perfume gone?

Conclusion: The smell was absorbed by the sticks. How did they do it? Due to the porous structure.

15. Dancing Liquid (non-trivial substance)

cook the simplest option of this liquid - a mixture of corn (or ordinary) starch and water in a ratio of 2: 1.

The essence of the experiment: Mix well and start having fun: if you slowly dip your fingers into it, it will be liquid, flowing from your hands, and if you hit it with your fist with all your might, the surface of the liquid will turn into an elastic mass.

Now this mass can be poured onto a baking sheet, put the baking sheet on a subwoofer or speaker and loudly turn on dynamic music (or some kind of vibrating noise).

From the variety of sound waves, the mass will behave differently - somewhere condensed, somewhere not, which is why a lively dancing effect is formed.

Add a few drops of food coloring and you will see how the dancing "worms" are colored in a peculiar way.


17. Smoke without fire

Lay on a small saucer a simple paper napkin, pour a small hill of potassium permanganate on top of it and drop glycerin there. A few seconds later, smoke will appear, and almost immediately you will see a bright blue flash of flame. This occurs when potassium permanganate and glycerin are combined with the release of heat.

18. Can there be fire without matches?

Take a glass and pour some hydrogen peroxide into it. Add a few crystals of potassium permanganate there. Now drop the match in there. With a light pop, the match will burst into a bright flame. This is due to the active release of oxygen. Thus, you can explain to the child in practice why it is impossible to open windows in case of fire. Because of the oxygen, the fire will flare up even more.

19. Potassium permanganate in combination with water from a puddle

Take water from a standing puddle and add a solution of potassium permanganate to it. Instead of the usual purple color, the water will have a yellow tint, this is due to the dead microorganisms in dirty water. In addition, this way the child will more accurately understand why it is necessary to wash hands before eating.

20. Unusual Calcium Gluconate Snakes OR Pharaoh's Serpent

Buy calcium gluconate at the pharmacy. Take the pill carefully with tweezers (attention, the child should never do this on his own!), bring it to the fire. When the decomposition of calcium gluconate begins to occur, the release of calcium oxide, carbon dioxide, carbon and water will begin. And it will look like a black snake will appear from a small white piece.

21. Disappearing Styrofoam in Acetone

Styrofoam refers to gas-filled plastics and many builders who would come into contact at least once with this material know that acetone should not be placed next to the foam. Pour the acetone into a large bowl and start dropping the Styrofoam pieces into it little by little. You can see how the liquid will bubble up and the foam will disappear as if by magic!


The experiments at home, which we will now talk about, are very simple, but extremely entertaining. If your child is just getting acquainted with the nature of various phenomena and processes, such experiences will look like real magic for him. But it's not a secret for anyone that it is best to present complex information to children precisely in game form- this will help to consolidate the material and leave vivid memories that will be useful in further learning.

Explosion in still water

Discussing possible experiments at home, first of all we will talk about how to make such a mini-explosion. You will need a large vessel filled with ordinary tap water(for example, it can be a three-liter bottle). It is desirable that the liquid settle in a quiet place for 1-3 days. After that, carefully, without touching the vessel itself, drop a few drops of ink into the very middle of the water from a height. They will sprawl beautifully in the water, as if in slow motion.

Balloon that inflates itself

It's another one interesting experience which can be carried out by exercising at home. In the ball itself, you need to pour a teaspoon of ordinary baking soda. Next, you need to take an empty plastic bottle and pour 4 tablespoons of vinegar into it. The ball must be pulled over its neck. As a result, the soda will pour into the vinegar, a reaction will occur with the release of carbon dioxide, and the balloon will inflate.


With the same baking soda and vinegar, you can make a real volcano in your house! You can even use a plastic cup as a base. 2 tablespoons of soda are poured into the "vent", pour it with a quarter cup of heated water and add a little food coloring dark color. Then it remains only to add a quarter cup of vinegar and watch the "eruption".

