Every novice gardener wants to know what flowers to plant in the country, and even so that they bloom all summer. Landscaping is a responsible business. We would not advise you to especially trust the advice of special magazines that advertise fashionable and modern plants.

It is not always cost-effective to run to the flower shop and buy expensive seeds. The fact is that they, in most cases, are very capricious and can bring a lot of trouble. Therefore, ideally, choose those varieties that have already been tested by time, and definitely will not let you down. In this article, we will consider which types are best used in the country for both landscaping flower beds and flowerpots.

An important requirement is unpretentiousness!

If you do not live in the country, but get to it several times a week, or even a month, then the growing plants should be unpretentious. Otherwise, for your absence, they will lose their attractive appearance and decorative effect, they may even die. Flowers must normally endure all sorts of atmospheric phenomena, for example, rain, hail, heat and more. Moreover, we need those species that pests do not like. This will allow you to have beautiful flower beds, which, in your absence, will not turn into miserable "skeletons"!

Unpretentious flowers should not require much time to care for them, such as regular fertilization, mulching, pruning and tying. Such plants must meet the requirement: minimum care - maximum decorative effect!

What to choose: perennial or annual

If you wish to acquire as soon as possible beautiful flower bed, then annuals would be ideal. Such flowers after planting begin to bloom after 1-2 months. A large number of these varieties have a long flowering cycle from summer to the first frost. As for perennials, the situation is quite different. Their flowering period is quite short. Some types of perennial flowers can bloom for only a few weeks, while others 1-2 months.

Another advantage of annuals is that every year you can experiment with new shades with different varieties. Accordingly, every year you will have a completely new picturesque picture in the garden. This is exactly what many flower lovers strive for.

But perennials are not without their merits. They also have their regular fans among gardeners and gain new ones every year. Despite the fact that they grow more slowly than annuals, after planting they are much less of a hassle and care problems. Therefore, you can plant such a flower once and enjoy its beauty for many years without making any effort.

As for annuals, they will have to be sown every time. And this is despite the fact that some annuals have the ability to self-sow. In this case, there is one drawback: you will not be able to get a beautiful outline of the flower bed, and all the color will be scattered in a chaotic manner. If you do not want this, then you will have to sow a new one every year!

Now let's talk in more detail about the varieties of annuals and perennials.

Bulbous flowers - a bright decoration of the dacha!

Among perennials, bulbs will be an ideal decoration for any site. They are absolutely not whimsical. But despite this, they delight the eyes of their owners with beauty. One of these spring flowers are crocuses. As soon as the snow melted, this primrose sprouts from the ground already in the month of March. To wait for the first inflorescences from him, there is no need to wait until he gains green mass. The first buds appear at the same time as the leaves.

This is due to the fact that its vegetative system develops at an accelerated pace. However, like most perennials, its flowering period is short - only 7-10 days, and after that it again hibernates, waiting for the next spring. This plant does not require any additional care, especially fertilizer. Also, it is bypassed by all possible fungi and pests.

If you love tulips, other representatives of bulbous flowers, then keep in mind that, unlike crocuses, they are more capricious. However, their presence in the country allows you to create a variety of combinations of flower beds. Their shape, color and size amaze any imagination. You can hardly find those who are indifferent to tulips.

They can be used on the Moorish lawn, the coastal zone of the reservoir, as well as in the center of the flower bed near the house. But as mentioned above, these large terry exotics are finicky. They are susceptible to various fungal diseases. And for this reason, before planting the bulbs, they should be treated with fungicides. It is recommended to carry out additional spraying during the growing season.

The main enemy of a tulip is a fungus. If you do not notice it in time, then the treatment of the disease will not be successful.

In addition to tulips and crocuses, other unpretentious bulbs can be planted for spring flowering, namely:

  • daffodils,
  • muscari,
  • hyacinths.

They can successfully diversify any spring flower bed. As for the summer bulbs, here you can’t do without beauty, which no one can equal - lilies. Today bred a large number of varieties that differ not only in the timing and period of flowering, different colors, but also the most important thing - aroma!

Perennials for summer cottages. What are the best?

Among perennials, there are also popular garden fashionistas - dahlias and peonies. Their reproduction is carried out by tubers. The luxury of flowers is conveyed by different colors: burgundy, pink, white. They bloom in early July. This plant is beautiful due to its lush forms of the bush. Even when its flowering period is over, the bush remains a wonderful decorative addition to the flower bed, creating a beautiful rich background.

