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Implementation period of the main educational program

The term of development of each level general education determines the implementation period of the main educational program appropriate level of education. If we talk about the main educational program of general education, then the structure is developed for 4 years (), if we talk about, the period for mastering this program is 5 years, if about complete general secondary general education - for 2 years.

The duration of educational programs is usually limited. For example, if in 2012 they began to introduce, either in accordance with the standards of primary general education, or with the standards of basic general education, then they approved and developed an educational program for the period 2012-2016 academic year.

Recommended Approach to Determining the Duration of Education Programs

Now we have come to understand that the educational program, as well as the standard of each level of general education, should be developed on an indefinite basis. Let's explain why this is so. New law on education does not establish the period of validity of the Federal State Standard. If we recall the old law on education, then it was stipulated that once every 10 years new educational standards are developed, and from this it followed logically that the duration of educational programs was 10 years. The new law does not provide for this, the standard is valid indefinitely, for life. Therefore, the educational program can be developed without specifying the years of its validity. Naturally, the changes that will be made may lead to the fact that the program will be too large in volume, then it is possible to approve the educational program of the corresponding level of education in new edition. Accordingly, the "Order on the approval of the main educational program of primary general education of the OU secondary school No. ___" should be issued without indicating the years. The educational program of the organization will live for a long time, taking into account changes and additions to it, until the new edition. This is the first approach, and for the purpose of economic benefit, it is recommended to follow this approach.

Other approaches to determining the duration of educational programs

Let's consider another approach - this is the development and approval of the main educational program for a certain period, for example, 2012-2016. At the same time, for those children who will come for the next academic year, it is already necessary to build an educational program taking into account this educational program, and approve a new educational program for the corresponding period, and carry out all the work that needs to be done when developing a new document. Therefore, if the educational organization does not provide for changes, the transition to new educational programs, the introduction of profiles, depth, and the like, it makes sense to develop an educational program without a deadline, without a period.

There is also a third approach, and it is completely wrong - this is when they say and show on title page educational program that the educational program is developed for one academic year.

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" Article 14 The main educational program is approved and implemented educational institution on one's own. The main educational program of an educational institution is developed on the basis of the relevant exemplary basic educational programs

Possible forms and content of educational programs in the framework of the transition to the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards elementary school. In one document, the following become interconnected: goals and planned results of training, education, development of students; syllabus and a system of extracurricular work; mechanisms for the formation of certain qualities (characteristics) of a student and a system for monitoring them.

When designing an Educational Program, it is necessary to: recognize the right of a general education institution to choose a CMD or a system of textbooks from a CMC (CS from a CMC); take into account the features of the EMC (CS from the EMC) and its possibilities for the implementation in the educational process of the fundamental core of the content of primary general education on present stage; analyze the conditions for implementing the principle of continuity of preschool and primary education between the EMC (SU from the EMC) of primary school and the corresponding programs (allowances) of preschool education.

Structure of the Educational Program explanatory note; the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education by students; syllabus; program for the formation of universal educational activities; programs of individual subjects, courses; program of spiritual and moral development, education; a program for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle; correctional work program; system for assessing the achievement of planned results.

Section 1. Explanatory note The creation of an explanatory note of the Educational Program provides for an analysis of the goals and objectives, the main conceptual and theoretical provisions standard, model provision about a general education institution and the corresponding teaching materials, in addition, a detailed analysis of the characteristics of the educational institution is expected. Structural components of the explanatory note: introduction; the goals and objectives of the implementation of the Educational Program, specified in accordance with the requirements of the Standard for the results of education; principles and approaches to the formation of the Educational Program; general characteristics of the Educational Program; composition of participants in the educational process of a particular educational institution; conclusion.

Section 2. Planned results. In accordance with the Standard, the planned results of mastering the Educational Program should: provide a connection between the requirements of the Standard, the educational process and the system for evaluating the results of mastering the Educational Program; be the basis for its development; act as a substantive and criterion basis for the development of work programs for educational subjects and educational literature, as well as for the system for assessing the quality of mastering the Educational Program by students in accordance with the requirements of the Standard. When conducting an analysis, you can use the following indicators: personal results; meta-subject results (regulatory UUD, cognitive UUD and communicative universal learning activities; subject.

