Wall painting is one of the most popular types of interior decoration. In order not to have to do repairs every year, you need to make sure that the coating holds well and retains a fresh, original look. It is for this that the walls are primed before painting.

Why prime the surface?

The main task of the primer is to prepare the wall surface for further application of various finishing materials, including

  1. Priming allows you to significantly save on paint, because by improving the adhesive properties of the surface, its consumption is noticeably reduced.
  2. Primer for walls for painting (the price may vary) increases the strength of the surface and protects it from moisture.
  3. Priming allows you to avoid the appearance of fungus, mold and other harmful bacteria, which, of course, is an indisputable plus. Wall treatment will not only help prevent this, but also get rid of an existing problem.
  4. The primer will be able to protect the surface from the appearance of stains.

What primer to choose for walls for painting?

The range of such products is great. Today, modern manufacturers offer their customers a variety of primers for walls for painting, differing in their characteristics and purpose.

Depending on the scope of the composition, several varieties can be distinguished:

  • Alkyd primers for walls for painting. They are mainly used for processing wooden bases or metal structures.
  • acrylic compositions. This is a versatile material, so it is suitable for processing any surface. This type of primer is able to penetrate 1 cm deep. Therefore, it is used for deep impregnation of the base.
  • Aluminum. Can only be used on wooden surfaces. Such compounds completely protect the wood from moisture, preventing the appearance of mold and fungi.
  • Polyvinyl acetate primers for walls to be painted. Used before painting certain surfaces and on concrete, wood or plastered surfaces.
  • silicate compounds. It can be used for processing brick walls, concrete surfaces or decorative plaster. Such a primer is deeply absorbed into the pores and cracks of the base, clogging them.
  • Epoxy. Used indoors to cover concrete walls.

Which primer is best?

When choosing which primer for painting walls is better, it is first of all recommended to decide what type of surface will be processed, since buying the wrong composition can harm the coating. It is important to read the instructions for the product. If necessary, you can consult with the seller, who will help you choose the most suitable option. In addition, it is advisable to pay attention to the manufacturer of the goods, the cost of the material and its technical characteristics. The deeper the penetration of the primer into the substrate, the better.

Primer for walls for painting with water-based paint. Composition reviews

Water-based paint is considered the most harmless and quick-drying type of coating. It can have any color, which is obtained by adding coloring pigments to the white mass.

Under water-based paint, acrylic or polymer primers are mainly used.

polymer primer

The polymer base includes polyvinyl dispersion, quartz sand, marble and dolomite flour. This type of primer for walls for painting with water-based paint does not contain harmful and volatile substances. In addition, it has high protective properties.

Among the shortcomings, one can single out a short service life and, during cooking, a rather large formation of foam.

Acrylic primer

Such a primer is considered the most common and versatile. It is used for various preparatory work and final surface finishing, including for painting with water-based paint. It is suitable for the following surfaces:

  • plasters;
  • brick bases;
  • porous mineral surface;
  • bases covered with plasterboard.

Finishing surfaces with an acrylic primer will allow you to apply paint with high quality and evenly distribute it. However, it is important to consider that such a solution cannot be used to treat a smooth and glossy surface. In addition, if there was mold or fungus on the material, then before processing with an acrylic solution, it is necessary to treat the base with an antibacterial mixture.

Before work, the acrylic primer can be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. Remember that the treatment should only be carried out on a clean and dry wall.

Varieties of acrylic primer

Acrylic primers, in turn, are classified depending on the purpose of the primer and the conditions of use.

  1. Deep penetration. Such a tool is able to penetrate deep into the base by almost 10 cm, while leveling it. This ensures minimal paint consumption.
  2. Universal. The agent increases adhesion, significantly improves impregnation and has high moisture resistance.
  3. Impregnating primer for walls to be painted with water-based paint.
  4. Special. It is used in special cases, for example, to increase the resistance of the surface to mold and fungi. Also, metal surfaces can be treated with a special primer to improve corrosion resistance. Under water-based paint, such compositions are rarely used.
  5. adhesive. Improves adhesion of the surface to the finishing material. Most often used on poorly absorbent and rough substrates.

Preparation for painting and the necessary tools

The method of applying the primer is universal and does not differ from the application of other finishing materials. Before applying the composition, the surface must be well cleaned of the old coating, cleaned, sanded and degreased. The number of primer layers individually, but not less than 2 times. To apply the coating, you will need the following tools:

  • capacity;
  • tassel;
  • roller;
  • spray.