Dahlias bloom in late summer and autumn. It is during this period that a large number of terry inflorescences of different shades appear on them: purple, red, yellow and white. Although there is annual variety dahlia, it is referred to as - funny guys. These plants are compact and small in size. They will look great as a decoration for low flower beds and borders.

Well, what if you have a gazebo, fence or arch in your garden? How can you decorate it? For this there is a simple and original solution. Clematis greens will decorate these and other items. Perennial climbing plant has a large number of small flowers.

On one clematis, 500 flowers can bloom at once! Truly a beautiful addition to any garden.

Among other things, clematis is the champion in the flowering period among perennials. This period starts in June and ends in October.

The luxury of long flowering - annuals

As for annual flowers for giving, the list here can be very large. But consider, perhaps, the most unpretentious species.

Marigolds are one of the simplest and most beautiful representatives. They amaze with their varying colors from bright burgundy to pale yellow. If we talk about their shape, then it can be simple or terry. If you want to form tall thickets, then opt for the African form of marigolds, which have large inflorescences-balls. If you dream of a border decoration, then rejected marigolds will be the best, they normally tolerate irregular watering, sun and constant rain.

It is not recommended to plant them in dense shade. This may lead to a lack of flowering. Marigolds need to get plenty of sunlight. In this case, their bushes will be strewn with flowers with a compact size.

Another picky flower among annuals is zinnias (majors, as they are popularly called). Despite the fact that it has a thick stem, it does not need a garter at all. The plant itself has excellent immunity and is not exposed to certain diseases. Zinnia flowers come in all sorts of shades and colors, with the exception of blue. Their main advantage is drought resistance. If you water them once a week, they will still delight you with the beauty of flowering. But do not abuse this, because due to systemic underfilling, they can decrease in size and bloom less luxuriantly.

Do not forget about the diverse petunia. This annual flower is able to decorate any flower bed. He has different forms, becoming a compact bush or a chic ampel with meter-long lashes. Unlike marigolds and zinnias, petunias are less drought tolerant. If you have little free time and energy, then it’s better not to take on planting it.

Of course, the list of annual and perennial flowers that can be used to decorate flower beds could be continued. There are a large number of their types, which differ in the play of colors and shapes. We have reviewed with you the most popular and frequently used in the country.

Now let's talk about flowers that can be planted in flowerpots. It's no less attractive.

Vases - an alternative to flower beds or an addition?

If near your country house there is a lot of land, then planting flower beds and making flower beds will not take much effort. However, what to do when there is a desire to somehow decorate areas covered with concrete paths or tiles? Or somehow decorate the gazebo, steps or balcony? In all these cases, a simple and rational decision- landing in flowerpots. Literally a few flowerpots can turn a gray landscape into a blooming garden. So, what species can be planted in flowerpots in the country? Let's look at some of the features of such plants.

Features of growing flowers in flowerpots

Flowerpots or containers are convenient and practical. They can be placed literally anywhere in the garden, on the edge of the bench, along the paths or around the pool. If you want to change the combination, then you do not need to dig up the beds, you can simply move the flowerpot from one place to another. But there is one “but” here: not all types of flowers will suit a place that is in the shade. For this reason, one should be prudent.

From different compositions, you can create impressive cascades. To do this, you must first create several levels from a variety of or the same type of pots. When planting them, you need to select the size, shades and think about how certain flowers will contrast. You can also use shelves, steps and even hanging structures. It should also be noted that a plant that grows in a flowerpot has striking differences from those that grow in open ground. So here are the main differences:

  • The root system of one kind or another will feel great in a limited space.
  • Such plants easily tolerate drought or excess moisture, which makes them more hardy.
  • Flowering takes place throughout the season. As soon as some buds fade, new ones grow.

As for the care of such flowers, they usually require less attention. For this reason, you can consider planting in flowerpots in the country as an option, in case you do not like to equip flower beds. Now let's talk about suitable varieties for flowerpots.

Selection of varieties for flowerpots

If you undertook to make a combination of flowers, then choose different colors, according to the type of stem and their height / splendor. As a rule, two or three species are planted in large flowerpots. In the center of the flowerpot should be placed high or focal. As for the edges, the background ones should be located on them. Curly and falling plants can be planted harmoniously around the perimeter or circle. If your container is located near a wall, then it is understandable that tall plants should be planted near the wall, and low ones in the foreground.

Focus flowers in the spotlight!

