What happens if you consume 2-3 eggs per day? This is one of the most asked questions about healthy eating. In this article, you will learn why 2-3 eggs a day is not only safe, but also beneficial for your body in many ways!

Why 2-3 eggs a day is not harmful

However, eggs do contain high-density lipoproteins (HDL), which are actually vital for the body and brain.
High-density lipoprotein provides stability in every cell in your body and helps your body produce vitamin D and hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and cortisol.

Unlike low-density lipoproteins (LDL, bad cholesterol), which "clings" to the walls of blood vessels, HDL cholesterol cleanses the inner walls of blood vessels and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. It also lowers low-density lipoprotein levels and does not contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease or stroke in healthy people, so you can eat 2-3 eggs a day without worrying about cholesterol.

Regular consumption of eggs, however, may increase the chance of developing cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients. There is no doubt that egg white is classified as a valuable source of high quality protein. Egg yolks, however, are not something that should be eaten indiscriminately by adults without regard to their global cardiovascular risk, genetic predisposition to heart attacks, and presence of diabetes. (Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC29893).

So you have doubts caused by the myths about egg consumption and high cholesterol, now they are debunked. You can eat 2-3 eggs a day with less anxiety.

In order to keep your cholesterol levels under control, you just need to avoid consuming excessive amounts of sugar, exercise daily, maintain a healthy weight, eat more vegetables and stop smoking.

2-3 eggs a day and your choline is on the level!

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Eggs are an excellent source of choline, an essential nutrient that promotes brain development and memory function. To be even more precise, it is thanks to choline that acetylcholine is synthesized in the nerve endings, a neurotransmitter that carries out neuromuscular transmission, as well as the main neurotransmitter in the parasympathetic nervous system. The substance is so important to the brain that pregnant women are strongly advised to take choline supplements to avoid developmental abnormalities in the womb.

Currently, approximately 70% of women in developed countries are deficient in choline, making them more prone to muscle damage and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

2-3 eggs a day is good for the eyes

The benefits of eggs for strengthening muscles

2 eggs a day guarantees the same amount of protein as 1 serving of meat, while not exposing you to excess fat like most meats. Although many diets suggest eating only egg whites, you need to know that half of the total protein in an egg is found in the yolk! (

Whether you like eggs or not, I'm sure you'll always have a few in your fridge.

I eat eggs for breakfast, not only because I like the taste of them, but also because I recently learned that such a breakfast has many benefits. It turns out that eggs are very useful.

In this article, you will learn how.

What is in eggs?

Pretty much. Eggs contain vitamins A, D, E, as well as B12, riboflavin and folate. In addition, eggs contain minerals such as iodine, iron, calcium, zinc and selenium. A lot of things, right?

eggs and cholesterol

Have you heard that eggs are bad because they contain cholesterol?

Not true. Of course, eggs have cholesterol, but not the one that leads to blockage of blood vessels. According to nutritionist Jenny Nenvik in an interview with the Swedish site Aftonbladet, eggs contain high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol), and there are many other elements that are beneficial to health.

1. Lose weight with eggs

The modern study of dietetics shows that a protein-rich breakfast, oddly enough, can help you get rid of excess weight.

According to research, a low-calorie diet combined with a serving of eggs for breakfast can help you shed unwanted pounds in half the time.

Also, remember that by eating eggs, you will not feel hungry for a long time, which will help to refrain from taking in extra calories.

2. Eggs boost the immune system

Given that winter has just ended, and our bodies are missing vitamins, and the season of colds and flu has not yet passed, it's time to resort to the help of eggs to strengthen the immune system.

Studies have shown that two eggs in your daily diet can help protect you from infections, viruses, and the common cold.

3. Memory will improve

Have you ever heard of the amino acid choline? It affects the nerve signals that help us remember everyday little things like where you left your keys or wallet.

According to studies, taking choline supplements as a dietary supplement can improve memory and reaction time.

4. A miracle cure for your eyes

Lutein helps your eyes maintain clear and sharp vision. New research has shown that chicken eggs are rich in lutein and thus good for your eyes.

Lutein is produced naturally by your eyes and protects the retina from damage.

5. Fight depression

Vitamin D is especially deficient in winter, as the weather interferes with the sun's rays to supply it in the right amount. But eggs will help us eliminate its shortage. Vitamin D is also very helpful in maintaining the proper acid-base balance in the mouth and bones.

Vitamin D can also help fight depression!