Section 3. Curriculum The compulsory part determines the composition of the compulsory subjects, the study time allotted for their study. The variable part of the curriculum (grades 2-4) can be used for a more thorough study of compulsory subjects, the study of other subjects; conducting elective classes project activity, practical and laboratory classes, excursions, etc.); A separate part of the curriculum is extracurricular activities.

Section 3. Curriculum The compulsory part determines the composition of the compulsory subjects, the study time allotted for their study. The variable part of the curriculum (grades 2-4) can be used for a more thorough study of compulsory subjects, the study of other subjects; conducting optional classes (project activities, practical classes, excursions, etc.); A separate part of the curriculum is extracurricular activities (for its organization, various forms are used: excursions, circles, sections, round tables, conferences, debates, school scientific societies, olympiads, contests, competitions, search and Scientific research, public benefit practices. The possibilities of educational institutions of additional education, culture and sports are being realized).

Section 4. The program for the formation of universal educational activities of students Should contain: a description of the value orientations of the content of education at the level of primary general education; connection of universal educational activities with the content of educational subjects; characteristics of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal learning activities of students; typical tasks of the formation of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative universal educational actions; description of the continuity of the program for the formation of universal educational activities in the transition from preschool to primary general education. The basis for the definition of universal educational activities are: Exemplary program, teaching materials and the planned results of the development of the Educational program. In this part of the Educational Program, it is important to indicate the typical properties of the methodological system of teaching materials that have a direct impact on the quality of the formation of UUD (for example, completeness, instrumentality, interactivity, integration).

Section 4. Program for the formation of universal educational activities of students - program objectives; - value orientations of the content of education at the level of primary general education. Characteristics of personal results, regulatory, cognitive, communicative UUD of students. As part of the main types of UUD, corresponding to the key goals of general education, four blocks can be distinguished: personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative. Typical tasks of the formation of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative UUD. Mechanisms for linking UUD with the content of academic subjects.

Section 5. Programs of individual subjects, courses must contain: an explanatory note; general characteristics subject, course, description of its place in the curriculum; description of the value orientations of the content of the subject; the results of mastering a specific subject, course and its content; thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students; description of the material and technical support of the educational process.

Section 6. The program of spiritual and moral development and education of students (Program of education). The educational program is designed to ensure the spiritual and moral development of students in the unity of classroom, extracurricular and extracurricular activities, in the joint pedagogical work of an educational institution, family and other institutions of society. The program should contain a list of the planned results of education - the formed value orientations, social competencies, behavior patterns of younger students, recommendations on the organization and current pedagogical control of the results of classroom and extracurricular activities aimed at expanding horizons, developing a general culture. The standard defines the areas of extracurricular activities (sports and recreation, spiritual and moral, social, general intellectual, general cultural).

Section 7 Healthy and Safe Living Culture Program (Health Programme) The health program must be comprehensive program formation of knowledge, attitudes, personal guidelines and norms of behavior that ensure the preservation and strengthening of physical, psychological and social health. When designing a Health Program, it is necessary to use interrelated directions, values ​​and planned results of the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle.

Section 7. The program for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle (Health Program) The main directions of the formation of a healthy lifestyle: the formation of a value healthy lifestyle life; creation of a health-saving infrastructure of an educational institution; rational organization of the educational process; organization of physical culture and health-improving work; implementation of additional educational programs; educational work with parents (legal representatives).

Section 8. The program of corrective work It is created when organizing the education and upbringing of children with disabilities in an educational institution. handicapped health. It is aimed at ensuring the correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development children with disabilities (HIA) and assistance to children of this category in mastering the Educational Program.

Section 9. Designing a system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of the development of the educational program The system for assessing the achievement of the planned results of the development of the EP should: fix the main directions and goals of the evaluation activity; orient the educational process; provide an integrated approach to assessing the results of mastering the Educational Program; provide for the assessment of the achievements of students and the assessment of the effectiveness of the educational institution; allow to assess the dynamics of educational achievements of students.