One of the unpretentious flowers that can fulfill this role is the lushly blooming pelargonium. In most cases, it is known as geranium. It has a wide range of shades ranging from pale pink to deep burgundy. To support them, it is enough to feed them with humates two or three times during the summer. In general, they do not require special care.

Another focal option is a semi-double or terry aster. Its flowering period is quite long. If you plant them in flowerpots, it is best to purchase medium-sized or dwarf varieties. Their height can reach up to 50 centimeters. The only rule of their maintenance is the need for the sun. Therefore, a flowerpot with asters should be placed in a place where direct sunlight falls.

If we talk about annual focal flowers, then dahlias can be distinguished here. Plant height can be from twenty centimeters to fifty. They are perfect for creating a unique and beautiful combination in a flowerpot, for group plantings or single. Very often you can find dahlias that serve to decorate the porch.

Background flowers as a border!

Often pansies are called violet or viola. They are delicate and multi-colored grow up to 25 cm in height. If tall plants are already planted in the flowerpot, then pansies will be the perfect complement to create a separate composition.

Another bright representative- ageratum. It has a variety of colors: white, lilac, burgundy and purple. It can be perfectly combined as a frame with asters or dahlias. Their height reaches thirty centimeters. Ageratum can be used to create contrasting compositions. This flower is absolutely unpretentious and easily tolerates drought, but it is best not to put it in the shade. This plant is sun-loving.

In May and June, Iberis can be used as a flowerpot decoration. It can serve as a reliable replacement for other flowers that are already fading by this point. Although this lush plant loves the sun, it also grows well in the shade. Also feels good in a flowerpot.

If you want flowerpots to give you a wonderful and sunny mood, then be sure to plant a white and yellow limnantes. Its flowers are very small and resemble suns that illuminate everything around. Limnantes can be used as a background with red or blue colors of the focal plan.

Well, how can you not do without a hybrid vervain, which reaches a height of thirty centimeters. The bush of this plant looks alive and colorful thanks to the petals of the inflorescences framing the white speck. Ideal for creeping compositions.

Curly and flowing flowers for flowerpots

For decorating verandas and balconies, petunias are ideal. This plant is rich in diverse shades ranging from snow-white to bright red and deep purple. With the help of petunias, you can create unthinkably beautiful combinations of colors and shades.

Also a great option would be a variety of varieties of fuchsia, which can be planted in flowerpots in the country. Falling and ampelous flowers can create an amazing combination of pink and red. Very often they are used to decorate or decorate gazebos / balconies. In most cases, preference is given to hybrid fuchsias.

With focal flowers, you can perfectly combine bright cornflower blue flowers of lobelia. There are other shades, such as white, red or purple. With the help of lobelia, you can make a single-color frame.

Positive and the sun will be able to give you nasturtium. In addition to a beautiful addition to flowerpots, nasturtium can also be useful for pest control. This plant is very popular in the north and in the middle lane. This is mainly due to their unpretentiousness.

Also a great option would be scaevola, which is suitable not only for containers and flowerpots. With its help, you can create excellent flyers, as this plant is a ground cover.

So, there are a large number of other plants that can be planted in flowerpots or containers in the country. We have listed the most unpretentious, with which there will be the least problems. As a care, it is enough to water them in a timely manner, as well as to loosen the soil. In this case, they will delight you with lush flowering. Please note that some varieties can be fed with mineral fertilizers. They are sold in the form of granules or solutions.

In general, having flowers in the country is not a burden. When creating a beautiful combination, you can enjoy the beauty of blooming plants for a long period of time.

For landscaping private territory often used flowering perennials. The range is wide enough to choose plants in accordance with personal preferences and decorate the backyard with style and taste. Today, the site about the farm has selected for you the most favorite perennial flowers for a summer residence- a photo with names, a catalog and a small summary for each plant.

Perennials for decorating a summer house

Catalog of the best perennials for summer cottages - names, descriptions and photos

With experience, each gardener has his own list of favorite perennial flowers to decorate the site. Such a catalog usually includes the names of plants that are highly decorative, but do not require complex care. Most of them love the sun and well-drained soil. Consider the perennials most often found in the folk "catalog", the beauty of which will help to appreciate carefully selected photographs.

Alyssum / lobularia

When choosing an alissum for planting in the country, it is important to remember that this plant has a high love for the sun. The flower perfectly tolerates dry summers, is able to survive even frost down to -10 ° C without consequences.

Pictured is a perennial called alyssum

As you can see in the photo, lobularia is low groundcover with small flowers. The color depends on the variety. Planting a perennial alyssum in the country makes it possible to enjoy flowering and sweet aroma from early summer to late autumn.

