Oriented strand board is a fairly popular building material that is most often used to level the surface of walls and build interior partitions.

However, there is an opinion that these multifunctional units do not always meet the established environmental requirements.

The harmfulness of OSB for interior decoration is due to the presence of various resins used in the production process.

But do they really pose a risk to human health?

OSB production technology

Experts also advise not to lose sight of the ends, which are enough to cover with edge tape. It seals the surface of the plates well, minimizing toxic fumes, ordinary puttying and pasting the walls with thick wallpaper.

The degree of harmfulness of the OSB board can be significantly reduced if, during interior decoration, this material is used exclusively for rough work.

However, if even if all operating standards are observed, the purchase of plates causes some concern, then it is better to look for blocks made using only natural resins. They are much more expensive, but they are considered environmentally friendly material.

The rate of elimination of toxins is affected by high air temperature, so the thermal regime in the room where there is OSB should not exceed 30 degrees. An increase in this indicator for every 5 points automatically doubles the amount of harmful fumes in the air.

Formaldehyde is highly soluble in water, so when the humidity level rises to 70 percent, potentially hazardous substances are released 40 percent more intensively.

Video about the options for using plates as cladding:

You can also clean the air from accumulated fumes with the help of indoor flowers. According to experts, dieffenbachia, familiar to many housewives, perfectly copes with this work.