"Colored" magic

Experiments at home, which you can demonstrate to your child, also include unusual color changes with various substances. A prime example This is the reaction that occurs when iodine and starch are combined. By mixing brown iodine and pure white starch, you get a liquid ... a bright blue hue!


What other experiments can be done at home? Chemistry provides a huge field for activity in this regard. For example, you can make bright fireworks right in the room (but better in the yard). A little potassium permanganate must be crushed into a fine powder, and then take a similar amount charcoal and crush it too. After thoroughly mixing coal with manganese, add iron powder there. This mixture is poured into a metal cap (an ordinary thimble is also suitable) and kept in the flame of the burner. As soon as the composition heats up, a whole rain of beautiful sparks will begin to crumble around.

soda rocket

And, finally, let's say again about chemical experiments at home, where the simplest and most accessible reagents are involved - vinegar and sodium bicarbonate. In this case, you will need to take a plastic film cassette, fill it with baking soda, and then quickly pour in 2 teaspoons of vinegar. On next step you cover the homemade rocket with a lid, put it upside down on the ground, step back and watch it take off.

Doing chemistry experiments at home is very exciting. You can feel like a little experimenter, a little pioneer, a little magician.

Here pink and transparent solutions are mixed, the result is green. A cloud flew into the bottle on the windowsill. When heated, a mysterious message appears on a clean sheet, and snakes crawled out of the burning sand. You say that this is impossible and without magic it could not have done? But at the heart of all these phenomena are chemical laws. And for their implementation, you will need "reagents" that everyone has at home, or they can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.

Buy chemical experiments for children

Now in the department for schoolchildren you can see kits for a young chemist. This kit contains materials for 3-5 experiments. It's interesting, it's exciting and spectacular. In addition, a child who sets up an experiment with his own hands and examines the result will find it easier to understand what the teacher is talking about in a chemistry lesson. The only negative is that these kits are not cheap. But many experiments can be done by looking for reagents at home.

Chemical experiments for children at home: "A cloud in a bottle"

Pour 1 tbsp into a clear plastic bottle. l. alcohol (can be replaced with water, but the reaction will be less active). Twist the bottle so that the alcohol spreads along the walls. Start pumping air into the bottle with the pump (20 pumps is enough). Remove the pump, the bottle has become cold and a cloud will appear in it.


Water molecules, evaporating (alcohol evaporates faster), hover in the air. In the experiment, "water" evaporated from the walls. As the pressure in the bottle increases, the molecules collide and contract. With a sharp drop in pressure, the air temperature drops sharply. This causes the "water" molecules to stick together or condense in the air into small droplets - clouds.

Chemical experiments for children video

Chemistry experiments for children games: "Spy"

Who in childhood did not dream of having a pen with invisible ink, when what is written comes through only with a special impact, and an outsider sees only Blank sheet? Such ink can be made in at least 2 ways.

Method 1. Dip the brush in milk (or soda solution) and start writing a message on white paper. After the milk dries, the leaf will become clean again. But if you iron it with an iron, the image will be visible on it.


The ink begins to show when exposed to heat. The combustion temperature of milk is much lower than that of paper. And when the milk "burns", the paper remains white.

Method 2. Instead of milk, it is used lemon juice or thick rice water. And the role of the developer is water with a few drops of iodine.

Chemical experiments for children at home "Egg Ball"

IN glass jar put a raw egg(preferably with a brown shell) and pour vinegar. After a few hours, the shell will begin to "bubble". After 7-8 hours, the shell will dissolve and the egg will turn white. Leave the egg in the solution for a week.

Remove the egg from the solution after 7 days. The vinegar stays clear and the egg looks like a rubber ball. If you go into a dark room with an egg and shine a flashlight on it, it will begin to reflect light. And if you bring the light source closer, then the egg will be enlightened through.


Main component eggshell- calcium carbonate. Vinegar dissolves calcium. This process is called decalcification. The shell first becomes soft, and after a while it disappears.