Alyssum two colors


The photo shows a flower called anemone. The plant is a mandatory item in the catalogs of summer residents who value tenderness, brightness and sophistication.

Anemone for giving

Of the two varieties - tuberous and rhizome - the latter are easy to care for. Basic requirements for all varieties of anemones: partial shade, light, nutritious and well-drained soil.

photo of anemone

Pansies/ viola

The name "pansies" is known to every gardener. This perennial flower is included in most catalogs of favorite ornamental crops for summer cottages. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that wintering is difficult for him.

In the photo pansies

It is necessary to provide good shelter for the period of frost. Pansies bloom beautifully only in unshaded space, in non-flooded loamy soil. The photo shows different varieties of viola.



Astilba for the original design of the cottage

Among the approximately 400 varieties, you can choose from options with different colors and heights. A plant with the name astilba blooms all summer, which indescribably pleases summer residents and gardeners. She prefers shady areas, does not tolerate periods of drought.


In autumn, most summer cottages in our country are decorated with magnificent perennials called asters. Lush flowers do not fade until frost. The photo shows part of the color spectrum covered by this ornamental plant.

In the photo are magnificent asters

Gardeners create flower beds from asters in the form of carpets, borders and edging of flower beds. Only a sunny area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cottage (maximum - partial shade) with fertile and permeable soil is suitable for this plant.

Asters in the country


Because of the leaves unusual shape(pictured) badan received the second name "elephant ears". This plant looks great in the garden. In addition to decorative, it has medicinal value - tea is brewed from dried leaves to strengthen the body.

Perennial - bergenia

Badan is included in the lists and catalogs of ornamental plants for shady areas of the garden - the bright sun does not tolerate well. For a plant with a weakly expressed root system, the lightness of the soil, regular moistening and top dressing are extremely important.


Pictured is a periwinkle

The ability to grow quickly is important to consider when planning a flower bed. The most common periwinkle with blue buds. Partial shade suits him best, the soil can be almost anything.



Colchicum is incredibly unpretentious, which was appreciated by many owners of cottages and gardens. However, this plus covers a significant drawback - short flowering (about 3 weeks).

In the photo, the colchicum is magnificent


loosestrife erect

There are two options for the color of the buds - yellow and red. The loosestrife loves the sun, feeding and needs regular watering. The rest of the plant is picky. The loosestrife hibernates without shelter.

ground cover loosestrife


One of the very first to bloom in the country is a perennial called hyacinth. This is an insanely beautiful flower, which is often grown for cutting. It strikes the widest range colors that represent culture.

Charming hyacinth in the country

Feeding and timely watering are very important for hyacinth. In the photo you can see spectacular view this perennial flower, loved by the owners of cottages and cottages.

Pictured is a hyacinth


Delicate gypsophila is included in the catalog of popular flowers for summer cottages

The plant tolerates winter well, but does not develop well in heavy soils and with irregular watering. The most delicate perennial flowers are shown in the photo.

pink gypsophila


A perennial flower called gladiolus is called upon to add sophistication to the design of the dacha. Usually when we are talking about this plant, photographs are not required for identification - its species is well known. Gladiolus loves the sun, but in the southern regions, the direct rays of the midday sun can destroy it. The plant must be protected from gusts of wind.


Gladiolus will grow well in the ground with organic fertilizer. The perennial looks great in combined plantings and as a mono-flower in the country.

In the photo, gladioli of different varieties

delphinium / larkspur

At one place in the country, the delphinium can grow up to 6 years. These cute flowers will decorate any site, add notes of tenderness and grace to the design. Experts advise planting the delphinium densely to make a lush flower garden.

Delphinium in the country

Special attention perennial watering should be given - it should be carried out strictly under the root to prevent diseases. Delphinium goes on sale with various titles varieties from which you can choose options to your liking.
Pictured is a delphinium


Honeysuckle bush in the country

All varieties produce fruits, but they are not always edible. Honeysuckle has found its way into the catalogs of many gardeners because of its unpretentiousness. The plant is able not to lose its decorative effect and bear fruit anywhere in the country, growing on any soil.

honeysuckle fruits


Liana with delicate flowers attracts many summer residents. Its name is clematis. Perennial needs well-drained soil, it is better if it is sandstone.

Clematis as a gate decoration in the country

Flooded low-lying areas are categorically not suitable. In one place, clematis grows for several years in a row, the flowering of the plant is long. For the winter, perennials need to be covered.

