Reading time: 9 min

One of the most enjoyable moments in the process of losing weight is seeing the desired numbers on the scale. But what to do if your weight has increased for almost no reason? The main thing is not to panic. After all, this may have a very simple explanation.

We offer you the 10 most likely reasons why you saw a number on the scale that is higher than normal.

remember, that Weight gain is not always a sign of increased fat mass. If you are in the process of losing weight, then periodic stops or slight weight gain are absolutely normal. And this does not mean at all that you are doing something wrong. The largest “plumb lines” usually occur in the first weeks of weight loss (mainly due to the reduction of edema), but then the weight begins to decrease at a slow pace (due to fat tissue).

In the process of reducing fat, complex biochemical processes occur in your body. Give him time to readjust! The weight will not fall linearly, so prepare in advance for jumps and stops in weight (even possibly long ones). Moreover, the lower your initial weight, the slower and more difficult it will be to decrease when losing weight.

1. Physical activity

5. You eat less than you should

Do you see an absolute contradiction in this and the previous paragraph? Do not be surprised. Undereating is just as bad as overeating. When we limit our body's nutrition beyond measure, it begins to switch to an economical metabolic mode. This means that he begins to accumulate fat even from the small amount of food that he receives.

Our advice: Forget about starvation diets and eating below 1200-1300 calories forever.

6. Menstruation period

Weight in women is very dependent on the menstrual cycle. Firstly, before the onset of menstruation, fluid is retained in the body, which leads to an increase of 1-2 kg. Secondly, during this period women's appetite increases, which can also lead to weight gain.

Our advice: control your appetite during this period of time, giving preference to vegetables and unsweetened fruits. And also do not pay attention to the scale readings a few days before and during menstruation.

7. Insufficient water intake

Water is essential for the normal functioning of most organs in our body. If the body does not receive the required amount of water, the body begins to retain it for future use. Therefore, one of the reasons for weight gain may be insufficient water intake and dehydration.

Our advice: try to drink 2 liters of clean water a day. Do not overuse coffee and tea.

8. Mistakes in calorie calculations

One of the hidden reasons for weight gain may be errors in calculating calories. For example, you incorrectly calculate the calorie corridor. Or you don’t weigh the products, but measure them by eye. Or you don’t take into account all the foods you eat. Consequently, You eat more than you need and gain weight.

Our advice: read the article about counting calories. Perhaps some questions will disappear on their own. and try to keep track of their values.

10. Impaired kidney and heart function

Weight gain can also be caused by fluid retention due to kidney and heart problems. The likelihood of this is quite high if you are also bothered by swelling and bags under your eyes. Due to such disorders, fluid is retained in the body and weight gain occurs.

Our advice: If, in addition to weight gain, you are often tormented by swelling, it is better to consult a doctor.

As you can see, just because your weight has increased does not mean that you have gained weight. If you are nervous about the number on the scale, we advise you to weigh yourself no more than once a week.

Psychologists around the world claim that a person’s happiness does not depend on weight, height, or other physical parameters. But we stubbornly continue to strive for beauty standards and when this process for some reason stalls, we panic. In most cases, weight gain is caused by overeating and lack of physical activity. But sudden, unmotivated weight fluctuations, which certainly upset any woman, indicate various problems in the body.

The reasons may be different: changes in eating behavior, the onset of a disease, taking medications, various deviations in the functioning of body systems. In such cases, the problem can be avoided only by eliminating the cause. Let's look at the reasons for sudden weight gain in women and ways to eliminate it.

Hormonal disorders

According to experts, the largest number of cases of sudden weight gain occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance caused by some disease. Such a picture can, for example, be observed with polycystic ovary syndrome. A sharp jump in the level of the male hormone testosterone, provoked by the disease, is the cause of sudden weight gain in women. Which doctor should I contact? This question interests many, because self-medication is impossible. To get started, make an appointment with a gynecologist. If polycystic disease is eliminated, weight can be returned to normal, but not immediately.

We will consider the reasons for sudden weight gain in women at the age of 25 below.

It is also necessary to remember about the early diagnosis of diseases of this kind. If you notice some symptoms (hair loss and fragility, the appearance of hair in unusual places, acne, irregular menstrual cycle, inability to get pregnant), you should consult a doctor. In this case, there is a chance to avoid the development of the disease and cure it at an early stage, before weight problems arise. With strict adherence to the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor, the normal structure of the ovary is restored in about a year. This, of course, will not lead to weight loss, but it will stop further weight gain. Getting rid of extra pounds, as in all other cases, is possible only by following a diet and daily physical activity. Losing weight also has a beneficial effect on restoring hormonal levels during sudden weight gain in women. The reasons are always interconnected.