Chemical experiments for children at home video

Chemical experiments at home for children "Volcano Eruption"

Take the Mentos out of the package. Place a bottle half-full of cola on the floor. Quickly pour Mentos into a bottle and run away, otherwise it will foam.


The rough surface of candy is where carbon dioxide is released. The reaction is enhanced by Asparam (a sweetener in cola), which reduces the surface tension of water, and therefore facilitates the release of CO2, sodium benzoate, caffeine; gelatin, gum arabic in dragee.

Think next time, maybe you should not drink delicious cola, so as not to provoke a similar reaction in your stomach?

Chemical experiments for children animation: "Crawling snakes"

The biblical legend says that Moses, arguing with the pharaoh, could not convince him and threw his staff on the ground, turning him into a snake. Now scientists have come to the conclusion that it was not a snake, but a chemical reaction.

Sulfanilamide snake.

Attach a streptocide tablet to a wire and heat over an open fire. Snakes will start to crawl out of the medicine. If you pick up one of them with tweezers, the snake will be long.


Any sulfanilamide tablet (sulgin, etazol, sulfadimethoxine, sulfadimezin, biseptol, fthalazol) is suitable for the experiment. During the heating of the preparation, rapid oxidation occurs in it with the release of gaseous substances (hydrogen sulfide and water vapor). The gas swells the mass and forms a "snake".

"Sweet" viper.

Pour 100 gr. sifted sand and soak it with 95% alcohol. Form a hill with a "crater" in the middle. Mix 1 teaspoon of icing sugar and ¼ teaspoon of baking soda and pour into a depression in the sand.

Ignite the alcohol (it takes several minutes to ignite). Black balls will begin to appear on the surface, black liquid will accumulate below. When the alcohol burns out, the mixture will turn black and a black snake will begin to crawl out of it, wriggling.


When soda decomposes and alcohol burns, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor are released. Gases swell the mass, provoking it to crawl. The body of a snake is made up of small particles of coal mixed with sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), which is formed when sugar is burned).

In order to carry out chemical and physical experiments and try to learn the laws of nature, it is not necessary to wait until it is time to go to school. You can conduct entertaining experiments in the form of a game at home with children preschool age. Of course, these will be simple experiments that do not require special knowledge and preparation. They must still be carried out exclusively in the presence of adults in order to avoid unforeseen situations that are life-threatening for children. You can watch some of the experiments listed below and other experiments on the video on our website.


So, let's see what interesting scientific experiments in the form of a game can be done at home?

First of all, let's decide what substances are fun and safe to conduct home experiments for preschool children.

  1. First, with water. You can dissolve various substances in it and observe the manifestation of their properties.
  2. Secondly, with air.
  3. And, finally, with all the means at hand: soap, soda, salt, rubber, etc.

Water (1 option)

Let's start with a simple experiment with water. To make this experiment, you will need:

  1. a quarter cup of colored water
  2. quarter glass sunflower oil
  3. and a quarter cup of syrup.

As a result, children in the process of playing form the concept of different density liquids.

As a result of the experiments, the following picture should be obtained: the syrup, as the densest liquid, will settle to the bottom, water will be in the middle, and the oil will float to the top.

Home experiments with water are the easiest. They are usually mixed various substances with water. With children of preschool and primary school age, one more shocking experiment can be done, which, nevertheless, is no different from the usual boyish game.

Option 2

Fill the vessel with water, add a quarter of an Alka-Seltzer tablet, cover with a lid and step aside. It is very interesting to watch how the lid will fly off to the side under the pressure of carbon dioxide. You can see similar experiments in the photo.

Interesting science experiments can be done at home using various chemicals. Of course, for preschool children, we will not take life-threatening acids or alkalis for play. Entertaining experiences are obtained even if you use things familiar from birth: soap, vinegar, salt, etc.

Inflating balloons

For the following experiments you will need:

  1. plastic bottle,
  2. vinegar,
  3. baking soda,
  4. balloon,
  5. funnel.