Pictured is a charming clematis

bathing suit

The delicate yellow flowers that you see in the photo are a bathing suit. It perfectly decorates summer cottages of any format. The bathing suit needs a shaded place and fertile soil is well moistened.

In the photo, a gentle bathing suit for a summer residence


Purchased in photo

For this perennial, you should choose a shady area, since bright sunlight is detrimental to it. Worth noting are the excellent medicinal properties bought.

Purchased for registration of a summer residence

Lily of the valley

Lilies of the valley in the country

It is important to remember that lily of the valley is a fast growing perennial.


In the photo - perennial lupine

It is unpretentious, but feels better in acidic soil. The more fertile the soil, the more magnificent the lupine will bloom.



Euphorbia is loved by many summer residents and gardeners. For him, you need to choose a sunny area with light soil. The photo shows that spurge in the country will not create bright accents and saturation, but it does an excellent job of playing the role of background plants.

In the photo, the original spurge


Gorgeous delicate flowers called muscari are extremely popular among summer residents. The culture is used for rocky beds, borders and for the edges of flower beds.

Muscari on suburban area

The perennial is unpretentious, so it got into the catalogs of popular ornamental plants for busy summer residents. With regular watering, the spring flower will delight with decorativeness and a pleasant musky aroma.



There is probably no reason to talk a lot about this perennial plant, because every summer resident knows it very well. The flower goes well with other spring flowers in flowerbeds of various sizes.

In the photo perennial - narcissus

The photo shows different varieties of culture, of which there are many.



Blue delicate flowers of forget-me-nots will decorate any cottage. The perennial falls into the catalog list of the gardener's favorite ornamental plants for the most part because of its special unpretentiousness. When growing forget-me-nots in the country, attention should be paid only to watering: forget-me-nots fade in dry soil.

Delicate forget-me-nots for decorating a summer house


As you can see in the photo, a culture called nivyanik is a large meadow chamomile. Many gardeners love this flower, so they willingly plant it on their site. Nivyanik is resistant to various twists and turns of nature, it grows best in open areas.


Watering should be done carefully, as stagnant water can destroy the plant. Up to 7 years, you can grow cornflower in one place.


Peonies have many positive characteristics, in addition to incredibly beautiful and fragrant flowers. This perennial can live without transplanting to a new place for decades. Peony must be protected from wind, waterlogging and lack of nutrients. It is prone to growth.

Pictured is a pink peony


In the photo rudbeckia

In the photo with the naked eye you can see its resemblance to daisies. Depending on the variety, the color can be completely different. Rudbeckia grows up to 5 years in one place in any soil.

In the photo rudbeckia


perennial - phlox

They thrive in heavy soil. Even with minimal care, phloxes delight with their beauty. They need sunlight and protection from gusts of wind.



It is impossible not to mention among the perennial flowers for giving chrysanthemums. They become a magnificent decoration of the dacha and are often grown for cutting.

On the photo of chrysanthemums

In order for chrysanthemums to have such an attractive appearance as in the photo, it is necessary to plant them in fertile soil not in the shade and provide regular moisture to the roots. To increase the splendor, pruning is carried out.

A variety of chrysanthemums are often planted in summer cottages

Considered perennial flowers for giving - a photo with names (catalog) - will help you create a unique atmosphere on your site. Fences for giving: photos and useful tips

  • Many owners of private houses occupy the land on their site only in beds. Not everyone thinks that in addition to healthy vegetables, you can give yourself and others real aesthetic pleasure all season long. Luxurious flowers in the front garden and flower beds will delight the eye, fill the air with a pleasant aroma. With a minimum of effort to land perennials, after just one season, you can admire stunning compositions.

    Features and benefits of perennial flowers on the site

    There are many types of beautiful and unpretentious perennial flowers. Herbaceous perennials will take root perfectly in the country. They are well adapted to any climate, withstand frost, do not need to be transplanted in the cold season. Bulbous varieties will also do well in the garden. Some types of flowers must be taken out of the ground after flowering and planted in the soil in the fall. Thanks to forced displacement, new original glades can be created every year.

    A distinctive feature of perennial plants is a long vegetative period. Tall greens bloom in mid-summer. Mysterious mallows and sunflowers planted along the perimeter of the yard, along the fence, will give any site a fabulous look. A universal option for decorating paths of several acres is medium-sized flowering perennials. From undersized plants often form alpine slide. Almost all plants of this group need drained soil.