A disease such as hypothyroidism can also cause weight gain. This disease occurs as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, or more precisely due to its low activity and insufficient synthesis of thyroid hormones, which are the main regulators of metabolic processes in the body. A deficiency of these hormones leads to a slowdown in metabolism, and this, in turn, provokes an increase in body weight.

The root cause in this case is usually a lack of iodine. It is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. A characteristic symptom of the disease is not only weight gain, but also other signs. They can be expressed in a constant feeling of cold, brittle hair and nails, and excessive dry skin. If you notice something like this, you need to consult an endocrinologist for advice. After appropriate treatment, thyroid hormones return to normal, and excess weight gradually begins to disappear. However, we must take into account the fact that if body weight has increased by more than 10 kg, then it is unlikely that only the thyroid gland is to blame. The problem needs to be looked for somewhere else.

What else could be the reason for sudden weight gain in women?

Excess fluid in the body

Excess fluid content in the body can initiate the gain of extra pounds. Water accumulates in the cells and between them, which provokes the appearance of edema, cellulite, and the accumulation of excess weight. You can determine the presence of edema by resorting to the simplest procedure: press on the skin with your finger and release. If after pressing there is a dimple left, this means that swelling is present. Every woman is familiar with this problem. Before the onset of menstruation, all representatives of the fair sex experience swelling, which goes away without treatment with the onset of menstruation.

However, if swelling bothers you constantly, then this indicates quite serious pathologies. The cause may be cardiovascular disease or kidney problems. Untimely treatment of these pathologies can lead to disability and sometimes death. Accordingly, if you undergo a course of treatment and eliminate swelling, then your weight will quickly return to normal. The reasons for sudden weight gain in women at 25 years old may differ from those in women who are over 40-50 years old. People under 25 years of age have a very good metabolism, but with age, against the background of hormonal changes in the body, all processes, including metabolic ones, slow down. Therefore, it may be more difficult for a woman aged 35-40 to lose weight.


Sometimes it occurs due to the appearance of tumors in the abdominal cavity. Such diseases do not happen so often, but you should not lose sight of this scenario. The development of a tumor in this case is provoked by so-called dermoids, consisting of various types of tissue. They grow very quickly and actively reproduce in the abdominal cavity. In some cases, the neoplasms resulted in a weight gain of more than 30 kg. The slightest disproportionate increase in tissue in the abdominal area should alert you and be a reason to consult a doctor.

Action of antidepressants

Weight fluctuations can also occur as a result of certain medications, such as antidepressants. The most typical drug that has this effect is Paroxetine. Its use in most cases leads to a sharp weight gain. Another drug in this group is Prozac. It causes obesity only with long-term use. The same can be said about Setralin. Experts say that taking antidepressants provokes obesity only in case of long-term (more than 12 months) use.

Diabetic drugs

Drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes, which usually develops as a result of severe weight gain, can also cause even greater weight gain. A kind of vicious circle is formed, from which it is not so easy to get out. Modern remedies for diabetes, according to the latest medical data, can prevent this cause of sudden weight gain in women. Which doctor should I contact? Let's figure it out.

If there is a hormonal imbalance in the body, then you need to contact an endocrinologist, but it would not be superfluous to visit a gynecologist and other highly specialized specialists. You will also need to consult a nutritionist.

The new generation of drugs includes the drug “Siofor”, which has a double effect. It helps lower blood sugar levels and normalize the body's metabolic processes, which prevents the accumulation of extra pounds. But you shouldn’t ignore the classic ways to help you lose weight, diet and exercise. In this regard, it should be recalled that nutritionists are categorically against taking drugs that promote weight loss by preventing fat absorption. Such medications are taken only when absolutely necessary and only on the recommendation of a doctor.


Steroid hormones can also cause sudden weight gain in women. How can we treat bronchial asthma, skin tuberculosis, and inflammation of some internal organs without them? After all, taking steroid hormones is often due to vital necessity. Experts say that short-term use of steroids does not increase weight by much, but even in the case of severe weight gain, when the medication is discontinued, it quickly returns to normal. Long-term use of drugs in this group is not recommended; you should consider alternative means.