Different tools may be needed for each individual case and specific task. For example, it is more convenient to apply the composition on a brick wall with a brush, and for a flat surface or for drywall walls, it is best to use a roller. A spray gun is also an excellent tool for priming, but it is used much less frequently, since it is difficult to clean the room after processing.

How is the priming of the walls for painting

Priming the surface before painting (water-based or any other paint) is a mandatory step. It is best to use a universal composition for this type of work. This type of primer has all the necessary properties and is great for treating any surface.

Primer for walls for painting (the price may be different) is applied in a certain sequence:

  • the first layer is applied to the surface;
  • the base is puttied;
  • a second coat of primer is applied.

Pour some solution into the tray. The roller is rolled over the container, all excess composition is removed. The work must be done carefully. Primer consumption is calculated as follows: 150 ml will be needed per 1 m 2. After a layer has been applied, it is advisable to wait 30-40 minutes to understand the level of absorption of the surface, as well as how many layers need to be done.

Painting the walls with water-based paint can only be started after the composition has completely dried.

Surface priming is an operation that precedes painting. The primer prepares the base for the subsequent application of finishing materials, protecting and strengthening it, improving adhesion.

Primer tasks:

  • improved adhesion of the paint to the surface,
  • foundation reinforcement,
  • leveling or reduction of absorbent properties,
  • binding non-adjacent parts of the base,
  • reduced consumption and uniform paint application,
  • protection against mold and mildew.

For priming, paints and special primers are used. Most often they are produced in relation to a specific material, for example, wood, plastered walls, metal. There are also preparations and paints for general use. The primer may be ready-to-use or in the form of a concentrate that must be diluted in certain proportions.

2 Tools

To work, you will need the following tools and additional materials:

3 Priming of walls inside the house and facades

When painting walls, the rule is obligatory - the base must always be stronger than the paint coating applied to it. Primer preparations are mainly applied to plaster or adhesive paint coatings. Their task is to bind numerous particles of dried paint or plaster mass, which improves the adhesion of paints and makes the base more uniform. They also reduce its absorbent properties, so that less paint is consumed during painting (usually only one coat of paint is enough after a primer). In rooms where there is high humidity, a water-repellent barrier is created on the wall surface. Primers can also be applied to drywall boards and bare exterior walls.

It is better to prime the walls at temperatures above +5 °C.

Fresh plaster can be primed only after 3-4 weeks.

The primer paint should be thoroughly mixed and, if necessary, diluted with a special agent recommended by the manufacturer for this purpose.


If you are not sure which product to choose - a special paint or a primer, conduct a simple experiment. Rub the wall with your finger. If after that a dirty mark remains, then this means that the wall must be primed before painting.

Facades are primed in the same way. It must be remembered that the work must be carried out on dry and not heated by the sun surfaces.

4 Primers for walls

Drugs are available on the market that perform several functions at the same time and are used in any climatic conditions. Their choice depends on the condition of the base and on the type of paint that will be used to paint the surface.

The most popular and at the same time universal are:

- primer-strengthening impregnations- most often these are aqueous dispersions of acrylic resin with additional substances. They strengthen the base and protect from moisture, while at the same time forming a vapor-permeable film. In addition to improving the adhesion of exterior paints, they also prevent spots on painted walls where discoloration can occur. Such impregnations are used for priming walls inside the house. They are used on gypsum boards, gypsum, cement-lime and lime plasters;

- primer acrylic and latex paints- Can be used for both indoor and outdoor use. Deeply absorbed into the wall and strengthens the surface. They are used as a primer for decorative emulsion and acrylic paints;

- solvent-based primer paints- these are products that are deeply absorbed into the surface, water-repellent, but highly flammable. Binds particles of plaster and dust on the surface of the walls. They do not retain water vapor absorbed and evaporated by the walls. Suitable for both indoor and outdoor work. They are used not only for priming plaster and painted surfaces, but also for wood and asbestos-cement slabs;

- primer acrylic varnishes- penetrate deep into the wall and have a high degree of water resistance. Bind dust particles on the wall surface and improve paint adhesion. Are applied to a primer of external walls;

- water silicate primers– designed for priming external lime, cement-lime plasters, sand-lime bricks and concrete. They can also prime old lime, cement-lime and silicate paints. Deeply absorbed into the pores without creating a mineralized coating on the surface;

- epoxy paints- most often two-component. The contents of both packages must be mixed before use. Dissolve in water. Are applied to a primer of concrete surfaces in rooms.