    Many flower growers choose perennials for their site for the following reasons:

    • Bloom throughout the summer season;
    • They winter well, they are frost-resistant;
    • Require minimal care;
    • Resistant to diseases, pests;
    • From one plant during transplantation, you can create several new flower beds.

    Perennial flowers are the most suitable option for giving. They are divided into varieties and types. Each plant differs in intensity of flowering, size, color, shape and other factors. Choice flower varieties depends on the personal preferences of the gardener, free area for flower beds, soil characteristics and other factors.

    Before creating a flower garden in rustic style it is necessary to carefully study the types of popular unpretentious perennials, biennials. Plants must match the method of watering, fertilizing and mixing. You should also sort the flowers into sun-loving and shade-tolerant. You should also consider the visual combination of shades of flowers.

    It is always a pleasure to observe the stunning color of plants in a meadow or in your garden. Particularly pleasing to the eye spring bloom when the snow has just melted and ringing drops sound. Early garden flowers enliven the entire site, notify of the onset of warm days. Having once planted a perennial, you can enjoy the beauty of the bud for several years with the onset of spring. the main task- choose the right types of plants for your flower beds.

    Most lovers of early flowers prefer to plant bulbous varieties. This species is widespread, has a huge number of plants. Bulbs are planted in September. Around April, the first shoots of snowdrops, irises, crocuses, muscari and others appear. The further south the region is located, the earlier tender spring bells will peek out of the soil.

    Less popular among flower growers are early herbaceous plants. Thanks to the excellent appearance deserve a place on any site. They are able to stay fresh and green for a long time, resist diseases well, and can overwinter in any soil. You can plant them with seeds or seedlings. Almost all species are placed in the ground in the spring, when it warms up well. In warm regions, landing can take place in the fall. Most popular species: periwinkle, primrose, hellebore.

    Such plants begin to bloom in late July and continue to show off until the first frost. You can extend the flowering holiday on the site if you create a composition of late-flowering specimens and summer perennials with brightly colored leaves. The main role in such flower beds is most often played by asters, gelenium, chrysanthemums.

    Depending on the variety, late flowering herbaceous flowers can delight site owners with bright colors from several weeks to several months. They come in various shapes and sizes, single-color and multi-color. The flower can be placed on a single stem or grouped in a bush.

    Bulbs of late flowering will look great in any flower bed. They are planted in April, May. Many varieties were bred in warm countries, so they do not tolerate cold well, they die in open ground. You can save plants by temporarily transplanting the decoration into a flower garden, a tub.

    For an experienced gardener, low-growing, long-flowering perennials are a versatile tool. They perfectly coexist with all crops in the garden, fit well into any landscape composition. From them you can make flowering borders and other delimiting elements. Almost all varieties throughout the season delight gardeners with their flowering. They perfectly preserve the borders of the flower bed for several years. They are usually placed in the foreground of flower beds. ampelous plants feel good in hanging pots.

    Low perennials are divided into undersized, dwarf and ground covers. The latter grow in a dense carpet, spread along the ground. The stems of other subspecies can reach 60 centimeters. It is better to plant undersized plants in dense groups. This way they look more impressive. To extend lush bloom, it will be necessary to remove dried branches in a timely manner, enclose the composition with stones, use only drip irrigation. Sometimes there are poisonous varieties.

    The flowers of this group are very diverse. They differ in the shape of the leaves, the size of the flowers, the splendor of growth and other features. The only unifying factor is height. The stems of such perennials can reach 1.5 meters. The flowering schedule for all plants is different. Some retain their size throughout the growing season, others grow due to the appearance of peduncles.

    Some tall flowers replace beautiful flowering with equally attractive fruiting. They have a place in any composition. Tall perennials look good at the windows of the house, in the front garden, along the hedge or fence. With their help, you can beautifully zone the site. The flowers make a stunning backdrop for low-growing plants and look great by the pond.

    Many types of perennials grow from seeds. Unlike annual beauty, they can be planted all season. The absence of restrictions on planting dates is associated with a varied flowering period (from 2 to 6 years). When choosing seeds, consider the characteristics of the region and the type of plant. Some species sprout directly in the ground, while others accept the first landing exclusively in a separate container.

    Seedlings of delphinium, catchment area, carnations are planted already in March. Bell seeds are not dipped deep into the ground, leaving them in the light. Armeria should be pre-soaked in water for 10 hours. In May, June, you can sow perennials right in open ground. It should be remembered that the seeds of such plants quickly lose moisture and require daily watering. When choosing seeds, you should definitely know how to plant them.