Internet - resources Site Federal state standard: Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education: /index.phphttp://fgos.isiorao.ru/fgos/FGOS-2010/index.php Exemplary basic educational program for primary general education: Requirements for the structure of the basic educational program for primary general education: / 2T/2T.phphttp://fgos.isiorao.ru/fgos/FGOS-2010/2T/2T.php GEF project of basic general education: The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen: Second generation standards and the implementation of the educational system " School-2100". Secondary school 135 of Kazan:

1. Educational programs determine the content of education. The content of education should promote mutual understanding and cooperation between people, nations, regardless of racial, national, ethnic, religious and social affiliation, take into account the diversity of worldview approaches, promote the realization of the right of students to freely choose opinions and beliefs, ensure the development of the abilities of each person, the formation and development of his personality in accordance with the spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​accepted in the family and society. Content vocational education and vocational training should lead to qualifications.

2. In Russian Federation on the levels of general and vocational education, on vocational training, the main educational programs are being implemented, on additional education- additional educational programs.

3. The main educational programs include:

1) basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education, educational programs of primary general education, educational programs of basic general education, educational programs of secondary general education;

2) basic professional educational programs:

a) educational programs of secondary vocational education - training programs for skilled workers, employees, training programs for mid-level specialists;

b) educational programs higher education- Bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs, programs for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate (adjuncture) studies, residency programs, assistant-internship programs;

3) basic vocational training programs - vocational training programs for the professions of workers, positions of employees, retraining programs for workers, employees, advanced training programs for workers, employees.

4. Additional educational programs include:

1) additional general education programs - additional general developmental programs, additional pre-professional programs;

2) additional professional programs - advanced training programs, professional retraining programs.

5. Educational programs are independently developed and approved by the organization implementing educational activities unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law.

6. Educational programs for preschool education are developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities in accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education and taking into account the relevant exemplary educational programs for preschool education.

7. Organizations carrying out educational activities according to state-accredited educational programs (with the exception of educational programs of higher education implemented on the basis of educational standards approved by educational organizations of higher education independently), develop educational programs in accordance with federal state educational standards and taking into account the relevant exemplary basic educational programs.

8. Educational organizations of higher education, which, in accordance with this Federal Law, have the right to independently develop and approve educational standards, develop the corresponding educational programs of higher education on the basis of such educational standards.

9. Exemplary basic educational programs are developed taking into account their level and focus on the basis of federal state educational standards, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law.

10. Exemplary basic educational programs are included, based on the results of the examination, in the register of exemplary basic educational programs, which is the state information system. The information contained in the register of exemplary basic educational programs is publicly available.

11. The procedure for developing exemplary basic educational programs, conducting their examination and maintaining a register of exemplary basic educational programs, features of the development, examination and inclusion in such a register of exemplary basic professional educational programs containing information constituting a state secret, and exemplary basic professional educational programs in areas of information security, as well as organizations that are granted the right to maintain a register of exemplary basic educational programs, are established by the federal executive body responsible for developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law.

12. Authorized state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are involved in the examination of exemplary basic general educational programs, taking into account their level and focus (in terms of taking into account regional, national and ethno-cultural characteristics).

13. The development of exemplary programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies is provided by federal executive authorities and federal state bodies in which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for military or other equivalent service, service in the internal affairs bodies, service in the troops national guard of the Russian Federation, exemplary internship assistant programs - the federal executive body, which performs the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of culture, exemplary residency programs - the federal executive body, exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of culture the healthcare sector.

14. Authorized federal government bodies in cases established by this Federal Law, exemplary additional professional programs or standard additional professional programs are developed and approved, in accordance with which organizations engaged in educational activities develop appropriate additional professional programs.

15. Authorized federal state bodies in cases established by this Federal Law, other federal laws, exemplary vocational training programs or model vocational training programs are developed and approved, in accordance with which organizations engaged in educational activities develop appropriate vocational training programs.