Do not mix drugs from different manufacturers. Despite the same purpose, often they differ in chemical composition. Mixing can lead to deterioration of properties, and even to their change.

5 Knotting

Wood is primed mainly to protect it from moisture and reduce its absorbency. Primers are absorbed into the pores of the wood, compact them and prevent the destruction of the decorative layer in case of deformation and expansion of the wood. Some preparations lighten the wood, which is of particular importance before varnishing old or previously repeatedly painted wooden surfaces.

Before painting wood, especially fresh wood, it is necessary to treat the knots and cover its surface with a primer.

Knot processing

Use a spatula to remove the resin from the knots. If after this the resin still appears, the knots should be heated with a heat gun and re-collect the leaked resin with a spatula.

The surface must be carefully sanded with sandpaper. The dust formed after grinding is best wiped off with a cloth soaked in solvent.

Cover the knots with a special insulating preparation or shellac, which will trap the resin flowing from them.

Coating with primers

Wood must be dry, smooth and clean before processing. It should not be greasy stains and smudges of resin. Oil from the tree can be removed with a nitro thinner or extraction gasoline.

The primer should be thoroughly mixed. If it is drying oil, then the first layer should be applied after diluting with extraction gasoline in a ratio of 1: 1.

The primer is applied with a brush. After treatment, the surface can be covered with paint the next day.

Primers for wood:

- drying oil- water-repellent drug, penetrates deep into the tree. It can be used for both indoor and outdoor work;

- acrylic primers- diluted with water, make the color of the base uniform. They are used before applying paints, stains, impregnations or before varnishing;

- alkyd primers- used for priming wood before painting it with latex or alkyd-oil paints;

- styrene primers- creates a film on the tree that improves the adhesion of exterior paints, and at the same time protects the tree from decay. Can be applied to external and internal works. They are an excellent base for alkyd and phthalic enamels;

- nitrocellulose primers- serve for applying a primer layer under floor varnishes. They protect the parquet from darkening thanks to the substances contained in the varnishes for outdoor use;

- oil phthalic primers- can be used not only for priming wood and wood materials, but also for metal and walls. Improve the adhesion of paints. They are applied to a tree previously treated with a primer, for example, drying oil.

6 Metal primer

The primer for metals is designed to protect them from corrosion, as well as to bind small contaminants deposited on the surface. The primer also provides more economical consumption of paint applied to the surface. Anti-corrosion and priming paints are used for metal priming.

Before priming, the metal surface must be cleaned of rust, dust and grease. For degreasing, for example, a detergent, solvent or ethyl trichloride can be used.

If there is old paint on the surface, it should be matted (scratched) with sandpaper or a special surface preparation.

If the old paint is in poor condition, it must be removed with an iron brush, an electric heat gun or a special preparation for removing old paint coatings.

The primer should be stirred and thinned if necessary.

It is applied with a brush or a spray bottle. The number of layers is determined by the manufacturer. Each subsequent layer should be applied after 2-4 hours.

The next day you can apply paint. If painting is done using nitrocellulose paints, then a minimum of 72 hours must elapse after applying the primer.

Some top coat paints have properties that do not require a primer on the base.

Priming preparations for METAL:

- priming alkyd enamels- their purpose is to protect the metal from rust and, consequently, from damage to the paintwork. Are applied as primers under paints for drawing on external surfaces. Often, they do not require very thorough removal of rust from the metal surface;

- priming polyvinyl-acrylic paints– designed for priming galvanized or aluminum surfaces. They have anti-corrosion properties. They can be used to paint surfaces covered with a small amount of rust;

- primer vinyl and polyvinyl paints- have anti-corrosion properties and improve the adhesion of exterior paints. Used on steel and cast iron;

- primer nitrocellulose paints- do not have anti-corrosion properties, but only improve the adhesion of exterior paints. Therefore, before application, the metal must first be coated with anti-corrosion paint. If it is aluminum or galvanized metal, then such enamels are applied as a layer that binds the oxidizing particles of these metals. Designed for subsequent staining with external nitroglycerin paints;