We begin the experiment by pouring one and a quarter cup of vinegar into a plastic bottle. Fill the balloon with three-quarters of a cup of baking soda and attach the balloon to the top of the bottle. Gently let the soda fall into the bottle and watch how the balloon inflates, but it will not fly. Take a video of a similar experiment and show it to your friends: they will probably want to repeat it.



Entertaining experiments can be done with butter. As a result of such experiments, any child will feel like a real wizard. Take a bag of milk cream, pour it into a container with a tight-fitting lid. Close the lid and start whisking. The experiment lasts quite a long time - about 20 minutes. First, the cream is turned into a thick cream, and then into homemade butter. The child is really surprised at such a transformation. When the cream thickens, drain the rest of the water by straining through cheesecloth.

Related videos

Entertaining home experiments can give a lot for the development of preschool children. Scientific experiments conducted in the form of a game teach children to be inquisitive, attentive to natural phenomena, and develop erudition. As a result, the child good example assimilates those laws of physics and chemistry, which will subsequently be held at school. Fun experiments for preschool children help reveal their talents and abilities, prepare future scientists.


During experiments with plants, children can get acquainted with such a physical phenomenon as absorption. This is the ability of a material or living being to absorb the constituents of another substance. To conduct an experiment, you will need several stalks of celery and tinted water, such as red. Pour water into a glass and dip the celery stalks into it. Of course for this experience need time. After a few days, the stems will begin to absorb water and turn red themselves. If the stems then develop leaves, they will also be red. Thus, the rather complex theoretical concept of absorption becomes simple and illustrative thanks to exciting experiences.

Making jelly

Fun experiments for children can bring not only the benefit of knowledge, but also quite material satisfaction. For example, experiments might result in delicious dish which will also serve as a tutorial. Such an experiment is convenient to carry out not only for preschool children, but also for school age. We invite you to study with your children the structure of plant and animal cells on ... jelly, which can then be eaten by the whole family. For these experiments, you will need kitchen sets for making jelly and sets of various sweets. small size:

  • jellies,
  • marshmallow,
  • caramel.

We open the jelly preparation kits and do everything according to the instructions on the packages. Pour the jelly into molds, preferably square. This will be the basis for our cells. Plant cells can be made green, and animal cells can be made orange. Accordingly, in stores we choose sets of jellies of these colors. When the jelly hardens, open the sets with sweets and lay out the components of the cells from them. Material about this is easy to find on the Internet or a school textbook. From such sweet crafts you can make a whole tutorial by capturing them on video.

How to make milk jelly?


Entertaining science experiments for kids can be done at home using regular milk, creating a real color symphony. For experiments of this kind you will need:

  1. some milk,
  2. food colorings different colors,
  3. bar of soap
  4. ear sticks
  5. and a dinner plate.

Pour some milk into a bowl. Add food coloring drop by drop different colors to the center of the plate. Dyes can be purchased in liquid form or purchased in powder form, which must then be diluted with water. Next, dip the ear stick into the middle of the milk. Don't mix colors! On the other end of the ear stick, drip liquid soap. Place the soapy end of the stick in the center of the plate and hold for 10-15 seconds. Look what an explosion of colors and colors!

Experience works very simply. Milk has the consistency of water, but contains fats, minerals, vitamins, and other substances. The secret of the symphony of colors lies in the drop of soap. The fact is that the main property of soap is to eliminate fats. When soap is placed in milk, the soap molecules try to attack the fat molecules, in turn, the fat molecules try to avoid being "attacked". It is this process that reflects the rapid movement of flowers.

Here is what you should get:

So, experiments for children in the form of a game at home is one of the essential conditions development of erudition and further interest in learning. Even if you are not strong in physics or chemistry, on our website you can find many videos and descriptions of instructions for doing it. You don't need expensive kits. chemical substances: you will find everything you need at home. Try, observe, experiment!