The procedure for the development and approval of the main educational program of basic general education

3.1. OOP LLC is independently developed and approved by the educational institution.
3.2. OOP LLC is developed on the basis of the Exemplary educational program of basic general education, this Regulation on the structure, procedure for developing, approving, implementing and adjusting the basic educational program of basic general education, as well as the Regulations on the work program in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC.
3.3. The school administration, members of the Methodological Council, teachers who are part of the working group for the development of the BEP LLC, members of the School Council participate in the development of the BEP LLC.
3.4. For the development of the OOP LLC, an order of the director is issued, in which the working group for the development of the OOP LLC is approved, terms are determined, and responsible persons are appointed.
3.5. The LLC developed by the OOP is approved by the pedagogical council and the order of the director.
3.6. When approving the OOP LLC, the details of the protocol of the pedagogical council, order are indicated on the title page.

3.7. The OOP LLC may be amended, supplemented and adjusted. Proposals for amendments or adjustments can be made in writing by methodological associations for consideration by the methodological council. The Methodological Council, having considered proposals for amendments or adjustments, submits proposals in writing for consideration and adoption by the Pedagogical Council.
3.8. After making changes and additions to the OOP LLC, it is re-approved. After accepting changes or adjusting certain provisions, the headmaster issues an order.
3.9. The implementation of the BEP LLC becomes the subject of implementation by all participants in the educational process.
3.10.OOP LLC is kept by the principal of the school. A copy is with the Deputy Director for Water Management. Also, the text of the OOP LLC is posted on the school website to familiarize students and their parents (legal representatives) as participants in the educational process with the document.

  1. Managing the implementation of OOP LLC
Management of the implementation of the BEP LLC is represented by collegiate bodies: school methodological associations of subject teachers, methodological council, school pedagogical council and School Council.

4.1. The School Council ensures the definition of educational requests from all participants in the educational process, the prospects for the development of the OEP LLC, contributes to their implementation by combining the efforts of teachers, students and their parents (legal representatives).
4.2. Pedagogical Council:

Considers and approves the OOP LLC, changes, additions to it.
4.3. Head teacher:

Approves the curriculum of the basic school for the current academic year;

Approves the work programs of subjects and courses;

Approves programs of extracurricular activities;

Provides strategic management for the implementation of OOP LLC;

Provides planning, control and analysis of activities to achieve positive results determined by the PLO LLC;

Creates the necessary organizational, pedagogical and material and technical conditions for the implementation of the OOP LLC;

Annually submits a public report on the implementation of the BEP LLC, ensures its placement on the website of the educational institution.
4.4. Deputy Directors for WRM:

Ensure the development of the OOP LLC in accordance with the regulation;

Organize the educational process on the basis of the PEP LLC at the level of basic general education;

Carry out control and inspection activities and analysis of the implementation of training programs;

Provide a final analysis and adjustment of the OOP LLC.
4.5. Deputy Director for BP:

Ensures the design and implementation of the system of education and socialization of students in the basic school;

Carries out the organization of educational activities;

Provides control and analysis of educational work

Ensures the development of programs for extracurricular activities of primary school students;

Carries out the organization of classes according to the programs of extracurricular activities of students of the main school;

Provides control and analysis of the implementation of programs for extracurricular activities of students of the main school.
4.6. The methodological council coordinates the efforts of various departments of the school to develop the scientific and methodological support of the OEP LLC.

The methodological council is called upon:

Provide a holistic analysis of the implementation of OOP LLC;

Contribute to the definition of strategic priorities of the OOP LLC;

Ensure the development and adjustment of the OOP LLC;

Analyze the process and results of the introduction of complex innovations in the educational process;

To study the activities of school methodological associations of subject teachers in the implementation of the BEP LLC.
4.7. School methodological associations of subject teachers contribute to the improvement of the methodological support of the BEP of the IEO:

Conduct a problem analysis of the results of the educational process;

Make proposals for changing the content and structure of academic subjects and educational and methodological support;

Carry out an initial examination of significant changes made by teachers to work programs;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the activities of an educational institution is carried out on the basis of assessments of the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education.

1 Including with mastered educational material from other areas of knowledge or with educational material studied in a different content context.