- priming anti-corrosion paints based on phthalic resins- are used as primers under phthalic, modified, nitrocellulose, polyvinyl or chlorinated rubber enamels. Protect against corrosion and improve the adhesion of external paints;

- primer acrylic paints- designed for priming metals with weak adhesion - zinc, aluminum. They do not have an anti-corrosion effect, but only improve the adhesion of external paints;

- priming chlorinated rubber paints- used on steel and cast iron. These primers protect against adverse weather conditions and rust. Used under chlorinated rubber and alkyd enamels;

- rust stabilizer- a novelty among primer paints for metal - has a deep penetrating effect. Can be applied directly on rust, isolates and stabilizes rust-damaged metal surfaces. It can be mixed with alkyd (glycero-phthalic) paints, solvent-based varnishes or glazes, increasing their anti-corrosion properties.

7 Primer for glass and plastics

The primer of glass and plastics is intended to provide a better adhesion of external paints. Primer preparations are applied in the same way as previously described materials.

Primers for glass and plastics:

- alkyd-based primer paints- are used for applying a primer coating on glass, ceramic tiles, plastic and metal;

- two-component epoxy primers– provide external paints with excellent adhesion to slippery surfaces of glass, ceramics and plastics.

Modern renovation trends are increasingly leaning towards wall painting as an alternative to wallpaper. Smooth and beautiful surfaces look incredibly stylish.

To achieve this result, before painting, you need to properly prepare the walls. An obligatory and very important stage is the treatment with a primer. It creates a thin film on the surface, which will ensure the uniformity of further staining. However, this process has its own characteristics, and if you are doing repairs yourself, be sure to study the rules for priming the walls before painting.

How to choose the right primer

On the market today you can find many types of priming mixtures that differ in their properties. According to the purpose of the primer for painting are as follows:

First you need to choose the right material for the upcoming work. You should pay attention to the price, manufacturer and technical properties of the material. The greater the level of absorption into the base will have a soil composition, the more effective it will be.

The most popular today is the acrylic type primer. It is considered universal and is used for internal and external work. If you have problems with the choice of soil material, then it is better not to risk it and opt for it.

Why treat walls

If you are doing repairs for the first time, you may have a question whether it is necessary to prime the walls before painting and why. In no case should this stage of finishing be skipped.

The primer before painting makes it possible to create a strong and reliable base for applying the coloring composition. This procedure makes the surface more durable, penetrating deep into its structure and forming a thin film on it, which provides the base with uniform moisture absorption. All this will eventually allow you to effectively paint the walls without any defects.

Construction products stores also sell antiseptic primers. Such compounds are designed to protect surfaces from the formation of fungus and mold due to dampness. Mold often occurs on puttied surfaces, because putty compositions do not allow wall structures to "breathe" and prevent excess moisture from being removed to the outside. Therefore, when a fungal plaque forms on the wall, it must first be treated with a special primer mixture of antifungal action, then dried and only then painted.

What happens if you refuse to prime the walls? At first sight, there is no difference between painted surfaces with and without primer. However, painting walls without a primer uses about 20 percent more paint.

It may also be difficult to repaint the walls. Paint applied to an unprimed substrate will have very poor adhesion to the surface. After applying a new paint layer, it will lag behind the finishing putty mixture in some places, and these areas will have to be processed again.

Mixing technique

In order to qualitatively produce a primer for walls for painting, it is recommended to seek help from experienced professionals, since priming is a rather difficult and lengthy process. However, if you want to do all the work yourself, then you must follow the following procedure:

When priming wall surfaces, you must follow safety rules. Wear gloves, goggles and a respirator for protection. In addition, work must be done in a room with good ventilation. The air temperature should not be less than 4-6 and not more than 24 degrees.

Treating the walls with a soil mixture before painting them is a mandatory process that provides the base with a low degree of hygroscopicity. It allows you to increase the decorative properties and service life of the coating.

Priming is a technological process in preparing a surface for applying various finishing materials to it. It is carried out by coating with a primer - a special composition that provides:

  • strengthening of surface layers;
  • decrease in absorbency;
  • increase of adhesive characteristics of the processed surface.

Certain types of materials help to increase the protective properties against corrosion, prevent the development of rot or inhibit the growth of mold and fungus.

Why do I need a primer on the walls before painting and puttying?