    You can use the following hints:

    • visual inspection. The hard shell indicates the need for germination in a warm place;
    • Germination percentage. Each package of seeds has this information. For a gardener, this is very useful information;
    • Sorting before sowing. You can remove empty seeds by blowing on the spread out specimens. The empty ones will fly away from the air pressure;
    • Hybrids or regular varieties. If there is a need to harvest seeds, the first option is not suitable. Hybrid varieties, although they are distinguished by abundant flowering, are absolutely not suitable for seed production.

    When buying seeds of perennial flowers in a store, you should definitely study their sowing qualities. They must be clean and with a good degree of germination. Important indicators are germination energy, humidity, susceptibility to diseases.

    Rules and methods of landing

    For the normal development of plants, it is necessary to create certain acceptable conditions. Each type of perennial flower has its own growing characteristics. For example, alpine street edelweiss grows well in clayey, calcareous soil, does not tolerate sandstone, in which asters, gazanias, and carnations surprisingly bloom.

    Perennials live quite a long time. In the spring in the village, they are among the first to let greenery, and in the fall they continue to give magnificent color and aroma. Some species are valued for their unusual leaf shape. Plants have inconspicuous flowers, but occupy one of the main places in the flower garden. Each perennial variety should be planted taking into account many factors.

    bulbous varieties

    The optimal period for planting bulbous perennials is the beginning of autumn. Pre-prepared beds must be left fallow for several days. During this time, all nearby weeds should be destroyed. Before lowering the bulbs into the ground, it must be thoroughly dug up and fertilized.

    Small-bulbous plants are planted in the first autumn. To improve germination before planting, they are kept for several hours in a solution of potassium permanganate. So that the bottoms of the plants do not rot, paths of sand are laid under the bulbs. Crocuses, Muscat, Scylla are planted at a depth of 8 centimeters. Snowdrops, white flowers and daffodils need a deeper hole - 15 centimeters.

    In mid-October, frost-resistant tulips are planted. You can carry out the procedure earlier, but only when the soil temperature is at around 10 degrees. Flowers should be well rooted before frost. Healthy bulbs can be planted directly in the ground or in a special box. The container method was approved by many gardeners - it is easier to replant the plant at the end of the growing season, the sides reliably protect the roots from pests.

    lilies of the valley

    The forest plant grows well on personal plot. When planting, it must be borne in mind that pretty flowers do not accept neighbors in the form of other plants. They plant bushes with pearls near the windows, at the entrance to the porch, away from flower beds and other vegetation. There are two landing methods - late autumn And in early spring. Experienced gardeners recommend planting primrose in the ground in September, October.

    The main task is to choose right place. It should be shady with little light. Flowers can be identified under the spreading crowns of trees. The future territory of snow-white bells should be well hidden from winds and drafts.

    Lilies of the valley are planted in prepared, fertilized soil. Grooves are made according to the size of the rhizomes. Then the plants are placed in the pits in an upright position, at a distance of at least 10 centimeters from each other. After planting, the ground must be watered. If shade plants are placed in the ground with a bud, they will bloom the very next year.


    Garden chamomile will decorate any landscape. Flower herbaceous perennial more common white color, but can be blue, pink, blue, yellow. Successful cultivation depends on the correct selection of varieties. The most popular types are as follows:

    • Princess. The variety is characterized large flowers, up to 15 centimeters in diameter and a long stem. Used to create bouquets;
    • Alaska. large-flowered unpretentious plant drought tolerant. Begins to bloom at the end of August;
    • Silver princess. It has small white flowers. It is used for group plantings. Blooms from mid-summer to the first frost;
    • Winner. White flowers 8-10 cm. Blooms 2 years after transplanting into the ground. Great park option.

    Chamomile is planted in several ways: by seeds, seedlings, dividing the bush. Either option will require slightly acidic soil, and sunny place. Breeding a light-loving garden perennial should be started in the spring, at an air temperature of at least 15 degrees.


    The perennial plant takes root well in a new place, easily propagated by seeds or by dividing the shrub. Suitable open area or partial shade. It is preferable to plant echinacea in light sandy soil. land with hyperacidity must first be treated with lime. Of the many varieties, the most popular is Echinacea purpurea. It is distinguished by a high dense stem (up to 1 meter), the presence of green, burgundy basal leaves.

    The planting process can be carried out in autumn or spring. Hybrid varieties reproduce only by division. For the rest, seed planting in open ground or prepared containers is quite suitable. By placing the seeds in the ground in late autumn, abundant shoots can be seen in the spring. A winter-hardy plant will bloom after a year.