6. Strengthening the skeleton

When you eat eggs, you get the calcium needed to strengthen the human skeleton and prevent osteoporosis.

7. Blood Benefits

People deprived of folate are at risk of developing anemia. Folate is also important for the proper development of the fetus in the womb. Useful information for those who are preparing to become a mother.

8. Eggs slow down the aging process

As already mentioned, eggs contain amino acids that are involved in the formation and regeneration of cells, which can help in the fight against aging.

As we age, the need for vitamin D also increases. For people over 60, the recommended amount is 10 micrograms. One egg contains, on average, 0.7 micrograms of vitamin D.

9. Reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease

Scientists from Canada have found a direct link between dishes that contain eggs and a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer, writes the Feel Good portal.

The reason for this lies in two important antioxidants: tryptophan and tyrosine, which are found in eggs.

People with low levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) are at greater risk of cardiovascular disease. As it turns out, eggs can increase LDL levels and therefore reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems.

10. Build muscle

Many people who want to add muscle mass consume a lot of eggs - and for good reason.

Eggs are rich in protein, which will help build muscle tissue.

11. Eggs protect skin, hair and nails.

Among an abundance of other health benefits, eggs are also high in B vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep skin, hair, and nails healthy.

I'm sure you already knew that eggs are good for health, but perhaps this article has added new facts about eggs that you have not heard about.

The beneficial properties of chicken eggs have been called into question more than once. As soon as they did not slander this, as it is now proven, a product unique in its composition.

We have collected the results of the latest research on the benefits of chicken eggs for the human body.

It turned out that 2-3 eggs is the optimal daily allowance.

Your brain is protected by choline

Phospholipids, which ensure the normal communication of brain cells, consist of choline. It is clinically proven that this vitamin is the most important building material of the brain. Eating 2 eggs per day provides the body with sufficient amounts of this nutrient. Choline deficiency leads to memory loss.

Vision is preserved thanks to lutein

New research has shown that chicken eggs are high in lutein. This substance is responsible for clear and sharp vision.. With its deficiency, destructive changes in the tissues of the eye accumulate and vision deteriorates irreversibly.

Vitamin D helps calcium to be absorbed

If you offer a person a choice: drink a spoonful of fish oil or eat a boiled egg - the vast majority will prefer the latter. Especially if he finds out that the content of vitamin D is the same in both cases. Moreover, scientists have made a decision on the possibility of increasing the amount of vitamin content in eggs by feeding chickens with special additives. Vitamin D helps calcium to be better absorbed and strengthen bones and teeth.

Vitamin B Complex Protects Skin, Hair, and Liver

Biotin, vitamin B12, and digestible nutritious protein help strengthen hair and skin. Phospholipids contained in a chicken egg help to remove toxic substances from the liver.

Decreases risk of cardiovascular disease

Contrary to previous beliefs, new studies have shown that cholesterol from eggs is balanced by phosphatides, and therefore not harmful to humans. It also inhibits the body's own production of cholesterol. Eggs also contain omega-3 acids, which lower triglyceride levels, which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

You are gradually losing weight

American scientists have come to the conclusion that when combining a low-calorie diet and eating chicken eggs for breakfast, weight loss occurs 2 times faster. Such a breakfast saturates for a long period, which allows you to reduce the amount of food consumed per day.

Reduced risk of cancer

Choline, so necessary for the brain, also reduces the likelihood of cancer. Studies have shown that women whose daily diet included eggs during their teenage years had an 18% lower risk of developing breast cancer.

Much is known about the fact that there are many useful substances in eggs. But there are even more various doubts about the benefits of eating chicken eggs every day.

The website Bright Side has collected the results of the latest research on the benefits of chicken eggs for the human body. It turned out that 2-3 eggs is the optimal daily allowance.

Your brain is protected by choline

Phospholipids, which ensure the normal communication of brain cells, consist of choline. It is clinically proven that this vitamin is the most important building material of the brain. Eating 2 eggs per day provides the body with sufficient amounts of this nutrient. Choline deficiency leads to memory loss.

Vision is preserved thanks to lutein

New research has shown that chicken eggs are high in lutein. This substance is responsible for clear and sharp vision. With its deficiency, destructive changes in the tissues of the eye accumulate and vision deteriorates irreversibly.

Vitamin D helps calcium to be absorbed

If you offer a person a choice: drink a spoonful of fish oil or eat a boiled egg, the vast majority will prefer the latter. Especially if he finds out that the content of vitamin D is the same in both cases.