Coating the walls with a primer is one of the types of preparatory operations before the subsequent application of a putty or paint layer. The treated surface acquires a number of useful properties:

  1. The strength of the surface layers increases, the particles of the “chalking” structure of the wall are fastened.
  2. The absorbency is reduced, which helps to reduce the consumption of liquid covering material.
  3. Increases adhesion to most finishing products: metal, wood, concrete, brick, etc.
  4. It prevents the penetration of moisture into the treated surface, which, in turn, prevents the occurrence of dampness.
  5. The walls acquire antiseptic characteristics - mold does not form on them, fungus does not grow, rot does not appear.

Types of primers

Impregnation compositions are divided according to their purpose:

  • deep penetration (universal);
  • adhesive (adhering):
  • pigmented (colored);
  • antiseptic.

Universal composition

It is a composition of water and a group of organic substances - latex and acrylic. The state of aggregation is a liquid, which allows it to penetrate into the structure of the treated surface. When dried, organic compounds form a chain of copolymers in the form of a dense film.

Small solid particles, a “chalking”, dusty structure, stick together, and a single dense surface is obtained. In other words, a base is formed on which putty or paint and varnish composition fits well. In addition, it is convenient on such a surface - the glue has good adhesion to organic impregnation.

By varying the composition of the primer for painting walls, it is possible to enhance certain properties, that is, to obtain a liquid with the ability to penetrate deep into the surface by 5–10 cm, or to form a dense structure covered with an organic film.

Adhesive compounds

One of the well-known representatives of this type is a composition under the general name "concrete contact". Consists of organic copolymers, water and filler - fractional quartz sand. It has a number of advantages:

  • application on many materials is possible, - concrete, a brick, wood, paint and varnish coverings, putty, plaster;
  • forms a vapor- and moisture-proof coating;
  • creates a rough surface that has excellent adhesive properties.

Due to these characteristics, this type of impregnation has found application under tile adhesive, plaster and putty, including decorative coatings. For ease of use, color is introduced into the composition - this allows you to distinguish between places where the primer is not applied.

Pigmented composition

This type of coating, in addition to the properties of a universal primer, allows you to create the necessary color background on the surface. It's necessary:

  • uniform color scheme allows sticking thin translucent wallpapers;
  • a light surface is needed when applying "liquid" wallpaper;
  • a uniform color background is included in the technological chain of various decorative coatings, for example, when applying "Venetian plaster".

In addition, it allows you to apply light colors over a dark base - the primer "whitens", brightens the base.

Antiseptic impregnation

This type is used in places where temperature changes are possible, there is high humidity. Such external factors contribute to the formation of mold, fungus, organic material can begin to rot. Antiseptics can be used as independent formulations or they are introduced into traditional acrylic compositions.

The composition is applied to a previously prepared surface:

Since most types of primers are liquids with different viscosities, application is carried out using paint rollers or brushes. Betonkontakt is a paste-like consistency, so it is more convenient to use a spatula or a brush with a hard bristle.

How long does the primer dry before painting

The drying time of the applied composition depends on the absorbency of the substrate and the type of composition. When applying a universal impregnating type on dense concrete in one pass, the duration will be 1–3 hours. The same composition, but on plaster or putty, will increase the time to 2-5 hours.

Betonkontakt acquires its properties after 24-36 hours, depending on the substrate and the thickness of the applied layer.

What primer is better for puttying and painting

The choice of impregnation for walls depends on the applied material, the type and structure of the surface.

  1. Priming walls before painting with water-based or acrylic paint. Before application water-based or acrylic formulations on concrete, plastered, puttied or previously painted with similar compounds, surfaces, it is recommended to use liquid acrylic primers for painting.
  2. The same impregnating liquids can be used for puttying, but the bases must be dense and have good adhesion to them. In the presence of paint coatings, it is advisable to use concrete contact.
  3. Pigmented formulations used when leveling the general color background, - lightening the dark base. Suitable for paints and decorative coatings - wallpaper, plaster, putty.
  4. Antiseptic composition must be applied, regardless of the coating used, in the presence of temperature extremes and high humidity.

Primer cost

Average prices:

  • Betonkontakt Cerezit CT-19 5 kg costs 410–480 rubles / bucket;
  • Primer BRAVIY BRIGADIER Betonkontakt 6 kg, 700–780 rubles / bucket;
  • Latex primer for interior work Leningrad paints 10 kg, 950–990 rubles / canister;
  • Latex primer for interior work Leningrad paints 5 kg, 730–790 rubles / canister;
  • Primer moisture protection concentrate 1: 7 TEX Profi 0.9 kg, 150–1800 rubles/bottle;
  • Primer Primer Capital, pigmented, white, under wallpaper, 1 kg, 155–200 rubles / canister.