    In order for flowers to appear in the year of planting, it is necessary to prepare seedlings. You can start already at the end of winter. The seeds soaked in water are transferred to a wooden box with earth, covered with a film and provided with constant moisture.


    Graceful and mysterious, one of the most conspicuous plants in the flower garden, require careful selection of neighbors. They can be grown from bulbs or seeds. In the latter case, the plants do not get sick, they are less attacked by pests. Of the negative points, a long period from sowing to flowering (5-6 years) can be noted.

    Most gardeners grow lilies from bulbs. You can put them in the ground in autumn, spring. It is best to do this in October to get early flowering and allow the plants to take root before the onset of cold weather. The only reason for planting in the spring is to change the site.

    Multi-colored lilies should be planted only in drained soil, taking into account being in one place for more than 4 years. The biggest danger to bulbs in the garden is moisture stagnation. The land before planting and when the first shoots appear should be treated with fertilizers. Large bulbs are placed in the ground at least 15 centimeters, small ones are enough 5-10 cm.

    When planting, you must follow the rules for plant height. For low varieties, the soil along the paths or in the center of flower beds is suitable, the highest place is in the middle of the site.


    The plant is represented by many varieties. Various shades of flowers occupy place of honor in flowerbeds in city parks and gardeners' plots. The culture is well accepted in neutral, fertile soil. Acidic soil needs to be treated dolomite flour or lime.

    A flower bed with a delphinium is best placed under the most scorching sun. The place should be calm, as the perennial stems are very tall and thin. Culture can be propagated in several ways:

    • Division. Transplantation can be carried out when the delphinium does not bloom. It is better to do this 8 years after the first planting, otherwise the plant will weaken and hurt. When cutting off fragments, one should not touch the kidneys; all damage should be sprinkled with crushed coal.
    • Seeds. This method is used if there is no mature plant on the site. You can ensure good survival and germination of seeds by placing them in the cold before planting. Then the seed is sent to a container with peat. Sprouted shoots are transferred to open ground in May. The minus of seed propagation is a high probability of losing varietal differences.
    • Cuttings. The most time-consuming, difficult way. The mother bush practically does not suffer, and the cuttings take root perfectly, retain varietal characteristics. Shoots of only young plants are suitable. They must be no shorter than 5 centimeters. Hollow fast-growing stems are cut at the rhizome, preventing infection.


    Spreading lush plant grows well in the shade, loves moist soil. It looks spectacular throughout the garden season. For rapid growth, the culture does not require a lot of light. The rate of its development depends on sufficient heat and moisture. Grades are divided into high and low.

    The most familiar and easiest way to land is to divide the bush. The dug bush is freed from leaves and disassembled into individual elements. Young plants with buds are suitable for planting. The non-functional rhizome is removed. Astilba planted in March will bloom in August.

    More fast way- Reproduction by renewal buds. The fused shoots are separated with a part of the rhizome, the sections are treated with ash. Then the plant is placed in drained peat, create Greenhouse effect. Astilba passes into open ground in the fall or spring of next year. The seed method is rarely used.

    Small plants bloom better in shade, partial shade. The bright sun negatively affects the leaves and the inflorescences themselves. An overabundance of fertilizers should be avoided, as the leaves and stem begin to draw all the nutrient juices, leaving the flower weakened. From ammonia mixtures should be completely abandoned.

    Seed planting involves the identification of shade-loving forget-me-nots only on flat ground, otherwise they will rise unevenly. For grafting, dense healthy segments are suitable, previously stood in water and taken root. Razlogaya root system perennial allows you to use the method of dividing in pots.

    Hot summer is hard to imagine without a lot of colorful flowers. They grow in meadows, parks, and private yards. All varieties need direct sunlight and thorough moisture. Cultures are divided into tall and short. When preparing a composition of summer flowers in a flower bed, it is necessary to take into account the height of the plants.

    Clematis, daylily, lilies, peony, lupins begin to bloom in June. In July, tuberous begonias, gerberas, hydrangeas, golden ball, lavender, hazel grouses open their buds. August is saturated with the aromas of gladioli, echinacea, cornflowers, stonecrops and others.

    Short day or late flowering plants show their beauty in autumn. This group is not as diverse as summer perennials, but includes enough species and varieties. A variety of cultures will brightly color any site against the general background of seasonal wilting. They differ in terms of flowering. Most pleases the eye in September, October, but there are also persistent beauties, the color of which continues until the first frost.