Moreover, scientists have made a decision on the possibility of increasing the amount of vitamin content in eggs by feeding chickens with special additives. Vitamin D helps calcium to be better absorbed and strengthen bones and teeth.

Vitamin B Complex Protects Skin, Hair, and Liver

Biotin, vitamin B12, and digestible nutritious protein help strengthen hair and skin. Phospholipids contained in a chicken egg help to remove toxic substances from the liver.

Decreases risk of cardiovascular disease

Contrary to previous beliefs, new studies have shown that cholesterol from eggs is balanced by phosphatides, and therefore not harmful to humans. It also inhibits the body's own production of cholesterol. Eggs also contain omega-3 acids, which lower triglyceride levels, which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

You are gradually losing weight

American scientists have come to the conclusion that when combining a low-calorie diet and eating chicken eggs for breakfast, weight loss occurs 2 times faster. Such a breakfast saturates for a long period, which allows you to reduce the amount of food consumed per day.

Reduced risk of cancer

Choline, so necessary for the brain, also reduces the likelihood of cancer. Studies have shown that women whose daily diet included eggs during their teenage years had an 18% lower risk of developing breast cancer.

Useful when planning children

B vitamins are also involved in the formation of sex hormones. Vitamin B9 has another name - folic acid. With its help, red blood cells are formed, the neural tube of the fetus is formed, and the risk of mental retardation of the child is reduced. Therefore, B9 is so necessary for women during pregnancy planning. 1 chicken egg contains 7.0 micrograms of vitamin.

The aging process slows down

This is evidenced by studies by Dutch scientists. In 87% of women from 35 to 40 years old age spots disappeared, the skin tightened, and in men small wrinkles around the eyes noticeably smoothed out.

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The beneficial properties of chicken eggs have been called into question more than once. As soon as they did not slander this, as it is now proven, a product unique in its composition.

Here are the results of the latest research on the benefits of chicken eggs for the human body. It turned out that 2-3 eggs is the optimal daily allowance.

Your brain is protected by choline

Phospholipids, which ensure the normal communication of brain cells, consist of choline. It has been clinically proven that this vitamin is the most important building material of the brain. Eating 2 eggs per day provides the body with sufficient amounts of this nutrient. Choline deficiency leads to memory loss.

Vision is preserved thanks to lutein

New research has shown that chicken eggs are high in lutein. This substance is responsible for clear and sharp vision.. With its deficiency, destructive changes in the tissues of the eye accumulate and vision deteriorates irreversibly.

Vitamin D helps calcium to be absorbed

If you offer a person a choice: drink a spoonful of fish oil or eat a boiled egg - the vast majority will prefer the latter. Especially if he finds out that the content of vitamin D is the same in both cases. Moreover, scientists have made a decision on the possibility of increasing the amount of vitamin content in eggs by feeding chickens with special additives. Vitamin D helps calcium to be better absorbed and strengthen bones and teeth.

Vitamin B Complex Protects Skin, Hair, and Liver

Biotin, vitamin B12, and digestible nutritious protein help strengthen hair and skin. Phospholipids contained in a chicken egg help to remove toxic substances from the liver.

Decreases risk of cardiovascular disease

Contrary to previous beliefs, new studies have shown that cholesterol from eggs is balanced by phosphatides, and therefore not harmful to humans. It also inhibits the body's own production of cholesterol. Eggs also contain omega-3 acids, which lower triglyceride levels, which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

You are gradually losing weight

American scientists have come to the conclusion that when combining a low-calorie diet and eating chicken eggs for breakfast, weight loss occurs 2 times faster. Such a breakfast saturates for a long period, which allows you to reduce the amount of food consumed per day.

Reduced risk of cancer

Choline, so necessary for the brain, also reduces the likelihood of cancer. Studies have shown that women whose daily diet included eggs during their teenage years had an 18% lower risk of developing breast cancer.

Useful when planning children

B vitamins are also involved in the formation of sex hormones. Vitamin B9 has another name - folic acid. With its help, red blood cells are formed, the neural tube of the fetus is formed, and the risk of mental retardation of the child is reduced. Therefore, B9 is so necessary for women during pregnancy planning. 1 chicken egg contains 7.0 micrograms of vitamin.

The aging process slows down

This is evidenced by studies by Dutch scientists. In 87% of women from 35 to 40 years age spots disappeared, skin tightened, and in men, small wrinkles around the eyes were noticeably smoothed out.