Summing up, the above - a primer is always necessary. This will create a strong reliable coating on the walls, which will last for decades.

Watch the video on how to properly prime the walls for puttying and painting:

How often do you wonder about the need for certain activities during repairs at home? I will never do something if I do not understand why it is necessary at all. And once again, having decided to paint the walls of my room, and not to glue the wallpaper as usual, I faced a completely understandable question: why do I need to prime the surface while preparing the walls for painting? An old friend, and part-time professional painter, Vadik, helped me figure out this issue. Since painting various surfaces is one of the most popular design options today, I will talk about do-it-yourself technologies and choosing a primer for concrete, plastic and drywall.

Wall primer

Purposes of application of primer solutions

Self-priming walls for painting

In fact, the primer plays a big role in the quality of repairs in your home. It is thanks to her that it is possible to extend the life of the finish and even improve its quality. It doesn't matter how expensive the paint you purchased is. If the base for it was incorrectly prepared, then no one will give you guarantees of a long service life. You should always properly prepare the walls, and then paint them with various paintwork materials.

Vadik explained to me in detail why it is necessary to apply primers for walls, and now I am sharing this information with you:

  • The main advantage of using primers before painting is the improvement of adhesion properties, that is, the adhesion of paint or other finishing materials to the surface.
  • If particles fall off the surface of the wall due to mechanical stress, the paint will not be able to cope with such a problem. That is why it is necessary to prime the base, connecting the particles to each other.
  • This measure allows to reduce the property of moisture absorption by the surface. Therefore, a primer is needed for plaster and putty
  • The primer allows you to reduce paint consumption during painting surfaces. This is very profitable based on the cost of paintwork
  • Stains that cannot be removed from the walls can seep through the paint layer, while worsening the appearance of the finish. Thanks to the primers, a film is created that does not allow such stains to pass through.

Important! Without priming the walls before painting, you will have to apply LKM at least two or even three layers. The primer, on the contrary, will allow you to paint the surface in 1 layer. So think about whether you should save on preparation in order to later spend on painting concrete, plastic, drywall or metal surfaces.

  • The use of water-repellent mixtures allows you to protect surfaces outside the house or in bathrooms, where there is always a high level of moisture.
  • Antifungal protection, which is available in many mixtures, protects the walls not only from the negative effects of water and moisture, but also from the manifestations of mold that accompany them.

Related article: We put the doors with our own hands

Thanks to fungicidal additives, the soil not only prevents the appearance of fungus, but also fights it in damaged areas.

Preparation for water-based paints and acrylic primers

Primer for walls for painting

Acrylic primer is applied before wood painting. Thanks to this composition, the protection of wood from negative influencing factors increases. Like other types, the acrylic mixture can significantly reduce the consumption of paint or varnish used, if you have any doubts, then before painting, calculate how much paintwork you will have to use when applied in 3 layers and in 1 layer. You can subtract the cost of the primer from the difference and get your savings. Acrylic mixture can be applied both by spraying and paint brushes.

If you decide to decorate the walls with water-based paint, then applying the primer before painting is considered a mandatory procedure. You can choose an alkyd or water-based primer for walls; in any specialized store, a sales assistant will help you decide on paint and primer.

Important! Painting walls with water-based paint is very common, due to the ease of application and low cost per paintwork material.

Using a primer before water-based paint has its advantages:

  1. Improved coating strength and service life
  2. As usual, adhesion increases
  3. Significant reduction in paint consumption

If you are priming the ceiling, then you need to use a brush, not a roller, since the second tool will not allow you to get into hard-to-reach places. The peculiarity of staining with water-based paint is that it consists of particles of polymers that dry evenly only thanks to a layer of soil.

Preparation of concrete bases, plastic and drywall

We prime the walls for painting with our own hands

Preparing concrete walls is also a must before painting or other types of finishing work. Due to the high level of porosity, concrete is able to absorb a large amount of moisture, which further accelerates the process of destruction of the material. The primer creates a protective layer for the concrete to prevent excessive moisture absorption. In addition, due to the smoothness of the coating, the adhesion of the wall with paint decreases, only soil can solve this problem.