2 As a rule, such assignments are long-term projects with predetermined requirements for the quality of work, or criteria for its evaluation, during which the supervisory functions of the teacher are reduced to a minimum.

3 For example, What helps / hinders or What useful / harmful, what you like/dislike and etc.

4 In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, LLC, the assessment of the fulfillment of such tasks is carried out exclusively in order to assess the effectiveness of the activities of educational institutions using non-personalized procedures. Data on the achievement of these results can be accumulated in the student's portfolio of achievements, however, any use of them, including for the purpose of accrediting an educational institution, is possible only in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 17, 2006 "On Personal Data".

5 These results are given in the explanatory notes to the planned results for each educational or interdisciplinary program. In this edition, they are presented in the form of a summary explanatory note.

1. Educational programs determine the content of education. The content of education should promote mutual understanding and cooperation between people, nations, regardless of racial, national, ethnic, religious and social affiliation, take into account the diversity of worldview approaches, promote the realization of the right of students to freely choose opinions and beliefs, ensure the development of the abilities of each person, the formation and development of his personality in accordance with the spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​accepted in the family and society. The content of vocational education and vocational training should ensure the acquisition of qualifications.

2. In the Russian Federation, basic educational programs are implemented in terms of the levels of general and vocational education, in terms of vocational training, and additional educational programs in terms of additional education.

3. The main educational programs include:

1) basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education, educational programs of primary general education, educational programs of basic general education, educational programs of secondary general education;

2) basic professional educational programs:

A) educational programs of secondary vocational education - training programs for skilled workers, employees, training programs for mid-level specialists;

B) educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs, programs for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture), residency programs, assistant-internship programs;

3) basic vocational training programs - vocational training programs for the professions of workers, positions of employees, retraining programs for workers, employees, advanced training programs for workers, employees.

4. Additional educational programs include:

1) additional general education programs - additional general developmental programs, additional pre-professional programs;

2) additional professional programs - advanced training programs, professional retraining programs.

5. Educational programs are independently developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law.

6. Educational programs for preschool education are developed and approved by the organization carrying out educational activities in accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education and taking into account the relevant exemplary educational programs for preschool education.

7. Organizations carrying out educational activities in accordance with state-accredited educational programs (with the exception of educational programs of higher education implemented on the basis of educational standards approved by educational institutions of higher education independently), develop educational programs in accordance with federal state educational standards and taking into account the relevant exemplary main educational programs.

8. Educational organizations of higher education, which, in accordance with this Federal Law, have the right to independently develop and approve educational standards, develop appropriate educational programs of higher education based on such educational standards.

9. Exemplary basic educational programs are developed taking into account their level and focus on the basis of federal state educational standards, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law.

10. Exemplary basic educational programs are included, based on the results of the examination, in the register of exemplary basic educational programs, which is the state information system. The information contained in the register of exemplary basic educational programs is publicly available.

11. The procedure for developing exemplary basic educational programs, conducting their examination and maintaining a register of exemplary basic educational programs, features of the development, examination and inclusion in such a register of exemplary basic professional educational programs containing information constituting a state secret, and exemplary basic professional educational programs in areas of information security, as well as organizations that are granted the right to maintain a register of exemplary basic educational programs, are established by the federal executive body responsible for developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of education, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law.

12. Authorized state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are involved in the examination of exemplary basic general educational programs, taking into account their level and focus (in terms of taking into account regional, national and ethno-cultural characteristics).

13. The development of exemplary programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies is provided by the federal executive authorities and federal state bodies in which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for military or other service equivalent to it, service in the internal affairs bodies, service in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, exemplary postgraduate internship programs - the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of culture, exemplary residency programs - the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare.

14. In the cases established by this Federal Law, authorized federal state bodies develop and approve exemplary additional professional programs or standard additional professional programs, in accordance with which organizations engaged in educational activities develop appropriate additional professional programs.

15. In the cases established by this Federal Law and other federal laws, the authorized federal state bodies develop and approve exemplary vocational training programs or standard vocational training programs, in accordance with which organizations engaged in educational activities develop appropriate vocational training programs.