The following are often average values ​​for the weight of concrete when using crushed stone, sand and cement.

Brief table of specific gravity of concrete.

The weight of 1 m3 of concrete can vary from 1.8 tons to 2.5 tons.

Concrete weight M 100 ~2.494 tons

Concrete weight M 200 ~2.432 tons

Concrete weight M 250 ~ 2.348 tons

Concrete weight M 300 ~ 2.389 tons

Concrete weight M 350 ~ 2.502 tons

Concrete weight M 400 ~ 2.376 tons

Concrete weight M 500 ~ 2.98 tons

See also:

Concrete weight depending on brand and class
Concrete brand Concrete class Weight of 1 m3 of concrete (kg)
M100 B7.5 2494
M200 B15 2432
M250 IN 20 2348
M300 B22.5 2502
M350 B25 2502
M400 B30 2376

Article about the weight of concrete in 1 m3. We hope the information about the volumetric weight of concrete will be very useful for you in your future work.

Concrete is the main component of any construction work, whether it is a simple repair or the construction of pits and structures. It has high strength initially, but with the use of additives it can improve in performance.

During construction, first of all, how much concrete weighs (the weight of a concrete cube) is calculated, since on the basis of this characteristic it is determined by the specifics of its use and application. The weight of concrete depends directly on the components added as filling. It can be materials such as crushed stone, expanded clay, pebbles and many others. Also, when kneading, the volume of water used is also taken into account. On the basis of these characteristics, concrete is divided into four types: light and heavy, extra light and extra heavy.

Extra lightweight concrete- with air cells of small and medium size (up to 1-1.5 mm) in large quantities (up to 85%). Such concrete is mainly used for thermal insulation of the room. The weight of extra light concrete per cube does not exceed 500 kg.

Lightweight concrete- with a porous structure or such lightweight aggregates as expanded clay with the obligatory addition of about 600 kg of sand. This type of concrete is used in the form of finished building blocks. The weight of lightweight concrete per cube is from 500 -1800 kg.

heavy concrete- classic with the addition of heavy and large aggregates, such as gravel or crushed stone, which make up the bulk of concrete. Approximate proportion: gravel or crushed stone - 1150 - 1300 kg, cement - 250 - 450 kg, sand - 600 - 750 kg, water about 150-200 liters. This type of concrete has a wide range of applications. The weight of heavy concrete per cube is from 1800 - 2500 kg.

Extra heavy concrete- which contains various types of metal scrap, barite, hematite, magnetite, which determine the bulk. They are mainly used to protect personnel from radioactive radiation. The weight of heavy concrete per cube is from 2500 - 3000 kg.

For better orientation, below is a concrete weight table (this table contains approximate values):

The weight of concrete depending on its brand and admixtures

It is important to bear in mind that it is not possible to calculate the weight of a cube of concrete of all components separately from the tables, add them up and get an indicator for the entire product. The weight of 1 m3 of concrete depends on various factors, such as the quality of the mix, the amount of water, the presence of voids, and the size of the granules.

Concrete is a popular building material used in the construction of a wide variety of buildings and structures. Its different types have different characteristics, primarily weight.

How much does concrete M300 weigh

In general, the variation in the mass of concrete is very large - from 500 kg/m3 to 2500 kg/m3. And according to this important indicator, the material is divided into light, medium and heavy types, which have slightly different areas of application.

Concrete M300 belongs to the heavy type and weighs an average of 2300-2500 kg / m3. It is used for the construction of various structural elements:

  • load-bearing and self-supporting walls, partitions, ceilings, building foundations;
  • for the subfloor, paths around the house and on the site, entrances to the house from the main road, etc.;
  • for hydraulic structures;
  • in road construction.

How to determine the weight yourself

You can approximately calculate the mass of a cubic meter of concrete M300 knowing the weight of all the components of the concrete mix used. However, it should be understood that for 1 m3 of the finished mixture it will take somewhere 20-30% more by volume of components. This is due to the fact that during the preparation of the mixture it is strongly compacted, cement and sand occupy previously empty spaces between the grains of coarse aggregate. If it is not just concrete, but a reinforced concrete structure, then when calculating the weight, the weight of the steel reinforcement used should also be taken into account.

Also, the weight indicator will not necessarily be constant for a particular brand of mixture. It can vary quite a lot depending on the raw materials used (sand, cement, crushed stone), their density and size. So, for example, the use of coarse-grained aggregate increases the number and size of pores in a concrete stone, thus lightening it.