What to do

Whatever the reason for sudden weight gain in women after 35 years, it should be actively combated, since its presence leads to the development of serious pathologies. Obese people in most cases have high cholesterol, which provokes the development of cardiovascular diseases. Obesity has a beneficial effect on the development of diabetes. In addition, the load on the liver increases, since it is responsible for the process of processing and utilizing fat. The risk of developing various pathologies also arises for the kidneys, pancreas, and digestive organs. Fat located on internal organs is especially dangerous; it is very difficult to eliminate. This condition provokes the accumulation of toxins, waste and the appearance of stagnant foci. Obese people have a significantly higher risk of developing certain types of malignant tumors, including colon cancer, endometriosis, and breast pathologies. Increased load on the skeleton and joints leads to damage to the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis).


In the article we looked at the main reasons for sudden weight gain in women. In order to avoid all these negative consequences, you need to monitor your weight, and if there is a persistent change in body weight, you need to consult a doctor and strictly follow his recommendations.

Why do people gain excess weight when eating right? Excess calories are not necessarily the only reason you are overweight. Everyone knows that if you eat huge portions of a lot of fried foods, eat fatty desserts, drink alcohol or carbonated drinks, this will inevitably lead to weight gain. It is also clear why a person gets fat. When a person consumes more calories than they burn through exercise, the extra calories simply have nowhere to go.

But why does a person get fat when he regularly exercises, follows the principles of rational nutrition and counts the calories he consumes?
If a balanced diet and regular exercise have not yielded results and the arrow on the scale continues to creep up, you need to think about a number of reasons. It may very well be that there are several such factors, and they act in combination.
Dr Michelle May, author of Am I Hungry? What to do when diets don't work? notes that weight gain is a rather difficult process. She identifies five factors that can lead to obesity when you least expect it.

1. Weight may increase due to lack of sleep
The flow of all processes in the human body depends on how rested he is. When you don't get enough sleep, your body becomes stressed. At the same time, biochemical processes occur that promote fat deposition.
When you are tired, it is more difficult to cope with stress. In such a state, there is a great temptation to relieve stress with food. It is possible that the extra calories you gain are due to the snacks you eat at night. Some people are convinced that it is easier to fall asleep on a full stomach, but this is not true. The only thing you get as a result of such a late snack is extra calories. Lack of sleep is indicated by fatigue, lack of energy, drowsiness and irritability.
Try to sleep at least eight hours a night. Try increasing your sleep time by 15 minutes and evaluate how you feel. By adding 15 minutes to your sleep every day, you can determine how much sleep you need to get enough sleep. People sleep better when they exercise regularly and follow a regular bedtime routine.

2. Stress may contribute to weight gain.
Society demands more and more from us. Every day you need to work better, harder and faster. Stress pushes us forward. It helps us cope with the demands of life, but it also affects our mood and emotions.
Stress creates a response. A person is eager to fight, takes on additional obligations, and strives to overcome financial difficulties. This in turn triggers a biochemical mechanism that turns on the “survival mode” in the body.
Our bodies begin to store energy for future use, slow down the metabolic process and release chemicals such as cortisol, leptin and a number of other hormones, which in most cases lead to obesity in the abdominal area, explains May.
Many people are accustomed to eating stress in an attempt to relieve tension. But, of course, this path does not help in the long run.
“Food provides only temporary relief because it does nothing to address the real sources of stress that need to be addressed in order to reduce the urge to eat and thereby resolve the problem,” says Michelle May.
Nutritionist Suzanne Bourman, associate director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California, Los Angeles, notes that those who relieve stress through food tend to favor foods high in carbohydrates. These foods activate the brain's production of the chemical serotonin, which has a calming effect.
“It's almost like self-medicating with food. Many people uncontrollably consume foods rich in starch just to cheer themselves up,” the scientist emphasizes.
Doctors recommend using various relaxation techniques and physical exercises, which not only have a healing effect, but also burn calories.

3. Your weight may be increasing due to the medications you are taking.
Some medications for depression, nervous breakdowns, convulsions, migraines, high blood pressure, and diabetes may also contribute to weight gain. Due to such medications, a person can gain up to 5 kg per month. Certain types of steroids, hormonal drugs and even contraceptives can gradually lead to obesity. If you have gained 2-3 kilograms in a month without changing your lifestyle, the medications you are taking may be to blame.
“Each drug leads to obesity in its own way,” May notes. — Some increase appetite, others affect the body’s absorption of fats, and others affect insulin levels. And yet the same drugs have different effects on patients.”
In the case of antidepressants, weight gain may not be due to the direct effects of the medication. Improved well-being also leads to improved appetite. Some medications retain fluid in the body. The scale shows weight gain, although it is not actually fat and the weight can be easily adjusted.
Experts identify the following types of widely used medications that can lead to obesity:
. steroids
. antidepressants
. neuroleptics
. anti-seizure medications
. diabetes remedies
. high blood pressure medications
. heartburn remedies
Remember that sometimes a few extra pounds is better than taking some medicine. In addition, even if certain medications lead to obesity, you still should not forget about the need for a healthy diet and regular exercise.
“The problem is rarely solved by simply changing prescribed medications,” says Michelle May, author of a book on healthy eating. “The causes of weight gain are usually related to each other. If you suspect your obesity is due to certain medications, talk to your doctor. He may prescribe other medications for you. Most importantly, do not stop taking your medications without consulting a specialist. Stopping medication without consulting your doctor can have very serious consequences,” warns Dr. May.

4. Weight may increase due to health problems
The most common medical cause of obesity is low levels of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism). A lack of thyroid hormones can reduce your metabolic rate, leading to loss of appetite and weight gain.
“If you're tired, sleepy, overweight, have a deep voice, can't stand cold, sleep too much or have headaches, you should see your doctor for a simple test for hypothyroidism,” says May.
Much less common is a disorder associated with excess cortisol hormone, which can also lead to weight gain.
5. Weight may increase with menopause.
Menopause occurs in women at different ages. On average, this occurs at 45–50 years of age. Over the years, a natural slowdown in metabolic rate begins. Hormonal changes in the body can cause depression and sleep disturbances.
Menopause brings about many changes in the female body. When women go through menopause, they lose the female sex hormone estrogen. This in turn leads to changes in physique due to loss of muscle mass in the thighs. At the same time, women begin to gain weight in the middle part of the body. Estrogen, Bowerman explains, promotes fat storage in the lower body. When the production of this hormone decreases, fat begins to be deposited mainly in the midsection of the body (much like in men).
You can avoid the appearance of fat on the belt by maintaining and increasing lean body mass. This in turn leads to an increase in metabolic rate and calorie burning.
“Women need to understand how important weight lifting and strength training are to their health,” says Bowerman. As experts emphasize, there is no need to be afraid that strength training will turn you into bodybuilders. This is wrong.
Exercise also prevents bone loss caused by menopause. Therefore, weight gain with the onset of menopause can be counteracted by a set of exercises combined with a healthy diet. The diet should include foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, and the number of calories consumed should also be taken into account.
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While weight gain is most often associated with overeating and lack of physical activity, we found more unusual causes. Perhaps our list will help you answer the question: why am I gaining weight?


Nutritional deficiencies

If you don't get a balanced diet, the needle on the scale may creep up, despite low calorie intake and exercise. Iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D are vital elements that must be obtained from natural sources.

If you are deficient in some vitamin or element, your metabolism slows down and you feel a lack of energy.


Taking medications can also cause weight gain. Contraceptives and some other pills play a particularly large role in this, including antidepressants, steroids and even diabetes medications. If you notice that your weight has increased after starting a new medication, tell your doctor and ask for alternative medications that do not have the same side effects.

Hormonal imbalance

If your adrenal glands and ovaries produce too much testosterone, you will gain weight and experience other unpleasant symptoms, including irregular cycles. The unexpected appearance of acne also serves as a signal of hormonal imbalance. Polycystic ovary syndrome also leads to weight gain.

Lack of sleep

Even if you sleep 6-7 hours daily, your body may not be getting enough rest. To cross this reason off the list of unusual factors for weight gain, try going to bed half an hour or at least 15 minutes earlier. Trust me, you will notice the difference. However, if you have a desire to increase your sleep time by more than 8 hours, then remember the results of the study proving that excess sleep also causes weight gain.

Thyroid problems

Weight gain can be one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism, but cases of significant weight gain are still quite rare. If you have gained 3-5 kilograms, the problem may be in the thyroid gland. Such problems can also provoke fluid retention, but with proper treatment, the extra pounds will quickly go away.

Slow absorption

Food stuck in the digestive tract for a long time can also cause extra pounds, especially if you suffer from constipation. In this case, the intestines can cause a slowdown in metabolism, which makes weight gain an easy task, and attempts to lose extra pounds unsuccessful.

123RF/Wavebreak Media Ltd.


If you suffer from depression, you are likely to overeat. Unfortunately, most antidepressants increase appetite. If your doctor confirms side effects from the pills, ask him to prescribe you a different medicine.