The weight depends on the type, quantity and size of the aggregate (sand and crushed stone) and only shows what kind of load this concrete element creates, transfers to the supporting structures and further to the base soil. He does not give a direct indication of strength. It mainly depends on the grade of cement that was used (it should be 1.5-2 times higher than the desired grade of concrete), and is indicated in the grade of concrete - the numerical coefficient shows the compressive strength in kg / cm2 of a cubic sample (with faces along 15 cm) of this concrete. Those. in the case of the M300 brand, a concrete cube, having gained almost 100% strength on the 28th day of hardening, must withstand 300 kg per square centimeter of its surface.

In order for the construction to not be very expensive for us, experienced specialists first determine how much materials will be needed for a particular amount of work. T

careful and accurate calculations are required, as well as you need to know the weight of each material, including the weight of 1 cube of concrete.

This is done in order to know not only the calculation of the cost of the material, but also to set the number and density of a specific building material intended for construction.

The weight of one cube of concrete can only be determined when you know the type of material. Also, the weight depends on which aggregates were used in the manufacture of building materials.

Probably, every novice or experienced builder takes into account which aggregates and mixtures were part of a particular material in order to build durable and high-quality housing.

Weight of heavy and light concrete

It must be said that light concretes are filled by manufacturers with light impurities, such as tuff, expanded clay, shell rock. From this it follows that their weight is up to 1900 kg. The main filler of this material is sand, this should not be confused with screening proportions.

Concerning weight of 1 cube of heavy concrete, then crushed stone and gravel are used as fillers for it. Then this material will weigh up to 2500 kg.

With all this, approximately 300 kg + - 100 kg is cement. Sand is from 500 to 650 kg in one cube of concrete, but crushed stone ranges from 1100 kg to 12 thousand kg. The solution of the future material includes water (200 liters in one cube of concrete).

The figures that are given here are all approximate and have the ability to change depending on what impurities are added to the concrete. It should be noted that especially heavy concrete mixes weigh up to 3000 kg.

Consumption of various materials per 1 cube of concrete

For competent and proper preparation of concrete, it is necessary to take into account the number of all components that make up concrete. . The basis of concrete is gravel and crushed stone, the binder is a mixture of cement and sand with the addition of water.

What is needed for one cube of concrete

From the very beginning, you need to specify what is the cost of cement per cubic meter of concrete. The clarity of laying cement per 1 cube of concrete mixture is equal to one kilogram, but crushed stone must be laid with a clarity of five kilograms.

In the event that the laying of absolutely all the components of the concrete mixture occurs in compliance with the required proportions and accuracy, then the solution can turn out as it should. It will be strong, durable, will not succumb to different climatic conditions. It will also have the necessary strength and rigidity and will be mobile and will be an excellent foundation for a house.

How to count concrete

In the process of calculating the concrete mix, you need to know which brand you need to get. After all, each brand requires a different consumption of materials and different aggregates, it's easier to use our online calculator.

To do this, first establish which brand you need, and then proceed to work and the manufacture of concrete. So, you will get rid of unnecessary additional financial costs.

The nuances of creating a brand

If you need one cube of M100 brand concrete, then you need to take brand 300 cement. The mass of this cement should be about 150 kg + - 10 kg . If you planned to use cement grade 400, then you need to start from 190 kg per cube of concrete.

Thus, you can get any brand of concrete, but you should definitely take into account the proportions and types of consumables.

A large number of experts for creating concrete advise all components of the future material to be measured in small parts. Clarity and accuracy are important here.

So, for example, in the case if the builder wanted to use cement grade 600, then he needs to make a solution with such proportions as 1/4 (1 is a kg of cement, and 4 is 4 kg of sand).

After adding water to the solution, the volumetric part of the material will become smaller, then you need to multiply the volume of cement by 1.4. So, for example, for 1 cube of brick, you need to use 0.3 cubes of mortar, and 90 kg of cement will come in handy for this.

As a result, for the brickwork of one cube of the wall, you need to use about 90 kg of cement .

In order for the construction process to pass efficiently and easily, it is necessary to take the most common solution. For him, you will need to take 0.4 cubic meters of sand, 0.7 cubic meters of crushed stone, and also the same amount of cement.

In the event that it is necessary to obtain M200 concrete, then 260 kg of cement will be needed. And if you want to get concrete M300, then in this case 390 kg of cement is used.

In addition to materials such as cement, other materials are also useful for the preparation of concrete. But first of all, for this you need to find out the specific amount of water that is useful for making the solution.

Cement mortar is one of the most popular building materials. When erecting any structures, it is important to take into account the specific gravity of the substances used. For example, if construction involves the use of cement, then you need to know how much a cube of concrete of a particular configuration weighs. Reinforced concrete and concrete structures are the basis of many buildings, so it is impossible to neglect their properties at the design stage.

Weight classification

Concrete mixtures are used in quite a variety of variations. Modern cement is needed for such operations:

  • interior decoration of residential premises;
  • construction of reinforced concrete foundations of buildings;
  • construction of dams and monolithic structures.

It is used for other purposes - this is just an indicative list that shows the variety of uses for this material. Of course, different characteristics are required from cement for interior decoration and foundation construction, which is why all mixtures are divided into classes and brands.

With the help of classification, you can also determine the weight of 1 cube of concrete. Mass increases with type change:

  • heat-insulating (especially light, classes below B7.5);
  • light (classes B7.5-B15);
  • heavy (B15-B30);
  • heavyweight (over).

The first includes brands from M50 to M75, their specific gravity does not exceed 500 kilograms. To the second - from M100 to M200, which vary from 500 to 1800 kg. "Heavy" are marked as M200-M400, and their specific gravity is 1800-2500. All brands from the M450 are considered especially heavy. The specific gravity of such concrete reaches three tons.

Thermal insulation mixture

Such cement contains a large volume of fillers, due to which a level of 85% of the voids is achieved. Although the mass of a cubic meter of such a mixture does not reach half a ton, and in a frozen state, it cannot withstand heavy loads and perform a load-bearing function, the brand has the lowest thermal conductivity values. Porous structures do not withstand cold well and wear out quickly under the influence of frost, therefore, to enhance strength, a plasticizer for concrete is also included in the mixture. The instability of moisture should not be ignored, which is why the installation of waterproofing is mandatory.

Medium types

"Light" mixture is not uncommon, especially M150. Many types of ready-mixed concrete are in the range of 500-1800 kg specific gravity. There are pores in the structure of most building blocks. Air bubbles in the mass are created using blowing agents or cellular fillers. Among the latter, expanded clay is often used.

"Heavy" concrete is used much more often than other types, because it is used for the construction of many components of the structure. First of all, it is used for parts that perform a supporting role. A cube of M300 concrete weighs at least 1800 kilograms - this applies to all mixtures belonging to the heavy type. If it becomes necessary to make the supporting structure stronger, the density is increased to 2.5 tons per cubic meter. This is done by changing the ratio of sand and coarse filler. The density of the latter also plays an important role - crushed gravel is much heavier than granite or expanded clay.

Extra heavy concrete

This species is not widely distributed due to its specificity. Such concrete can reach maximum values ​​when one meter cube weighs about three tons. To achieve such indicators, metal fillers are included in the mixture, many of them are relatively specific materials for the construction industry. In addition, they are quite expensive. But the brand M450 perfectly prevents the spread of radiation.

Particularly heavy concrete is used only for the construction of special structures. Walls made from dense mixtures with metallic impurities reflect most of the radioactive radiation. This is beneficial for the construction of nuclear power plants, laboratories and "sarcophagi" at the sites of disasters associated with the release of radiation.

Table of volumetric and specific gravity

The volumetric weight is calculated during transportation and differs from the actual weight. Density depends not only on the brand, but also on the state of the mixture (liquid or dry).

As it becomes clear from the table, the weight of concrete per 1 m³ in the liquid state is higher than in the dry state.

The values ​​\u200b\u200bof always differ, how much 1 cube of concrete in kg weighs actually and calculated. Real values ​​are given in the second table.

If we compare these two tables, we can see that the calculated weight of the M200 brand is equal to the actual weight of the M250 cube. This also applies to other species. How much does a cube of concrete M300 actually weigh, as much M250 according to calculations.

Attention! The exact correspondence of the described characteristics to the specified brand is achieved only during the factory production of the mixture.

The volumetric weight of concrete is a concept used in determining the mass of the finished concrete structure, which will largely form the load on the foundation. It determines the mass of solidified material in a given volume. This figure can vary significantly depending on the filler used and the porosity.

How to find out the weight of 1 m 3 of concrete?

There is a parameter indicating a certain type of concrete. It may depend on the following factors:

  • types of filler;
  • use of gas during solidification;
  • compaction of the mixture during pouring;
  • cement grades

The mass also depends on the type, which varies per cubic meter from 0.5 to 3 or more tons. There is no direct relationship between strength and weight of concrete. It is determined by the properties of the main components of the material and their percentage.

The higher the specific gravity of the cube, the better the main indicators of finished products. High-density concrete is characterized by good strength, moisture resistance and frost resistance. It is widely used for preparation of the bases in any climatic conditions. It is an excellent base for creating reliable road slabs that operate under heavy loads.

In cases where reinforcement piping is used during construction work, the density of the material is increased by 3-10% to calculate the mass. On average, this value can reach 2.5 t/m 3 .

Weight of 1 cube of concrete
Concrete brand Liquid (kg) Dry (kg)
M100 2366 2180
M150 2360 2181
M200 2362 2182
M300 2358 2183
M400 2350 2170
M500 2355 2180