Condition of the musculoskeletal system

Osteoarthritis and other diseases that affect the muscles, spine and joints can cause weight gain. Pain in the legs or joints does not encourage exercise. Another common cause of gradual weight gain is plantar fasciitis (heel spur).

Take up swimming or consult a podiatrist who can prescribe treatment to improve your overall condition.


It is not necessary to go into depression; stress simply negatively affects metabolism, significantly slowing it down, forcing the body to store fat in reserve. If the root cause is too much stress, you will gain weight around your waist. If you can't cope with stress, you'll likely overeat on top of that.

123RF/Dmitriy Shironosov

Itsenko-Cushing syndrome

This disease is the rarest of all the strange causes of weight gain. In addition to a sharp increase in body weight, it is also characterized by other unpleasant symptoms: from osteoporosis to problems with blood pressure. The disease causes

Elena Selivanova

Unfortunately, we recover not only from a sedentary lifestyle and overeating.

It is logical that drinking tea with sweets, cake instead of breakfast and dinner, and drinking alcohol at night cause weight gain.

No less true is the statement that buying a car, coupled with office work and a penchant for passive leisure, “adds” an average of 5 kg per year.

But what if you count calories, choose healthy, nutritious foods, and still gain weight? Many people ask themselves in a moment of despair the question: “Why am I gaining weight quickly?”

Perhaps the following facts will help you solve the problem.

Rapid weight gain due to lack of sleep

If you don't get enough sleep, your blood sugar levels will be low in the morning, and you'll likely drink coffee with something sweet to perk you up. This will cause a chain reaction of fluctuations in sugar levels, multiple insulin spikes and constant hunger.

As a result, a person can eat almost 3 times more than necessary and will be convinced that he is still hungry. The popular diet advice about coffee with sweetener, unfortunately, works in much the same way.

So it turns out that there is only one way out: rearrange your daily routine and find time to sleep. Believe me, if you don’t finish reading your next book tonight, there won’t be much trouble. But you still need to sleep.

Cortisol, leptin and rapid weight gain

To be honest, the life of most modern people resembles an eternal race for prosperity, freedom and the abstract concept of “becoming better.” Your weight problem may be caused by your individual response to stress.

Some people gain significant weight under the influence of the hormones cortisol and leptin. These hormones can slow down metabolism to a minimum. As a result, a person eats as usual, but stores quite a lot of energy in the form of fat deposits, since the body adapts to this particular way of life.

Unfortunately, advice like “stop worrying, start meditating” does not work in all cases. Sometimes you can lose weight and feel better only after a radical lifestyle change - for example, by changing jobs or giving up your usual daily activities and thinking patterns.

Why am I gaining weight quickly, is it really the pills?

Many medications for migraines, depression, seizures, diabetes, and high blood pressure can cause weight gain.

Hormone replacement therapy and some types of infertility treatment have approximately the same effect. What can I say, even oral hormonal contraceptives that have become commonplace cause gradual but significant weight gain in some women.

The situation is also worsened by the well-known problem of our healthcare: a doctor is more likely to prescribe a medicine that he promotes for some commission, rather than recommend an effective non-drug method of correcting the condition. The situation with contraception is also quite bad; pills are often prescribed on a “maybe it will work” principle, and not after an examination.

If “gain” occurs after starting treatment, it makes sense to change the doctor or ask to be prescribed a different drug. Weight gain “from pills” can exceed 10 kg within a few months, and this is already a serious threat to health, and not just a cosmetic problem.

Diseases as a cause of rapid weight gain

Most common in regions far from the sea, hypothyroidism or decreased thyroid function. This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • weakness, fatigue, drowsiness;
  • hoarse voice, low mood;
  • decreased appetite (!) and rapid weight gain.

If you experience such sensations, do not self-medicate, go to an endocrinologist as soon as possible. The problem with the “drink iodine” method arises, if only because the cause of hypothyroidism can be damage to the thyroid tissue, and not at all iodine deficiency.

Menopause as a cause of weight gain

Often, a decrease in natural estrogen levels leads to changes in body composition. A woman quickly loses muscle tissue, and fat is deposited in a male pattern - around the waist in the abdominal cavity. Doctors consider weight gain during this period inevitable.

However, it's not all bad! Regular strength training, according to the same Michelle May, can practically block this process and avoid a slowdown in metabolism and male-type obesity. So replace your usual aerobics routine with a gym routine and you will definitely feel better.

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